Forum Replies Created

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 17, 2008 at 9:52 pm in reply to: * Time to OUT some UKSB history *

    I am sorry, but I have to disagree on locking this thread.

    What we have here are two guys out to line their own pockets at anyone’s expense.
    This website is all about giving advice and sharing our experiences. Ultimately helping the next guy that comes along by making sure he does not make the same mistakes.

    Do we ask the moderators to remove posts complaining about suppliers outdoing us, or posts reporting a bad product? No we don’t, and this is no different.

    From what I know, Mr Alan Foster and Mr Bill Dewison aka Dewi or whatever he goes by, “used” this website and it’s members to gain knowledge and help to get their businesses off the ground. Once they thought they had achieved that. they decided to try and make money from "us all" one way or another. What stinks even more is the attempt to extort thousands of pounds from this sites owner in return for a web domain he rightfully owned.

    I would be interested to hear feedback of anyone that took them up on their 0800 franchise? Has it been money worth investing in? 🙄

    No disrespect Tim, It is just that I have had a bad experience first hand of Dewison and his little circle of chums. For doing nothing other than disagreeing with them and their actions. 👿

  • kev hoy graphics

    September 2, 2007 at 11:45 pm in reply to: * Time to OUT some UKSB history *

    I have just discovered this post because i havent been around in a long time due to not doing as much sign work these days.

    Wow, what a read!

    I have to say that this should have been done a long time ago Rob, but I appreciate your views behind it. I personally could not have sat on this so long mate.

    Not a great deal of people may know this or remember me for that matter. But around the time all this was happening I received a pm in my UKSB account from one of the members here asking me to contact this guy Dewi via email as he had been trying to get in contact. I proceeded to do so only to get a reply asking me to join another sign community that “dewi was promoting”. I had a look at this website and to be honest it was very poorly put together, had zero content and just reeked amateurish.
    I replied asking Dewi why he was promoting this site and told him my thoughts on the site in general. He agreed it was poor but would get better in time.
    When I asked various other questions about why this and why that as opposed to uksignboards? He could not give me a straight answer. Just kept bleating on about how UKSB should not be moderated and how this new site would not be and it will all be all free to use as it is not a profit gaining website. This I felt was rich coming from a self volunteering moderator of the UKSB website for around a year I think! Go figure???
    It was obvious to me there was more too it and the guy had spat his dummy.
    The more replies he made the more I questioned his motives because it just “did not add up”. Here is were his “friendly, old forum mates” approach stopped. He began to get abusive and his language turned very colourful. (So I stopped replying to him)

    Shortly after this a post was made on his site publicly slagging off the current Turner art prize nominees at the time. Jim Lambie being under the spot light. As folk will know this just so happens to be Robert Lambie’s older brother. Some members there jumped to his brothers defence while dewi and his little army of cowboys took swipe after swipe at Rob’s brother and anyone else that did not agree with them. I decided I would register and ask dewi on the forum if this was an example of his “un-moderated website” in its full glory?
    From here they turned on me. I did not get abusive; I did not say anything over stepping the mark. Just asked questions about the post in question slagging off a man simply because of his family connection to Rob and about how all these other people found their way onto this so called sign site. A show of hands indicating they had all been poached from uksignboards via email, pm and phone calls by none other than dewi. It got better though. As I tried to reply to his new posts in reply to mine, slating me and making fun of me. I found out that they had actually “banned me”
    I could no longer login or get a new password. Yet the replies to the same post kept coming asking me for my views. Yet they knew fine I “could NOT reply” as I had been banned from the website that claimed they did not even moderate let alone ban people. I tried registering again and that too was banned, so gave up.
    Later that evening the actual post was then pulled from the site to hide what had gone on and the fact I had been banned!

    As I have pointed out above, people do and have been banned on his website for doing no wrong other than questioning what Robert Lambie has now posted above at the beginning of this thread.

    So Dewi,
    • It seems you do moderate your forums when someone says something you do not like. “even when they are in the right”
    • You do ban folk from your website. “Because I was the first!” only two weeks after the opening of this site.
    • You do have a vested interest in creating a site to try and mimic uksignboards. Because you are “asking for a membership”.
    • You also offer the same type of vectorising service as uksignboards. (again to make money)
    • You also sell advertising to suppliers. (again to make money)

    “This my friend makes you and those connected hypocrites of the highest degree and not to be trusted!”

    Rob, If I have overstepped the mark with anything I have said, please edit as you see fit. I will not be offended; I just wanted to let folk know where I vanished to and why?

    Rob and the moderators, please continue to run this website as you always have. It has to be the best run sign forum I know of and I have been on lots over the years.

    Says it all really!

    quote Rod Gray:

    success breeds jealousy
  • kev hoy graphics

    February 2, 2005 at 9:37 pm in reply to: Replacement ink cartridges

    i believe printmax, are doing the best priced carts at the moment.
    b&p for inks? at least d!ck Turpin wore a mask. 😉 :lol1:

  • kev hoy graphics

    December 24, 2004 at 9:35 pm in reply to: printing number plate with pc60

    Complain all you like mate, at the end of the day it will be down to many things other than just who can make some money for the sales of plates.
    I want to pinch a white merc sprinter van.
    I drive around till I see one the exact same as the one I want to pinch. (Easy coz there is loads on the road)
    Anyway, I see one. Take down the registration and walk into your sign shop or use your shop on the net. Ask for a set of plates to be made. You hand them over and that’s that.
    Apply some double sided tape to the back & then find the van I am going pinch!
    Walk up and stick the plates on top of the genuine ones & pinch the van.
    Owner calls police and reports van missing, gives description and reg number.
    The stolen van passes the police that have just heard the report. At a glance they see it’s not the van due to plates so they look the registration up and it’s not reported stolen, but is a genuine number?
    Further down the road the stolen van hits a child crossing the road & keeps going!
    Witnesses take down the number but off it goes into the night.
    Next day the van has respray and yet more new plates, bought from? Yep, you! or one of the others on the net or high street that don’t have a plate licence.
    So from this little story, we find someone a victim of theft, someone a victim of being accused as the hit & run driver & none of the two cases can be solved because “no real” details were ever submitted on buying the plates. The DVLA or police can’t start to ask did anyone issue these plates because the people that sold them are not on record.

    There are probably many different scenarios on this so you’re beat before you start.
    Your argument is, it’s not fair because you want to make money from them because you can. On the other hand, the police, the DVLA have other more important issues about you selling the plates!

  • kev hoy graphics

    September 24, 2004 at 5:54 pm in reply to: can anyone tell me why my cadet is not printing please?

    Hi Arthur
    Just wondering how things have developed regarding getting back to B&P & some things mentioned in reply to your post?
    Just being nosey, but reading with interest!

  • kev hoy graphics

    August 12, 2004 at 1:43 pm in reply to: Can someone advise fitting vinyl to magnetic panels?


  • kev hoy graphics

    July 11, 2004 at 8:55 pm in reply to: New Computer – New Software
    quote :

    We are probably going to go the Signlab 7 route from Graphics advantage 6.2. I have read a lot of you use Corel too, but as I’m fairly familiar with Photo Shop and Paint Shop I will probably go for the latest versions of these.

    The plan will be to set up a seperate workshop for the versacamm/cadet (There’s another big issue) and keep the the existing cutters and computer where they are so they can continue earning.

    i am in similar position as you mate. i think i am going to purchase a cadet but with the troop RIP. using corel or photoshop as my design package. much cheaper than signlab & better built for image work.
    cadet or verscamm is another point. i have decided on the cadet because i think in the end it offers more for the money as way of durability.

    as for the computer, i think it is wise to contact the people that sell you the printer to make sure it is up to the job. most suppliers will have a minimal requirement spec on machines like this.

    the wisest move i would give you to to read all the back posts on this site. you will find very unbiased opinions from people running the machines. talk to any supplier and you will only be told the ups! never the downs of the machine.

  • kev hoy graphics

    April 30, 2004 at 11:22 am in reply to: Free laminator with Versacamm – did you get yours?

    FREE laminator?
    i know the versacamm is a great machine. but does giving a free laminator not sorta acknowledge the problem of print durability? 😕

    i dont know a whole lot about printing so excuse me. maybe just me, sorry. 🙄

  • kev hoy graphics

    April 29, 2004 at 10:11 pm in reply to: Cadlink to charge for telephone support!

    I disagree that they should charge for the support when the software is so expensive already. Even if it is great software!
    But on the flip side, what about those folk that don’t just get it? I mean those that always have bother. There is only so much time Cadlink can dedicate to them.
    I think a forum like you suggested would be a very good idea Robert. This site is the best, I mean that. I think it would be in Cadlink and possibly Flexisign’s best interest to support a forum on this site. I guess if you tried then you tried though. 🙄

  • kev hoy graphics

    April 16, 2004 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Marketing question

    I think Rodney’s method of a small booklet of samples is a good one. People like to see, touch and feel. I remember getting a similar booklet. Nothing big or fancy, just several types of print about 6 inch square with a hole in one corner with one of these office type paper ties going through it.
    Basically each page was a print that had an image showing the quality with a short text message going over it. Like Rodney it may have said something like laminated prints optional, & so on! Each had a small logo in the corner and the last page was all the company details and website with more images but with more details.
    I would imagine it pennies to rattle something like this out. Maybe 50 or 100 booklets. Then target your customer rather than just any door.
    Look locally first. This is helpful for you because you can give a better faster service & vice versa for them.
    Advertising companies, architects, sports centres, head office modern home developers etc these are companies that give repeat business.

  • kev hoy graphics

    April 14, 2004 at 5:47 pm in reply to: hand carved signage: headstone

    Now that IS impressive. Time consuming, but impressive. I hope you charge plenty?

    would love to see more carving work. 😛

  • kev hoy graphics

    March 25, 2004 at 10:00 pm in reply to: Applying vinyl to deep recesses help please?

    i agree with both wardie and rob on this one.
    try and avoid the pits when designing but if you cant. wardies method is a good one too. i use this from time to time. 🙄

  • kev hoy graphics

    March 24, 2004 at 10:14 pm in reply to: Which Cutter?

    graphtec gets my vote. i have heard good reports here and on some US websites.

  • kev hoy graphics

    March 16, 2004 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Anyone know where I can buy rolls of 3M Striping?

    Wm Smith
    01833 694707


  • kev hoy graphics

    February 21, 2004 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Shop Fascia Sign

    Looks brilliant mate. Well done! 😀

    Are those letters backlit?

    My only feeling and this maybe just me but. “Routing” may not mean anything to Joe public. I know lots know what it is but will the public that the sign is targeting know?

    Will you be keeping the green shop front below now the new sign is up? A charcoal front or something to tie it together would be nice.

    Anyway. I think the whole thing is very smart. I particularly like the little red devil letter in the URL, nice touch. 😉

  • kev hoy graphics

    February 21, 2004 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Vehicle Wraps : Smart Cars

    Both wraps look amazing guys. Work well done! (hot)

  • kev hoy graphics

    February 15, 2004 at 12:38 pm in reply to: what do you think of this logo?

    I went for something similar to jills approach here, (black & white).
    The design I have used will probably not appeal to you but I wanted to show that the emphasis here is that you make signs. So I have made signs more prominent.


  • kev hoy graphics

    February 10, 2004 at 7:31 pm in reply to: 40 foot printed lorry graphics

    well done billy, well done the versacamm! 😛

  • kev hoy graphics

    February 10, 2004 at 7:28 pm in reply to: tip: how to put shortcut on working with another page

    My opinion, and nothing more is that unless speaking to cadlink or similar type company direct you don’t get the type of support/answer you really needed anyway.
    This is not aimed at cadlink or any one company in particular. I just mean that we end up knowing far more about the software that we use than any sales rep that sold us it to begin with.
    My feelings is that sales reps should really only deal with the company for the first year, maybe more. After that it maybe an idea to introduce an advanced support team.
    This way it separates the trivial day-to-day teething problems with real problems & questions.
    Maybe this way the support teams would learn a bit more about the downside to their software quicker & can advise their software production teams of reoccurring problems before they get out of hand.

    for the record, i use signlab 5 daily and do not have any problems. 😀

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 30, 2004 at 7:02 pm in reply to: Vehicle Outlines

    I agree that there are some vehicle clipart CD’s out there with lots of bells & whistle & at lower cost. I think we need to be realistic about what the library really is for, & will we ever get round to blowing one of these whistles?
    These CD’s are one of the best things on the go for people in our line of work.
    For visuals, size guides & more. They save us a great deal of time and money.
    Where are the days of going out in the cold to measure a transit and rush back to the workshop, do a layout and rush back? (Yes, I know the sizes are for reference only)
    Do we really need vehicle outlines from different countries?
    Will we ever use them?
    What support comes with this type of European CD?
    I could go on!
    Lets face it, if we need support its good to call someone that knows what they are talking about. Someone that wont say.. “Eh…(hand over the mouth peace) guy on the phone wants to know why he has a tank on his outline CD!”
    What I think we should be saying is. Hell, for £20-£30 more I get the vehicles I want, with support and upgrades for a year. That & the fact it is BRITISH!

    & No! I do not work for impact. 😮 I don’t even have the disk. I have used it though and I do intend on buying it. 😉

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 25, 2004 at 5:50 pm in reply to: EDGE 2, Tips & advice needed?

    I have always fancied an edge from day one. i looked at thermal machines for a few months. we have to be realistic about
    What we plan to print with them & how much it will really cost.
    The edge beats the PC600 on speed, running costs & a few other factors.
    The PC600 beats the edge on unattended use, dpi and width.
    Both machines can be tiled for large prints and both are more than capable of being used for it. I think the edge wins hands down on that too.
    Like Nigel said, if the job is large and would take multiple tiles & lamination.
    Why go to all the bother for a lower return. It has got to be better to email a file to a trade supplier and get it the following day or two in possibly one piece?
    It would possibly cost less using this method with a better result because of less tiles, better dpi, zero manufacturing labour & so on.
    I’m not knocking the machine or that of the PC600. They are both great machines for smaller graphics.
    Maybe it’s just me. But when someone asks me for digital printing, I visualise large format.
    I think if I had 10 grand spare, it would probably be a wide format print and cut machine like a Graphtec. I don’t know of an ideal printer for outdoor use, possibly the machine rob has mentioned, the cadet sounds like a good bet. 😕

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 20, 2004 at 8:54 pm in reply to: IS Lighthouse CJ9700 Vinyl suitable for use with 960?

    Not sure about widths. But watch when buying cheap vinyl! There are normally always good reasons for it being cheap. 🙄

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 20, 2004 at 8:50 pm in reply to: Need help with my sign design please?

    Thanks for the replies!
    Jill I may do that when I finally get round to making this. Have to speak with customer first. Thanks!

    It’s going to be a projecting sign only, double sided. Main sign already done. The shop is a mixture of key cutting, shoe repairs that kind of thing. But wants to renew the cobbler projector.
    It’s non-illuminated and will slide into an existing frame. Easy done.
    The only thing that may need changed is the border. The design includes the border were that maybe overlapped by the existing frame or may not look right as it has a frame then the face shows a frame also?

    The software I use is signlab 5. Used it for some time now. The image shown is basically a build up of layers. None are welded yet, that’s why I didn’t upload the image “cut-file” as it’s all in bits at the moment. I don’t weld anything until i am happy with finished article.
    I would recommend anyone to try it.

    Again thanks everyone. With the amount of replies I have got. I can see this forum being a great tool for everyone.

    Well done rob! 😉

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 18, 2004 at 10:53 pm in reply to: Need help with my sign design please?

    ok had a play with this & took on all your suggestions.
    what do you think now?


  • kev hoy graphics

    January 18, 2004 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Lorry Graphics : Actros & Atego

    Lovely work wardie. Looks very well fitted mate.
    I think you may get bother with the vinyl covering the rubber though.
    Maybe not straight away but a month or so down the line.

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 18, 2004 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Business names??

    I agree with the comments made.
    The name will reflect on your company for years to come.
    I would steer away from cheerful rhyming names, I feel it can cheapen the company image. Having said that, it is a difficult thing to come up with. The good ones are normally always taken.

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 18, 2004 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Need help with my sign design please?

    Hi gang
    What can I say? I certainly didn’t expect all these replies. Brilliant. I mean that. 😉
    I have not been online over the last week or so. I had some problems with my connection. I had someone in to look at it, so that hopefully shouldn’t be an issue anymore. 😀
    I have taken onboard the comments and I agree! The text should be closer and the whole feel to it “a bit older”. Thank you dewi, magpie & signjoe for taking the time to explain using images. Brill! What a great forum this is!

    Well I am going to now go and see what I can come up with keeping in mind all the comments. Hopefully I should come up with a finished article today or tomorrow. 😛

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 11, 2004 at 10:47 am in reply to: which vinyl can be used for motocross bikes?

    I have had some vinyl graphics to do for a guys motto cross bike on several occasions.
    I also did a few PRO cart-racing cars. On each job I used mactac 9800.
    When the guy returned for more “he brings in only the guards.” All my stuff was as good as new but the other vinyls were not as good. They looked like screen prints also.
    Like Becky this guy brought in some fancy vinyls to be used on the bike. I hadn’t seen it before myself. This time it was a snakeskin type finish on it. I wasn’t keen on it as it felt more of a foil and brittle. I think he said you could buy it from the motto cross magazines & good bike stores.
    My point is, is it really necessary to get the thick stuff, if it’s the norm? ive always learned that the better the vinyl the thinner it gets. Like cast vinyl.
    Is it not possible they are using a cheap “thick” calendar vinyl & know no better?
    fair enough the thick stuff may take more beating & scratches but…. 🙄

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 9, 2004 at 9:18 pm in reply to: SummaCut D60 For Sale

    & why not? 😉

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 6, 2004 at 10:40 pm in reply to: can anyone help me decide which logo to use?

    Thanks again, I am using signlab 5 for my artwork. I think its great!
    I have Corel & Photoshop but do not use them often, as I cannot print. So I don’t have a real need at the moment.

  • kev hoy graphics

    January 6, 2004 at 8:36 pm in reply to: can anyone help me decide which logo to use?

    thanks for pointing that out… 😳 😀

    your correct though. this is the way my design started out.


  • kev hoy graphics

    January 6, 2004 at 7:57 pm in reply to: can anyone help me decide which logo to use?

    had a play around. not sure if it will appeal to you. 🙄

    thank you for the fast reply & help rob. 😉
