Forum Replies Created

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  • Nigel Pugh

    July 13, 2010 at 8:40 pm in reply to: Old school photos

    top right for me

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 13, 2010 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Wrapping Gloves – Avery? Nylon? Cotton? Teflon?

    Just thinking out of the box here, but take into consideration what contact with other substances your preferred choice of gloves come into contact with.

    Could mean nothing at all but at the same time could effect the life of the gloves etc………..I know I know get a life Nigel 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 13, 2010 at 2:12 pm in reply to: How hard is it to work computer with wrong hand?

    I broke the scafoid in my left wrist a few years back now, ended up requiring a bone graft so time spent in plaster was tooooooo long. Been left handed I had to learn to use my right hand for everything and I mean everything 😮

    On saying that before it happened always used my right hand and still do now when on the pc and using the mouse.

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 12, 2010 at 10:53 am in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    Well done Martin (cough cough f i x) 😀

    Kevin if you want to pm me what consumables you want then I will get them sent to you.

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 11, 2010 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Vinyl Graphic Printing, Advice on Printer to buy Please

    If you are subbing out print work and spending 5k plus for it per year then take the plunge and get yourself a printer but be prepared to spend 5x or more than your current budget………..if not then keep subbing it out

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 11, 2010 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Sign related songs…
    quote Matty Goodwin:


    I was thinking more of adapting songs like ‘The vinyl count down’ bon jovi…

    Matty, Europe did the final countdown not Bon Jovi 🙄

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 9, 2010 at 9:26 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    I reckon the octopus is due for the kitchen and Holland will take the victory otherwise as said before by my good Wolves mate Georgio FIX lol

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 7, 2010 at 8:06 pm in reply to: impact vehicle outlines
    quote Brian Hays:

    And you have it! 😉

    Ahem…….what, where, why……….. I feel hurt 🙁

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 6, 2010 at 7:34 pm in reply to: Some Advice please

    Graham my first question would be do you have enough funds to be able to buy the XC-540 or another printer and be able to cover your out goings for at least one year at least.

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 6, 2010 at 7:29 pm in reply to: Just in case you didn’t know!

    I’m sure when he arrives the first gear he hits is reverse 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 6, 2010 at 7:27 pm in reply to: Selecting a cutter

    You do it through Production Manager and make sure you have the same machine selected in the Cut/Plot preview screen prior to sending to the cutter.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 29, 2010 at 6:45 pm in reply to: This weeks work

    Stephen, out of interest how many separate prints did you have to do considering you was using a SP300.

    Ooops forgot to add it does look quality 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 25, 2010 at 7:22 pm in reply to: KPMF Direct, Uncontactable anyone got through?

    I hear KPMF are no more and Liz who ran KPMF has started or is starting a new company possibly called Chrome…………hearsay on the new company but certainly sure KPMF Direct have gone.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 21, 2010 at 9:09 am in reply to: Grafiwrap course on Monday 😀

    Ouija board or

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 20, 2010 at 2:25 pm in reply to: Grafiwrap course on Monday 😀
    quote Matty Goodwin:

    Maybe me and you need to chat Nigel in the future! I could do with James D teaching me a thing or two!


    Matt my time ain’t cheap………better than that it is free, just bring some banter so we can have a laugh 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 19, 2010 at 6:09 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’
    quote Neil Davey:

    I’m glad that Football is finally uniting the country.

    It’s good to see that English fans have finally joined us in the other home countries in booing the English team too 😀

    Follow this link to watch a real game…

    Look at me……promoting English rugby, well I’ll be f*****

    Neil we are playing crap and could well be back on the plane home after the next game…………..but at least we are there whereas 1958 is the last time Wales footie qualified for the World Cup finals!!!!

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 19, 2010 at 5:54 pm in reply to: Grafiwrap course on Monday 😀

    James does all of our courses so Anthony you will be in good hands 😀 I will come and say hello and make you a brew if needed.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 19, 2010 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Black Vinyl Nightmare !!

    The Lynx 60 does not have an optical eye, you say Target and Black vinyl, would it be textile vinyl by any chance, if so the protective layer on the material can because it is upside down compared to normal vinyl reflect light back into the Lynx’s light sensor.

    If this is the material and problem the I would drop some tape over the sensors to block the light out.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 18, 2010 at 3:28 pm in reply to: KPMF Direct, Uncontactable anyone got through?

    Hearing on the grapevine as you do, KPMF seem to be having some major problems and ‘may’ be in trouble business wise.

    Like I said though ‘may’.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 17, 2010 at 9:02 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    Martin I believe ya 😮 Roll on the prem so we do ya at Upton Park without breaking a sweat 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 17, 2010 at 8:47 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    Hmmm Nigeria drawn for Nigel…………I want an enquiry into the draw!!!!!

    In fact I want the world cup to be restarted 🙁

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 17, 2010 at 8:41 pm in reply to: wrap help please!
    quote Matty Goodwin:

    Apparently the vinyl doesn’t like Spanish dialog! Makes it all brittle!

    I taught JD all he knows now and wish I was as successful as he is now!

    Good luck Dan and remember, the vinyl is your friend!

    Matty I will be seeing James next week and will ask if what you say is true, we could get a wrapping ring going to see you n James duke it out in wrapping 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 14, 2010 at 7:44 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    TBH I don’t mind the horns, don’t really notice them once the game gets going, certainly no more annoying than the England brass band playing the ‘great escape’ tune or the damm annoying Pompey cow bell.

    If the horn is part of the African sports scene, then we should have the good grace to put up with it / enjoy it.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 14, 2010 at 7:37 pm in reply to: Cheapest Supplier of Mirrored Silver Vinyl

    Couple of choices, cheaper options may be a foil film and more than likely if going on for a while would need ‘edge sealing’, other option is a mirrored vinyl, depending on outdoor life (ours is 5 years) will decide what the buying price is.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 11, 2010 at 7:37 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’
    quote Brian Hays:

    Seems best to watch with the TV on mute. Fed up with those horns already. 👿

    I dunno Brian, can help to drown out the crap co-commentator like Lawrenson or Francis 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 10, 2010 at 8:14 pm in reply to: BBC news, Henry fails drugs test…

    Bloody hell, had to do a double take then and check my WC fantasy team 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 10, 2010 at 8:12 pm in reply to: ‘World Cup Sweep Stake Results’

    There was a Joc……… Scottish bloke on the news yesterday as he was just leaving the UK to go to the world cup, had a England shirt on, he said as we are the UK he would support England……….top Jock in my opinion for seeing the wider picture.

    Sweepstake count me in:)

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 9, 2010 at 8:06 pm in reply to: what are your views on Vehicle outlines please?

    Ahem, please remember as much as the vehicle template you are using, your vinyl cutter has accuracy tolerances too and dare I say it the operator.

    I will say the Impact CD is the best one I have come across for sale in the UK.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 14, 2010 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Show us your… CAR
    quote Lynn:

    no Matty it’s me 👿


    I would rather face Pete after Pete getting the Hulk powers than face Lynn after that post, good luck Matty.

    Cars, well I have the new Megane Coupe, fair dues not a great car compared to the classics shown, but I do love the shape and its overall look.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 14, 2010 at 8:09 pm in reply to: Hi Viz quilted Jacket pressing question

    Jeremy I take it that the poli-flex is the standard type of flex used on the majority of cotton, poly, poly-cotton garments. If it is then my advice would be to apply at the usual temp but extend the application time to allow the adhesive to soak into the jacket itself rather than just its coating.

    So if 15 secs is the norm I would myself extend the time to 25 secs, if the garment can take the longer time the flex will do easily, on saying that I have never used Hexis material, but I would assume the majority of flex supplied comes from the same manufacturer.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 14, 2010 at 7:50 pm in reply to: Can you cut magnetic vinyl with plotter?

    As Jason pointed out, you should be looking to score the material rather than cut, several passes means you don’t have to go with too much pressure and so less stress to the head carriage. As a one off or doing it now and then shouldn’t be too much of a problem, you just need to start the pressure off light because you want the blade to slice through rather than cut and maybe ‘dig in’, hence a 60 degree blade.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 14, 2010 at 7:39 pm in reply to: Can you cut magnetic vinyl with plotter?

    With several passes you could…………but you will need a new blade afterwards and if you do it often enough you will more than likely wreck the head carriage way before it would normally need replacing.

    Forgot to add, I would opt for a 60 degree blade to do this type of work.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 14, 2010 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Hi Viz quilted Jacket pressing question
    quote Chris Wool:

    i use a pillow to localise the pressure, done several no problems.


    With Chris on this, raise the area you will be pressing, as for material I would normally suggest what we call ‘nylon extra’ instead of the normal textile material.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 4, 2010 at 8:44 pm in reply to: John Childs. Passed away May 3rd 2010

    John Childs, not a customer but a friend, a person who from day one of knowing him treated me like so many people on here as a friend.

    John you are one of the most honest straight forward people I have ever had the good grace to meet and I thank you sir for looking on me as a friend.

    Rest in peace Mr.Childs you will be greatly missed.


  • Nigel Pugh

    April 28, 2010 at 8:27 pm in reply to: What printer should i upgrade to? advice please.

    Just a quick post because I was going to say the AJ-740 myself, the offer Rob mentioned is a good deal but it ends I believe the end of April, I would need to confirm that date though.

    Basically trade a 30" or bigger printer, condition not a problem and you save 10k off the AJ-740’s price tag.


  • Nigel Pugh

    April 27, 2010 at 11:50 pm in reply to: I’m a dad – Again !
    quote Robert Lambie:

    quote Nigel Pugh – Grafityp:

    can’t help noticing the little blighter has more hair than I have now and when I was twenty.

    yeh well… at least your taller than him! 😳

    I shall pass on the chance to take the mick ………… shorty 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 27, 2010 at 11:41 pm in reply to: I’m a dad – Again !

    Congrats Gert, can’t help noticing the little blighter has more hair than I have now and when I was twenty. Best wishes to your wife and hope she gets home soon.


  • Nigel Pugh

    April 27, 2010 at 3:37 pm in reply to: We’re looking to buy a new laminator which one?

    Mr Childs the EM stands for Easymount 😉 Vivid are the distributor.

    Personally both makes are good, but I have supplied more EM laminators than Kala when both makes have been quoted so for me the Easymount range just wins it.

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 22, 2010 at 10:41 am in reply to: Looking for a specific type of garment vinyl

    Liam our product manager Sue Kirkwood has your contact details from the show and will get in touch to try and identify the material.

    Oh and yes t’was me you bumped into, walking past Wetherspoons at the time I think.

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 22, 2010 at 8:19 am in reply to: Looking for a specific type of garment vinyl
    quote Liam Pattison:

    Hi Chris,

    thanks for that, that’s what i’m using funnily enough. I remember seeing one at the sign show from grafityp which was very textured, i quite liked the finish to it. (not flock) I’ve got their samples but can’t seem to see the same one in there. Should have wrote it down.



    Liam would it be the new 3D Expedi, this is the material that "puffs up" when heat pressed.

  • Nigel Pugh

    February 18, 2010 at 8:59 am in reply to: Rolands new VS-640 printer

    Just to confirm the UK rrp is £17,999 plus vat

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 23, 2009 at 12:59 pm in reply to: New signs express shop email policy
    quote John Thomson:

    Instead of guessing what marketing your competition is doing…….now you know.


    Spot on, I get emails from rival suppliers all the time, good way of seeing who is doing what and for how much.

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 16, 2009 at 2:30 pm in reply to: Worst Beatboxer ever!

    kin hell that is so pathetic and hilarious at the same time

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 16, 2009 at 10:47 am in reply to: can anyone advise me on buying first plotter?
    quote Craig Newton:

    graphtec gb on their site are selling a budget 24 inch plotter i think there around £600 with a 2 yr warranty a mate has got one and they arent too bad, craig

    Craig is that the Expert 24 plotter, if so it is exactly the same spec as the Sable.

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 10, 2009 at 11:31 am in reply to: Thank you Grafityp
    quote Robert Lambie:

    quote Nigel Pugh – Grafityp:

    I will give Miss Theron a call to see if she has any dates available 😉

    cant see it mate, she sent me a text saying we will be staying in a big log cabin in the Swiss alps all through Christmas.

    idiot!… well i better pack some warm clothes… and i bet there will be no nightlife. 🙁


    She was using my phone to txt you Rob 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 10, 2009 at 9:29 am in reply to: Thank you Grafityp

    Oh gawd, as soon as I saw this yesterday I knew what would be coming :lol1:

    Hope you enjoyed the drink Graeme, I will give Miss Theron a call to see if she has any dates available 😉

  • Nigel Pugh

    November 3, 2009 at 9:18 am in reply to: Advice on buying my first cutter please?

    Andy you said you are using a Puma II, so the settings for running either in roll or single format will be done via the switches on the right side cover, the same will go for the auto unroll feed too.

  • Nigel Pugh

    November 2, 2009 at 11:13 am in reply to: I attended the Grafiwrap Vehicle Wrapping Course this week.

    Before the rumour gets into full swing I would like to clear something up 😀

    Grafityp have not parted company with Roland, infact our relationship couldn’t be any stronger. The reason for Grafityp to re-start running our own wrap courses is because we now have the facilities to do so whereas the facilities before where not ideal by any means.

    That is basically it, sorry folks no juicy gossip to give.

    On another note, Pryam thanks for the feedback regarding the course, I have passed the points you made over to Joe.


  • Nigel Pugh

    October 5, 2009 at 2:12 pm in reply to: profiles

    Janine just use the pvc banner profile.

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 23, 2009 at 11:33 am in reply to: vinyl on cars

    Louise, depending what type of printer you go for, you should find most vinyl / print media suppliers will have a range of vinyls from short term through to vehicle wrap.

  • Nigel Pugh

    August 14, 2009 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Happy Birthday ROBERT LAMBIE

    Happy Birthday Rob

    Got a case of breezers in then 😉

  • Nigel Pugh

    August 10, 2009 at 10:54 am in reply to: Help required, what am I doing wrong?

    Steve take the jag offline, press the offset button to change its value, press enter to confirm new setting and then put the Jag back online.


  • Nigel Pugh

    July 24, 2009 at 11:15 am in reply to: Help urgently required, please

    Hi Katrina, we are the UK dealer for your machine so give our tech dept a call to see if the problem can fixed over the phone, 01827 300500.

  • Nigel Pugh

    May 27, 2009 at 11:55 am in reply to: SignLab 7 cutter list outdated?

    Vadim, if you have a GCC Lynx 60, Ultra 61, Jaguar 61, Puma 60 listed then either one should work, GCC cutters are HPGL and so a generic HPGL driver or even a Roland driver should also work.


  • Nigel Pugh

    May 22, 2009 at 7:52 am in reply to: GCC Sable cutter. Please help with software.

    Sp1ke, SignPal is a OEM version of FlexiSign, I think you would find it very easy to use, but has John said, if you already work in Illustrator then why don’t you just use the plug-in.

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 30, 2009 at 9:17 pm in reply to: The official SIGN UK photo thread

    Great to see all the nutters again and a few new ones, Jill nice to say hi again and you always had a smile going, and Shane what a really nice bloke for an Aussie 😉 One last word……….Dave yeh you know who you are, update ya profile pic :lol1:

    Finally nice to see the wee fella leave on time this year and sort of sober 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 30, 2009 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Versacamm sp540 take up system?

    I met a supplier today at the show who does a take up for the VersaCamm that will allow print & cut work to be done, hopefully we will be getting one in a few weeks to check it out and see if it works like he said.

  • Nigel Pugh

    March 18, 2009 at 9:20 am in reply to: Jaguar IV 61

    Matthew you are correct the Jag 61 will take 770mm width vinyl, to cut 610mm then take the Jag offline and press the button marked "Misc"

    You will need to select "Paper Saving Mode" from here you can select expanded mode for both the width & length, always remember to press "enter" once you have made your selection.


  • Nigel Pugh

    February 10, 2009 at 5:07 pm in reply to: Off to Nottingham tomorrow

    Nottingham, tooooooo close for comfort that is :lol1:

  • Nigel Pugh

    February 5, 2009 at 10:56 am in reply to: DIY presents for real men

    Did find those at Steve ??

  • Nigel Pugh

    January 30, 2009 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Roland GX24

    Roland Camm1 GX-24 24" vinyl cutter with optical eye

    Roland VersaCamm SP300V or VP300 30" Eco-Solvent printer with cut facility.


  • Nigel Pugh

    January 28, 2009 at 9:12 am in reply to: TV series Red Dwarf, set to return.

    Looking forward to the "unplugged" version they will be doing, no scenery, no effects & no autocue.

    Gonna be a long Easter weekend 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    January 12, 2009 at 11:10 pm in reply to: congratulations on your 10k post

    Peter I applaud you for reaching such a landmark, not only have your posts been informative, helpful or even questioning someones thoughts to help them become a better signmaker, you at the end of the day have been there for all and one.

    So in your honour let us all raise a glass and toast the OLD FART 😀


  • Nigel Pugh

    January 9, 2009 at 7:35 pm in reply to: My logo Update Help Please!

    Funny I was thinking the same as Cheryl, but drop a C out of accross 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 12, 2008 at 10:06 am in reply to: can anyone help with buying new Printer & Laminator

    Just to clarify, we are still doing the same offers as mentioned and we will tailor the media pack to suit each customer.

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 10, 2008 at 12:19 pm in reply to: air brush tan or spray on tan

    Jill shouldn’t that image be in the "Show us your dog" thread 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 10, 2008 at 12:18 pm in reply to: What’s your must have gadget???

    Errrr excuse me Dave, Fallout 3 at the moment old boy.

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 10, 2008 at 9:20 am in reply to: What’s your must have gadget???

    At the moment it is my new Sony Bravia 40" 1080P, with my PS3 hooked up to it the definition is fantastic 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 5, 2008 at 11:46 am in reply to: So who won the Roland VersaArt RS-640 printer?

    Wasn’t it one of the franchise signshops ???

  • Nigel Pugh

    December 3, 2008 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Attn: Andrew Boyle

    Andrew I have three left, how many do you want 😀

    On a serious note I can give a 25% discount on that title.


  • Nigel Pugh

    November 19, 2008 at 2:41 pm in reply to: Newbie to the vinyl signs!

    The Bobcat is from GCC, and so is a SignPal Bobcat, it is / was the entry level machine which has now been replaced by the Bengal…………..anyone notice a theme here 😀

    So not a bad starting machine and a high end software package, seems you are good to go, if you need help on the Bobcat then feel free to give me a call.

    I ought to mention that we are GCC’s UK partner.


  • Nigel Pugh

    November 14, 2008 at 2:48 pm in reply to: signpal to a.i conversion

    Derek, give our tech dept a call 01827 300500 and ask for Steve, if anyone can help then it is him.

    But as mentioned before if your XP has been updated via service packs then it may not be possible to solve.


  • Nigel Pugh

    November 4, 2008 at 11:53 am in reply to: The best designed vehicle wrap!

    The bread van wrap is one I always remember.

  • Nigel Pugh

    October 28, 2008 at 2:33 pm in reply to: signpal to a.i conversion

    V 7.6 was the version to be fully compatible with XP, V 7.0 did have problems with XP, when the service packs came out and with newer versions of XP.

    When XP came out, initially there were patches for V 7.0 but with the updates happening to XP more and more problems came about for V 7.0

  • Nigel Pugh

    October 28, 2008 at 1:03 pm in reply to: signpal to a.i conversion

    So it won’t work with XP, your SignPal must be version 6.0 , 6.5 or 6.6 that makes things tricky.

    I think you will need to get the old pc running again and then export all your jobs out as a.i. files.


  • Nigel Pugh

    October 28, 2008 at 12:35 pm in reply to: signpal to a.i conversion

    Derek if your SignPal software is not working and all your jobs at the time were just saved then that means they are Flexi files and so only Flexi or SignPal software I believe will open them.

    Any chance of explaining what has "crashed" is it the software or pc.


  • Nigel Pugh

    October 22, 2008 at 11:34 am in reply to: My New PC, Hit a Problem

    Dave on my old pc it was Halo, my new toy was originally bought to play Spore, but that game has been a major let down.

    Most of my online is done via the PS3 atm while looking for something new for the pc.

  • Nigel Pugh

    October 22, 2008 at 8:02 am in reply to: My New PC, Hit a Problem

    Hi Jason, I think it was between 2 and 3 weeks for mine, the time soon passes.

  • Nigel Pugh

    October 21, 2008 at 3:36 pm in reply to: First desktop PC I have ever bought.
    quote John Wilson:

    Just listen to dave……… then buy an XBox360 :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    No thanks I will stick with my PS3 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    October 17, 2008 at 1:42 pm in reply to: can anyone help with corel cutting problem please?

    Steve I have tried phoning, answer machine, sorry mate I cannot reply to any pm’s either.

    Using Corel, as Adrian says, install print driver, then in Corel set line thickness as hairline / outline, check that the line thickness is no more than 0.001, then send to the cutter.

    Steve if you cannot get hold of me then just ask for our tech dept and they will (should) help you out.


  • Nigel Pugh

    October 16, 2008 at 3:42 pm in reply to: Can you recommend me a new printer?
    quote David_Evans:

    I was thinking the same as john but don’t think they print white.
    I thought that the SolJet Pro III XJ-640 did but just looked at the site and it seems i was dreaming.


    The SolJet Pro III XC-540W is the one that you are thinking about, you lose the LC and LM colours and gain white ink.


  • Nigel Pugh

    October 14, 2008 at 9:45 am in reply to: My New PC, Hit a Problem
    quote Jason Davies:

    Have you guys heard of alienskin PC’s, wanted to get into some online gaming with a friend of mine (sad I know) and this has been recommended.
    It goes against the grain but this is one area I can’t use my apple for.
    Any good?


    I got the Area 51 MX17 just the other month purely for gaming purposes, a luvverly bit of kit.


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 2, 2008 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Going for the bottom of the glass

    Better at exhaling thru his harris I bet 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 2, 2008 at 8:36 pm in reply to: The Sign Show

    Well we have two tables and eight chairs, soft drinks and hard drinks 😉

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 2, 2008 at 7:45 pm in reply to: The Sign Show

    For a show that has had over 8k of people applying on line to visit, today was very quiet in terms of attendance.

    Not a bad venue though, and the security etc are all polite unlike the NEC wannabe cops, parking is easy and unlike the NEC you are only 5 mins max walking distance at the most from the hall.

    Looking forward to seeing more of you guys an gals tomorrow 🙂

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 2, 2008 at 7:36 pm in reply to: Going for the bottom of the glass

    Gene Simmons has competition 😮

  • Nigel Pugh

    August 20, 2008 at 9:29 am in reply to: Beijing Olympic Games – Your Thoughts?

    Beijing = Birds Nest Stadium

    London = Red Telephone Box Stadium 😀 😀 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    August 19, 2008 at 9:18 am in reply to: Your views on OUR trade suppliers competing against us?

    It is something we (Grafityp) have thought about several times and we always end up with the same conclusion.

    We don’t want to be in competition with the people we already supply with vinyls etc, if we did do it then I think the long term loss would easily over shadow any short term gain.


  • Nigel Pugh

    August 18, 2008 at 11:46 am in reply to: is this application ‘alert-is’ a safe one?

    Google that line: c:\program files\common files\is3\anti-spyware

    It does suggest across various forums that it may be a trojan virus.

  • Nigel Pugh

    July 30, 2008 at 2:43 pm in reply to: help please having problems with shrinkage & red vinyl

    Scott we do a 5yr monomeric vinyl but I wouldn’t suggest to anyone to use for vehicle decals unless short term i.e. 6 months, as you will always get a nice shadow / outline effect once it starts shrinking.

    7yr should be the norm for long term vehicle decals at the very least.


  • Nigel Pugh

    July 29, 2008 at 10:01 am in reply to: Nasa Astronaut claims existance of Aliens and UFO’s
    quote Martin Oxenham:

    The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, can you imagine traveling at that speed. If you could it would take FIVE YEARS to reach the nearest star. So how can anyone even comprehend let alone dismiss if there are other life forms, God or anything beyond what we understand. It all becomes way to fantastic.

    Thats in a straight line, a lot shorter if you have the technology to be able to bend space, in theory journey times could be down to days.

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 12, 2008 at 11:57 am in reply to: Anyone else heard from Reverand John Smith?

    Oh well if it Mr Wilson then sorry credit card payment is not acceptable, he has a untrustworthy face lol

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 12, 2008 at 9:20 am in reply to: Anyone else heard from Reverand John Smith?

    We received this today, I guess banners just don’t do it anymore.

    Hello Customer Service
    Good Day…………. With Regards to your company my name is Rev. Mack Willson and i will like to know if you do carry a Laser Cutting Machine instock for sale? If Yes kindly email me back with the types of Laser Cutting Machine that you have instock and the total pick up price of that so that we can proceed with the order. More over i will like to know if you do accept Credit Cards as a form of payment… Looking forward to hear from you soon so that we can proceed with the order…
    Kind Regards

  • Nigel Pugh

    June 4, 2008 at 3:55 pm in reply to: Help buying a print and cut

    If you are on a tight budget and you can do without the extra print speed the VP300 has then consider the older SP300V model, the money you save you can spend on materials and make more money ready to move up to a 54" or bigger.

  • Nigel Pugh

    April 16, 2008 at 1:46 pm in reply to: can anyone tell me how to cut directly from corel please?

    John you would have had a "Windows Print Drivers" CD with the rest of the accessories in the box the machine came in.

    If you cannot find it then you can download the print driver direct from this link. You will need to register on the site before you can download, or if you want I will send you the driver via email if you can tell me what Windows system you are running, i.e. XP, Vista, 98.


  • Nigel Pugh

    March 27, 2008 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Cutter and Laser

    Just getting ready for next month Dave when there will be plenty of good spirits inside about 40 UKSB members 😛

  • Nigel Pugh

    March 27, 2008 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Cutter and Laser
    quote Rodney Gold:

    A laser is a wonderful machine and im astonished that more sign guys dont rush out and buy one , for signage it’s a huge boon. We run 6 of em.

    Ok everyone follow what Rodney has said, please form a orderly queue and start placing your orders 😉

  • Nigel Pugh

    March 20, 2008 at 4:18 pm in reply to: Vote for Passchendaele 1917 Memorial Museum.

    Done 😀

  • Nigel Pugh

    March 20, 2008 at 9:13 am in reply to: Help with identifying plotter

    Not a SignPal Puma or Jaguar, I can be 100% sure on that.

  • Nigel Pugh

    March 14, 2008 at 9:11 am in reply to: where can i get GCC Bobcat BI-60 Drivers please?

    The Bobcat will only show online once media is loaded and the pinch rollers are lowered, the head will move from right to left and back again after locating were the pinch rollers are positioned.

    Then the online light should be green to show that the cutter is ready to receive data.

    You could give our tech dept a call if you need to know more about the Bobcat.


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