Board Rules


  1. Suppliers cannot advertise their services, products or company details in any posts.
  2. If someone asks a direct question to you about your product, you can reply in answer to their question, but cannot elaborate onto other products, offer contact details or offer any type of special offer via the reply.
  3. We only want to receive recommendations of products or services from sign makers who have used or are aware of the product/service in question, not from suppliers.
  4. You cannot under any circumstances recommend yourself. We feel this is the only true way to get unbiased opinions on products & services offered from trade suppliers.
  5. Please do not submit your company logo as your profile picture.
  6. Continual disregard for any of the rules will result in a complete site ban without prior notice.


  1. All posts made on the must only be made with the best of intentions.
  2. Any form of aggressive or hostile behaviour shown in posts or targeted towards any visitor, admin or the site itself could result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  3. Racist comments towards another visitor will not be tolerated and could result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  4. Avatar/profile images must be of you; the board member. No other image such as cartoon images, animals, company logo etc will be accepted and will be deleted without prior notice. Please only use a head & shoulder shot which does not include any obscurities i.e.: hats/caps, scarves, sunglasses, helmets etc.
  5. Any post made in an incorrect forum will be moved to the appropriate forum without prior notice. Continual incorrect posting or disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  6. Post titles may be edited at ANY time by admin. We will only do this if we feel the title is seen as aggressive, inappropriate or not descriptive enough in relation to the post. E.g. If someone is requesting a font or needs help identifying a font, they cannot just title the post “FONT”. More description is required, for example: “I need a font” or “Font Identity please?” This is to make browsing the forums easier and more enjoyable for all visitors.
  7. Advertisement of your own company or services is not permitted in any forum this includes the posting of your email or web address. Contact with other visitors is achievable via the PM facility only. Please do not use the public forum as a way to “dodge” this rule, posts doing this will be deleted. Continual disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  8. Any visitor/member who we feel is purposely causing disruption to the site or its visitors through their posts will result in their posts being deleted or edited. Continual disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  9. Admin may delete duplicate or non-constructive/informative posts. This may only happen during board pruning periods but will be done without prior notice to individuals.
  10. If a post that “you” have made appears to have been deleted or moved and you would like to ask why? Do so using the “contact us” form which you can find in the navigation bar on the homepage, please do not use the public forums.
  11. Public questioning of admin about decisions and actions taken or the editing of posts will result in the post being deleted. Any questions regarding any actions by admin must be made by either e-mail, the contact us form or by private message only. Continual disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.
  12. Company Names and Websites that & do not wish to be associated with. We apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused by this.
  13. Only UKSG members can offer their services to other members and can only do so in response to a request that has been posted in the “Quotes” forum. Replies can only be made via the PM facility provided. Registered users cannot offer their services openly on the site within any of the forums. Continual disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.Any member who becomes a supplier of any sort after obtaining UKSG membership cannot continue to receive all of the special features that the membership provides. Some restrictions of the added features will apply with immediate effect.If you have a question or problem relating to site/forum access or your membership please contact us via the “Contact Us” page only, which you will find in the navigation bar. Please do not use the forums for posting any messages regarding any sort of site or membership queries as this will only result in the post being deleted. Your query will be answered as quickly as possible but please be patient should it take longer than 24 hours.without prior notice.Only one site registration per person is permitted, you cannot open multiple accounts with various user names. Disregard for this rule will result in site registration being suspended or a complete site ban without prior notice.

Please note:
Board rules apply to everyone. Paying members are NOT exempt from board rules.