Forum Replies Created

Page 9 of 10
  • Gordon Forbes

    June 9, 2004 at 11:04 pm in reply to: buffet

    This suit you


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 9, 2004 at 10:57 pm in reply to: vehicle graphics: jeff byard

    Might pinch that idea for sumthin looks really good.

    Dunno where you are in Scotland payads but it was nice an sunny most o today here

  • Gordon Forbes

    June 6, 2004 at 11:09 pm in reply to: anyone know what type of vinyl this is?

    Tried the email from that post an it came back unable to deliver ???


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 3, 2004 at 11:55 pm in reply to: Bits & Bobs

    cood be a fitumicallit or a thing for thining things.


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 3, 2004 at 7:04 am in reply to: How Loooonnnggg Should it Take ???

    No Big G YOU got that WRONG thats the MANAGER

    Dewi ! sore legs wi standin all day I actually used less vinyl as I changed the shadow layout and cut em for best fit on the roll couldn’t stand to see all that waste but as I’m not fitting it doesnt matter.

    Just got to try and make a decent 3 D looking flag from vinyl now.

    I don’t like seein em one flat colour

    Any Tips?

  • Gordon Forbes

    June 2, 2004 at 11:41 pm in reply to: How Loooonnnggg Should it Take ???

    Thanks for the info completed it in just under three days but I will be applying your method from now on. Also made a bit of a boob (can I say that here?) have to learn to weed and then apply the app tape after an not weed everything first ooops


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 2, 2004 at 11:29 pm in reply to: HOW DO YOU WEED??

    Bet you take ice in tnat as well Rob!!


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 2, 2004 at 11:20 pm in reply to: Font help required

    Looks like the flashes from the collars from the SS to me??


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 1, 2004 at 11:39 pm in reply to: HOW DO YOU WEED??

    For the saftey concious i use a bare stanley blade find it quickest and cut when I want while lifting and always worktowards the point of any curves etc.


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 1, 2004 at 7:11 am in reply to: UKSG I want to join

    I’m the same Rob I would like to see the benefits of joining the UK Signgroup I would like to be able to Join as I have started using ORACAL vinyl (first time for a big job I will be posting later when completed). I like the feel, cutting and weeding properties so far compared to what I have been using so far and will be using it in future an I want to join to get the discount from them.


  • Gordon Forbes

    June 1, 2004 at 7:02 am in reply to: has anyone else had the same problem with signlab e6?

    Well this has opened a can of worms then.
    I run XP Mome Athlon 2100+ 750 meg PC2100 ram 19″ monitor set at 32 bit colour 1280 x 1204 refresh rate 100 hz, a geforce 4 TI 4600 with 128 meg of ram.
    I have no problems zooming in and out to a single node on a sign blank 2 -1/2m high by 13- 1/2 m long (artic fridge van) but I do find the that it fails to refresh when really close in unless you zoom in/out one click or apply the change.
    I have the same bit mappy effect that Rodney speaks of compared to Illustrator etc on vectors or bitmaps even though anti aliasing is on.

    If you are zooming in and out to the sign blank no wonder small text and graphics seem to appear and dissapear (when they are a few inches tall/long) when working at this size.

    In general I find it pretty good so far.

    One thing I can’t seem to get (probably my inexperience here) is the handles to appear on nodes for shifting curve shapes as in Ilustrator Corel and Photoshop. which is a boon whent copying over the top of a bitmap etc.
    anyway starting to ramble


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 30, 2004 at 11:20 pm in reply to: has anyone else had the same problem with signlab e6?

    Stop swearing LOL. Oh BTW did you have any probs logging in to cadling It seems to have forgotten me and my e-mail addy (haven’t tried again in the last few days but it wasn’t havin it last week.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 30, 2004 at 12:13 am in reply to: Just saying Hi….

    Ditto Ditto can’t think of much else to say but you will find some very interesting content on the site.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 29, 2004 at 11:59 pm in reply to: The Pro’s and Con’s of VersaCamm vrs Cadet

    Sounds like you had a bad exprience Outline.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 29, 2004 at 2:00 am in reply to: The Pro’s and Con’s of VersaCamm vrs Cadet

    None of those ink and media and the machine is free contracts please, YOU REALLY ARE MUPPETS! GO TO HELL !!![/quote]

    Whats that all about then speak EENGLEESH Man.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 28, 2004 at 2:07 pm in reply to: vehicle wrapping: grahams dairys

    Whens he gonna paint the rest of the wagon to match LOL

    amazin how u do that Rob!

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 28, 2004 at 1:56 am in reply to: Scania Logo required

    Supposed to ba a Griffin (dunno if its spolt write)


    You get most of these type’s of logo’s on the logo sites on the web incase you hadn’t tried.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 27, 2004 at 10:31 am in reply to: Question about the Bigger Stuff

    Thanks John ave been usin clear tape and I find it is a bit “stretchy” but it might not be so bad now that the weather is a bit warmer.

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 27, 2004 at 1:57 am in reply to: horse jumping

    Any use ??


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 27, 2004 at 1:31 am in reply to: Multi color align help needed !!!

    MMMmmm doesn’t do that with me.

    Is everything generated in Signlab ??

    I get weird outlines importing from Illustrator Duplicating them gets a weird action Signlab comes up with a window about something (can’t remember exactly) but the plot always comes out right, but then I think that is my lack of knowledge. I don’t think Signlab handles transparency from Illustrator well or as I said it may be the docknail ie ME.
    One thing I do know is never to instal signlab over its self tried that once and it didn’t like it duplicates some folders etc etc.

    Just thinking that it may be something to do with your set up.

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 27, 2004 at 1:23 am in reply to: Question about the Bigger Stuff

    I must admit I have had problems with the shadows going off over distance in the past and a very valid point. I thought it was something I did in the initial cutting.
    I might phone them and see how they prefer to apply as they do quite a lot of this very busy manufacturing place up here in the sticks.

    Well U learn sumtin noo every day.



  • Gordon Forbes

    May 26, 2004 at 11:40 am in reply to: Question about the Bigger Stuff

    I’m just going the biggest I can on a 610 bout 575 or so but it’s a supply job only new trailer the builders are applying the vinyl (make a good job) so it seems I’m going to have to write out instructions for them just in case.
    Think I’ll use half letters for registration if thats what you meant Rob.

    I personally use the hinge method myself find it a lot easier when on your own.

    Thanks a bunch guys!


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 25, 2004 at 1:50 am in reply to: where are my icons in xp pro?

    You get the option to pin them to the start menu instead Rob (above the line of your most commonly used programs Thats what it seems to me anyway.

    Said it before trot long to a web site called Black Viper and read the stuff there very informative and tells you the way to switch off and more important what to NOT switch off with XP for a smoother running PC

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 21, 2004 at 12:42 am in reply to: Which plotter?

    I have a Summa D60 and have found that I neede to slow it down considerably (from 800 mm/sec) as this seems to be too fast scrunching vinyl (lifting off the platten in the middle sometimes etc etc.

    Haven’t needed support of any type yet. Cuts clean smoothe curves and small text no problem.

    Don’t know much about the wincut programe haven’t used it I run it through signlab.
    Some probs setting it up my fault though had to set it to external dll for cutting once sussed no probs apart from the speed thingy.

    Otherwise very pleased with it.

    Hope this is of use


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 21, 2004 at 12:15 am in reply to: I knew I shouldn’t have tried XP!

    Go to Black Viper’s web site and you can turn off all the bells and whistles you don’t need.

    Once you get used to it you won’t go back it’s very robust.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 20, 2004 at 4:33 pm in reply to: BT Broadband 1mb

    In reality you will achieve 80 to 85% of this
    i did the same a while ago with Pipex at £28 sum odds a moth cost about £34 now if you get it.
    You will find that it is now web sites that are slow to respond like this one sometimes whether is is you working in the background or amount of people on it I don’t know.

    But if you play games it’s brilliant but it is noticably quicker than 500 mips


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 19, 2004 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Couriers

    A bit off topic but the same really bought a heat press and the guy wants £141 to deliver from Devon to Inverurie.

    Pallet delivery 3 days I told him to try someone else as I find this a bit tooooo much really

    Anyone give advice on this then?

    Sorry to hijack your post but this has really piffed me off (no my tetth aren’t out lol)

    thanks for any help.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 16, 2004 at 1:35 am in reply to: is there a book to demonstrate how to use signlab 6?

    I think it would be better if someone came to you to ensure the plotter is set up correctly as you have to use a specific driver if you are using USB etc etc.

    Just like using a printer tell it to plot and then cut by colour if you cant figure the contour cut.

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 14, 2004 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Not even half a print

    Unplug it when you shut it down and leave it for a while. and if its only printing half I would guess that its to do with post script memory or something like that just an educated guess.

    But I would definitly un plug it seen some strange things similar before and that has cured it with me not on a roland though other computer stuff.

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 13, 2004 at 4:34 pm in reply to: First cutter… but which one..?

    Try E bay summa d60 items available to the UK I got one from germany at a very very competitive price


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 13, 2004 at 4:28 pm in reply to: can anyone help me with engraving a solid letter?

    Not a genius but have you tried Make path on the “O” to get the centre not to fill.


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 12, 2004 at 11:15 pm in reply to: Does anyone have this font?

    Send me your email address m8


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 12, 2004 at 4:17 pm in reply to: Euro English

    ah ve haf vayz

    magic love it.

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 10, 2004 at 11:17 pm in reply to: elf picture wanted

    Phill I like your sense of humour mann


    make sense o that ha!!


  • Gordon Forbes

    May 10, 2004 at 11:14 pm in reply to: fitness freaks

    Seems to remind me of a face pic of a certain mz BEANS LOL

  • Gordon Forbes

    May 10, 2004 at 3:47 pm in reply to: are there any roland maintenance engineers Scotland?

    Ah mee tooo Rob Please if you dont mind.



  • Gordon Forbes

    April 23, 2004 at 11:17 pm in reply to: How much would you charge?

    BUT everything where you are also costs less than half here

    $100 + for a pair of levis for example the list is long.


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 21, 2004 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Futura Lt Truetype Font

    This what you want


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 21, 2004 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Guild of Master Craftsmen

    Yep brother in law is a member and scanned it for practice AI format if you cant open it just let me know and I’ll give you an eps.

    Hope this is what you want.



  • Gordon Forbes

    April 20, 2004 at 10:14 pm in reply to: which one should i upgrade to signlab or flexisign?

    You got E6 then ???

  • Gordon Forbes

    April 18, 2004 at 9:32 pm in reply to: ap braking goodridge

    Rossi is A GOD.

    What bike you running anyway dex.


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 16, 2004 at 12:44 am in reply to: Anybody recognise this font?

    Got a TTF in blue highway its very close but not quite there.

    Hope this helps



  • Gordon Forbes

    April 16, 2004 at 12:12 am in reply to: DONT try this at home!

    Some things happen so quickly you just end up looking at the result.

    Sorry to hear about it m8.

    on a side note if that had been our work HS &E would be down on me risk assesments would have to be shown, proper ppe etc the list goes on it seems a pain when you are doing it all and it does make jobs last a lot longer but one thing it does do is stop incidents like this by changing the way they look at and execute jobs.


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 15, 2004 at 11:57 pm in reply to: what would be the ideal vinyl start up kit?

    Look for a PDF file or Html file on the disk and it should at least tell you some info about how to set things up if not go to the web site as mentioned there should be something there.

    Look in support or FAQ on the web site.


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 14, 2004 at 9:27 am in reply to: Howdi peeps

    I’m sure you will find the others here very helpfull, best of luck to you


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 28, 2004 at 10:45 pm in reply to: is there a uk based dealer of 3d letter return fabrication?

    as said earlier it makes a beautiful job with very little distortion

    A bit like but welding mild steel with an acetelene torch

    before Jill steps in it’s got absolutly nothing to do with American Butts.


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 28, 2004 at 10:39 pm in reply to: Blocking pop-ups

    The pop up you are seeing has nothing to do with pop ups as such.

    If you get service pack 1 and other updates for windows this should stop.
    You are recieving this thru the messenger service ( Nothing to do with windows messenger.)

    If you haven’t done so already

    Go to START > RUN Type services.msc a window will appear with all the local services listed on your PC and what state they are at ie running, manual or disabled etc

    Scroll down to one called messenger right click once withthe mouse and select properties and select the start up type and set it to disabled and apply. This will stop these pop ups that you get just It has been on the go for years but until XP not a lot of people used windows NT based programes it doesn’t affect 98, me etc.

    (when your computer starts up some of these run automatically because they have been told to do so here you are telling it not to start when the computer starts basically)

    I hope this explains what you have been getting as I said these are not the normal pop ups you get while surfing the net.


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 27, 2004 at 4:02 pm in reply to: Spam…

    Wots wrong with mail washer then ??

    Select words for filters and it highlights for deletion only downloads the header and some text fast as you will get if your 56K.

    Works pretty well deleting from the server and not downloading the carp !! in the first place.

  • Gordon Forbes

    March 27, 2004 at 3:55 pm in reply to: is there a uk based dealer of 3d letter return fabrication?

    You certainly need a Tig to weld ali’ and some of the smaller ones won’t generate enough heat. Depends on the thickness though.

    Seen a few on E-Bay as I want one too but for other stuff.


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 27, 2004 at 3:52 pm in reply to: do i overlay vinyl or cut it in?


    You never tried Blackhawk down then they got UK severs now brilliant


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 27, 2004 at 3:45 pm in reply to: Van Outlines

    In a more detailed answer to your question there were some file swapping of outlines being done one here and the general consencus was (Quite rightly I might add) that this was an infringement on some peoples work.
    In an earlier post Brian stated that he might help people out with occaisional outlines etc due entirely to his generosity.

    After all this is his job and he can’t give to much away or there wouldn’t be an outline CD in the first place.

    Hope this clears up your info for you


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 18, 2004 at 9:48 pm in reply to: Digital print File saving and backup

    You can get external Hard Drives plug into usb or as I have buy an Ibuddy a holder for an internal drive and use it as an external about 40 45 quid and you can put any size of drive got a 160 gig just now

    In fact I put it in as an internal drive to be correct.

    Or use a burner you can buy a lot of Blank CD media for the price of any of these drives and this makes them ultra portable if you need them.

    When you burn your discs just leave them open (session) so you can add more to them if you haven’t enough to fill one disc at a time. easy to copy for duplicates for back up etc.


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 17, 2004 at 12:42 pm in reply to: is there training available for signlab E6?

    What I would like is a screen resolution like Illustrator with signlab now that would be perfect in my opinion


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 13, 2004 at 6:19 pm in reply to: Impact Vehcile Outlines, please read.

    I totaly agree with you in all respects and have been thinking the same as you Rob. Though I’m not in a position to say much about it


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 11, 2004 at 3:50 pm in reply to: Graphics Card

    ATI 9800 pro is the daddy at the moment


  • Gordon Forbes

    March 11, 2004 at 3:45 pm in reply to: I’ll be the new bloke then.

    Just sayin hello like the rest
    Is that a ZX 6??

  • Gordon Forbes

    March 11, 2004 at 12:15 am in reply to: what do you think of this logo?

    On the contrary Kev I like the design modern and effective yet simple for everyday use on most things.
    Thanks everyone for taking the time to write comments and opinions.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 29, 2004 at 8:13 pm in reply to: how do i import eps & AI files into SignLab please?

    I have e6 an I need to save in version 8 to avoid problems

  • Gordon Forbes

    February 11, 2004 at 10:06 pm in reply to: what do you think of this logo?

    Thanks Dewi

    Hows about a list of the questions you ask yourself then.

    Not being cheeky but I think it might come in usefull to me.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 11, 2004 at 10:02 pm in reply to: YET ANOTHER ALAN

    OOoHHhhh that man Broughton.

    Welcome aboard m8.

    SCOTTISH an PROUD of it it’s something the English cant say LOL.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 11, 2004 at 9:42 am in reply to: what do you think of this logo?

    Guess your right guys.

    Lost track again with the things that you can do with it

    I was trying to show different effects and got too carried away by it

    OH Well back to the drawing board.

    Thanks anyway.

  • Gordon Forbes

    February 11, 2004 at 3:16 am in reply to: tip: how to put shortcut on working with another page

    I find that eps files saved in Illustrator 8 format open no problem in E6

    Newer one don’t


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 10, 2004 at 12:07 am in reply to: tip: how to put shortcut on working with another page

    Don’t find anything wrong with E6


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 9, 2004 at 10:46 am in reply to: David Becham Building Wrap

    Bound to be bubles with all the hot air that comes from that camp.

    Must run out and buy their new DVD about them NOT

    Still amazing job though.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 9, 2004 at 10:43 am in reply to: Hello (again) from Paulsad

    Is that the POT calling the KETTLE BLACK

    or are we allowed to say things are black nowadays.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 9, 2004 at 10:39 am in reply to: Digger Graphics : Highland Stoneways

    Yes same person and there is more to do either for or from people he knows who want things done.

    Amazing how it snowballs sometimes.


  • Gordon Forbes

    February 9, 2004 at 3:28 am in reply to: Printed Digger Graphic : The Craigston Cat

    So I found out and at this time of year almost impossible to heat.

    Had problems with lifting when applying thr shadows.

    I was scared to heat it too much with the heat gun.

    Just siting here with me fingers crossed hoping that it all stays on.

  • Gordon Forbes

    February 6, 2004 at 8:33 pm in reply to: Van Graphics : DJ Superstore

    I like it m8 well done


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 29, 2004 at 1:50 am in reply to: DAFT question, can anyone help?

    look it up in word doh or that wud bee 21.0 by 29.7 cm


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 25, 2004 at 10:39 pm in reply to: which layout should i use for truck signage?

    That the Demi Moore look then is it ??

    heh heh heh,

    (personally don’t like the orange but that doesn’t matter now does it).

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 19, 2004 at 8:02 am in reply to: tiger Head vector needed

    Thanks very much


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 18, 2004 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Me an My Big Mouth

    Thanks fixed it for some reason I had to reinstall and that cured it

    Had a weird problem the other day with me puter crashing at any time sometimes not even booting.

    The cause the connector from my power supply to the mobo had one of the female pins a little to slack (seen where it was discoloured on the male pin) gave it a squeeze and it fired up with no more trouble.

    I was also looking to remote spool in signlab but this option is not supported yet for USB you have to set it at External DLL.

    Thanks for the help anyway.


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 14, 2004 at 5:58 pm in reply to: Need some help finding some vinyl please?

    Ave you tried Frisk masking tape for airbrushing.
    Designed for work on artboard for airbrushing and very good not the cheapest but definitly good


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 14, 2004 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Any good books to read?

    Summa ploters instal a link into corel and you can cut directly from there

    (Well it has done on my system anyway).


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 12, 2004 at 1:17 am in reply to: Any good books to read?

    I’ll say what a lot say buy Signlab expensive Yes easier to work with almost does it all for you once you get the hang of it I plumped for it E6 full bifta and I don’t regret it one bit.

    The only people that seem to moan about it don’t use it.

    (That could be a can of worms opened I feel)


  • Welcome aboard m8

    You could try the Roland site in the USA they have a forum there for thermal printing on the colourcamm or post on it for info.

    Sally why have you got a Union Jack when you come from Glasgow!!

    heh heh heh.


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 11, 2004 at 7:34 pm in reply to: can anyone add more ideas to this logo please?

    I think it should read


    myself otherwise very smart.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 11, 2004 at 7:27 pm in reply to: which vinyl can be used for motocross bikes?

    I don’t intend to go for any fancy stuff just printed with a PC600 and I think i will have to get some Mactac 9800 as Roland reccommends this only for the printer.

    Thanks anyway guys.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 11, 2004 at 7:22 pm in reply to: Exploring some Help

    I posted the solution in an earlier post this works for some but not all what happens is some of the IE dll’s get de-registered for some reason
    Fix is

    Anyone got any problems with IE6 or links opening really slow etc should try this

    It made a big difference to my connection

    Open an ms-dos prompt window and type the following
    to get dos window
    START – RUN – type COMMAND – press ENTER. To exit type EXIT.
    Type the following hitting enter after each line and OK if it doesn’t “take” it u typed it wrong.

    regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
    regsvr32 Shell32.dll
    regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
    regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
    regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
    regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

    type exit then enter to exit.

    try this even though you think it is fixed made a big difference to me.


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 11, 2004 at 6:42 am in reply to: Vehicle colour stickers

    I to have a PC600 and for printing on to vinyl you need resin tapes.
    I have only used Roland ones so far and you need a vinyl that you can print on. I got this from Victory but I’m sure that many other suppliers will have the same.

    From what I can gather Roland reccommend Mactac 9800 for printing on.

    You will need to clean the viynl before you print on it to remove production residue and any dust etc, if not you will get white spaces on the print. Plus it can destroy the head if dust gets on it while printing (Use Isopropanol available at proper chemists and a lint free cloth so it doesn’t leave any remnants its self)

    I personally use Signlab to print from and have no problems contour cuting from it quite straight forward.

    Do a small print first with the colours in the print to see how they match the original artwork as there are big differences between RGB and CMYK when printed and what you see on the screen

    You will get banding on solid colours due to the nature of the printhead this cannot be avoided but can be minimised and it less noticeable if printing a bitmap from my experience. If it is really noticable try turning the print orientation this may reduce the noticable effect.

    For outside application it will need to be laminated either by using material (I have no experience doing this yet) or using frog juice or similar spray product (basicaly a lacquer) which seals the surface same as a laminate, again I have limited experience but it is what I have used so far and from what I gather one fairly good coat and thats it don’t give multiple coats. This also can be obtained from Victory.

    Don’t try to print any lines that are less than 0.008 (or 0.08 I’m not sure which) that are vertical in relation to the printhead as this tends to snap the ribbon as the print head prints it a bit like the heat sealing thing on plastic bags was the effect that was described to me and this does happen if you are not aware of it. Doesn’t always happen but this is the common reason if it does.

    You will also need to countour cut the image the easiest way is either a square or circle oval etc round the picture or if not too complex round the actual image itself. I don’t know how you would do this as you don’t say what software you’re using if illustrator, corel etc you need to make a line round it and tell the software to make it a cut line and it needs to be 100% of a colour (usually magenta as far as i can discern but can be yellow etc etc but not a colour contained it the drawing for obvious reasons.

    As to cost the general consensus is that it will cost “YOU” £4 to print an A4 size sheet using Roland cartridges (Print one a supplier from here also do them at a fraction of the cost of originals).

    On the Roland web site there are posts that Roland suggest for the output for RCC (Roland Colour Choice) and I would strongly suggest that you spend a couple of hours reading these as they are very informative and helpfull even though the site is a bit sluggish at times.

    Well I hope this helps you

    ps a bit more info in what you have (software etc what you are printing etc would be helpfull).


    Roland have a good web page at about the colourcamm and you can find a lot of information there.

    Do a search on this site and a lot of information can be found on this site as well.


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 8, 2004 at 8:50 pm in reply to: I’ll be cutting in the morning 🙂

    Bit off post but wots wrong wi Black Hawk Down ???

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 8, 2004 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Broadband providers ?

    Get the Net gear 4 port router a LOT of gamers say its the bees knees and these are people hosting servers for matches etc and they almost unanimously reccommend it


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 8, 2004 at 8:27 pm in reply to: A Problem kinda sort of???

    Bit far away I’m afraid Dave thanks for the offer anyway.

    I have decided that I will do the seperate colours on the job as on the face of it I wont save much time anyway just cause myself more grief.

    Henry I made 2 L shaped registration marks either side of the oval with all colours involved and am using clear registration tape.

    Seems like I was trying to run before I could walk.

    Thanks for the Info, help and advice.


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 8, 2004 at 12:26 am in reply to: Chalkboards and whiteboards – What do you use?

    Don’t you ‘Mericans use 10″ feet??

    If that makes sense LOL


  • Gordon Forbes

    January 7, 2004 at 11:47 pm in reply to: Broadband providers ?

    I’m with Pipex and find them ok what I do find is a lot of sites tend to be slow

    1 meg download 256 upload for £28.90 a month I think that they are more than that now . It was an existing user offer also if someone from pipex refers you you get a month free and so does the referee well used to be an offer haven’t checked in a while though.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 5, 2004 at 11:21 pm in reply to: Advice on cutters and software

    Double cutting in signlab sounds like an operator error and you are not welding properly seen it myself and that was the problem for me anyway.

    I’ve read it somewhere and I cant remember where maybe a roland manual or webste when doing longer runs with the PC600 set the pinch rollers futher from the edge of the vinyl I’m sure it was about 3 cm in and this improves tracking a lot and spool off what u are to use etc etc.

    PC 600 30 cm a second
    Summa D60 80 cm a second and seems to cut a lot cleaner than the 600.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 5, 2004 at 11:08 pm in reply to: Microsoft XP and IE 6

    I use adaware myself find it very good free to download and makes a good job one of the few that will uninstal Kazza completely

    Empty your cache cookies history etc an see if that works

    Do a search on your computer for coolsearch and delete ( make a backup of your registry ie export it makes a copy you can reload) before you do though. get adaware at lavasoft.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 5, 2004 at 11:01 pm in reply to: – OLDSKOOL

    probably the ones with brass necks that wouldn’t sit right

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 5, 2004 at 10:42 pm in reply to: Fiat Belingo van

    Their – ie them or belonging to someone

    there – ie over there

    Ha typo maybe

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 2, 2004 at 1:00 am in reply to: airbrushing: freedom

    I’ve seen the second in Aberdeen but haven’t had a close look at it.
    I will next time though regardless of what I’m doing.

    Nice to see these not many people willing to pay for it though.

  • Gordon Forbes

    January 2, 2004 at 12:53 am in reply to: Illuminated Signs

    OOOOhhh buyin from RS pricey.

    Lovely work all the same a few of the guys at work know all about led’s etc.
    A bit beyond me as you say the ever present learning curve which just comes with time and experience.

    They sure look smart.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 27, 2003 at 10:36 am in reply to: Do you use MDF ?

    You get an exterior MDF for use outside.

    My brother in law is a joiner and he says to use it outside you really need to coat it with marine varnish or similar to seal it.

    I will tell him of this about the sawdust when I get back.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 20, 2003 at 10:59 pm in reply to: what do you think about this layout?

    Thanks for the comments This was actually the first one I did.

    They saw another design I did and said they wanted something similar to that.
    Latest thing is he was speaking of putting the chosen logo on workgear as well Hard hats, Coverals etc etc and has to match the colour scheme on the vans etc already the reason for the Black and Gold writing. Most of his vans are white and there isn’t a lot of space left for anything large a lotof constraints.

    I like that variation Dewi. Teaches you how to look at things differently.

    Still learning the software (Do you ever stop!)

    Had to open up the kerning for the outlines. I will have to do some reading

    In fact just got a couple through the post.


  • Gordon Forbes

    December 18, 2003 at 4:19 pm in reply to: footie logos req in ai format?

    Once you download them they have the .eps filename

    Simply rename them .ai and Illustrator will still open them

    If your worried copy it rename it and try it works for me sometimes the files get renamed when you download them
    Read it somewhere just to rename them.

    Hope this helps.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 18, 2003 at 4:10 pm in reply to: how do you get the original default pallette back?

    Funnily enough some of the Oracal pallettes do not open in my version of e6 says its not a valid format but the downloaded ones do.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 18, 2003 at 1:39 am in reply to: Just to say "Hello"

    Aye welcome too

    Just bought a D60 myself and seem to be ok goes at some tune sometimes doesn’t hang about when cutting.

    Just like me bikes an OWO1 and an SP1 with a few mods (they don’t cut though)

    Very helpfull people here and I can vouch for that.


  • Gordon Forbes

    December 17, 2003 at 4:14 am in reply to: how do you get the original default pallette back?

    Thanks Rodney it was a .02 or .03 outline in an oval so turned the picture but because it was an oval didn’t help much doooh.
    Suppose I’ll find out eventually what I can get away with.

    Thanks for the comment.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 17, 2003 at 2:51 am in reply to: how do you get the original default pallette back?

    Thanks guys.

    I did that with another pallete and had a dead short between the computer and the seat ever since!!

    I have noticed a lot of posts saying that Signlab keeps locking up. Well it hasn’t done so with me yet, but then I’m maybe not pushing it as hard as you guys.

    What I have had though today is snapped ribbons cyan same spot on the drawing, think I’ll have to change me drawing.

    John and Rob is it OK if I email you about some setup details? Don’t want to be an unwelcome cold canvessar you know.

    Oh on another note do any PC600 users notice a big difference on the media they use? I’ve noticed a big difference already an I’ve only used two!!

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 15, 2003 at 10:29 am in reply to: time to introduce myself

    Lo Archie,

    I find myself in the same position as yourself. Just bought a PC600 too. Had it for a couple of weeks and seems to be working alright.

    Noticed a few things about it already and this site has been a great help. The likes of Mike, Rob, Alan, Dave and all the other regular posters here really try to help you out if your stuck (as some of them are gonna find out !!)

    Cheers anyway and welcome to the forum.


    SP1 man its a wicked Beast.

  • Gordon Forbes

    December 15, 2003 at 1:13 am in reply to: PLEASE READ THIS…


    an mmm stage right for me

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