Forum Replies Created

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  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 9:57 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Thank you all for your suggestions. You have given me plenty to think about! I shall go back to the drawing board and let you know how I get on.
    Thanks again!

  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 8:23 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    P.s. Rob: from a business point of view you might be on to something. With a sign like that I might get a lot of work from the many bachelor farmers in the area….. but I am fairly sure they won’t come looking for signs 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 8:17 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Yeah… Rob… that’s a definite NO!!
    Andrew: I really like that. But I just wonder if it is too edgy/modern for my ‘market’. I am based in a very rural area and the local business people in general are quite traditional…

  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 7:52 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Oooooh I see interesting things!!!
    I love the way you turned the wings into the ‘w’ Marcella! But I also like what Andy did, with the wings in the centre. I kinda like that retro look that is happening there…….
    This is one of my older ideas…. but seeing the latest few suggestions…. I think I’d like to do something with that!


  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 6:52 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    I am more than happy to drop the red, but I am just not sure if I can deal with pink or lilac…. 😮 That’s just not me…….
    I can sort of see that the fonts that Andrew and Marcella picked go better with the wings, but I wonder if I should stay away from script altogether….
    let me dig out my old sketches and see what the opinion on them is….

  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 6:18 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Okay….. this is what I currently use as my logo…. I spend hours on it and still quite like it (there is no mention of the word sign because I use it for my other ventures like painting/decorating aswell). Unfortunately I did not realize how much it looks like the symbol for nuclear power until people commented on it!!! 😳 (maybe not bad with the word ‘power’… but it’s not quite the kind of image I was looking for)….
    So time for a change!!

  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 6:11 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Here it is Harry. The main body is ‘hans hand’. The A is from ‘scriptina’ that I changed a bit…….
    For anyone who is suggesting options: I am in no way stuck on any of the elements: and I believe that ‘less is more’.
    I considered just a halo above the ‘A’ and no wings at all.
    I am just hoping to end up with something that will appeal to a wide audience & that I am comfortable with aswell.


  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 5:47 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Harry, I see your point about the main typefont.
    I had this font I really liked, but I felt it was not going with the wings…..
    I really like the way the wings are drawn out of a continues line but agree with Rob, that the whole thing is not really coming together yet……
    But how do you do that?
    I am a bit stuck with it and hope that a few suggestions from you nice folk will give me some direction….


  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 5:04 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Here it is in illustrator…


  • Angelique Muller

    September 24, 2007 at 4:52 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    Thanks for feedback.
    I chose red as a background because I kinda like red and my car is that colour (I was hoping to put it onto the car for advertising). But had not put that much thought into it…… You have made me think! (reason for posting it).
    I was struggling a bit with combining the image of the wings with the words. In general I like to centre things, but in this case it’s found it was not working with the word Angelpower because of the ascender ‘l’. I would like to use a Script font (something casual that would go with me as a person), but am quite partial to something like futura or gill sans in capitals……

    Hugh I like the fade effect, but that would make it hard to cut from vinyl…..I will take your suggestion and post it as a AI file….. just have to convert the file first from my signblazer software……

  • Angelique Muller

    September 17, 2007 at 4:44 pm in reply to: is there such a thing as fake gold leaf?

    You can get it from Tiranti’s art supplies in London as well.
    You can order it online.

  • Angelique Muller

    September 16, 2007 at 3:57 pm in reply to: Comments on my new Logo please..

    I agree with John. I quite like the name. I think people would remember it. A reference to a ‘classic’ like Frankenstein is allright to me. If it was something like the ‘texas chainsaw massacre murderer’ it might be different…..
    So Harry or Rob might not ring you for business.. but I would……….
    I suppose it is hard to please everyone 😮

  • Angelique Muller

    September 15, 2007 at 8:50 pm in reply to: how do you plot

    In theory YES (because they are vector-based software) but from my own -very limited experience- you have to have your drawings correct: no strokes or fill effects etc or things can go a bit ‘funny’. But I work with Signblazer and I don’t know ArtCut.

    Signblazer has the ability make the vector drawings required for cutting/plotting. Surely Artcut has aswell?!?

    I am affraid I might not be the best one to help: I am only halfway trough my cd-rom with tutorials on how to use Illustrator and in the meantime I am also learning to get to grips with all the funtions of the signblazer software.
    So maybe wait till someone comes along that knows Artcut and they might be able to help you better.
    Good luck with it! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    September 15, 2007 at 8:01 pm in reply to: how do you plot

    That sound like a really round-about way of doing things to me…. Learning how to draw in Coreldraw, Adobe illustrator or any other vector based software would be the to go I think….:o
    Might take a bit of time in the beginning getting to grips with the software.. but will safe you time in the end…. 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    September 15, 2007 at 6:10 pm in reply to: Reply to Angelique

    sorry… 😳 didn’t realise that……

  • Angelique Muller

    September 11, 2007 at 10:57 pm in reply to: Hello from Bath, UK !!!

    Hello & Welcome! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    September 10, 2007 at 10:22 pm in reply to: Nice Day Out

    Dogs?…. beach?…water….?Here’s a picture of my ‘girls’ in action…… 😀


  • Angelique Muller

    September 10, 2007 at 9:52 am in reply to: anyone selling hot flex

    Thanks Nigel… you’re the best!

  • Angelique Muller

    September 9, 2007 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Hello from me – surrey

    Welcome from me too.
    I am just reading a book on the history of typography: very interesting indeed!

  • Angelique Muller

    September 8, 2007 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Commercial Script Joined Font Please

    Nope…. sorry no luck the SBFC038 is the best I can do……

  • Angelique Muller

    September 8, 2007 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Commercial Script Joined Font Please

    Your welcome….. I just realised that my font manual describes it as the ‘nearest equivalent’…….
    But I have CorelDraw Cd with fonts I have not installed… I’ll have a quick look to see if I have the ‘real’ thing on there……

  • Angelique Muller

    September 8, 2007 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Commercial Script Joined Font Please

    Here’s the font


  • Angelique Muller

    September 7, 2007 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Hey Ya’ll from Louisville KY!


  • Angelique Muller

    September 1, 2007 at 2:49 pm in reply to: Font Help Please

    Not sure if this is the way you attach a file……


  • Angelique Muller

    August 31, 2007 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Font Help Please

    It looks like one called ‘shatter’.

  • Angelique Muller

    August 30, 2007 at 10:25 pm in reply to: running away

    Very funny!!! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 29, 2007 at 4:22 pm in reply to: Looking to buy small quantities of Sericol Nylobag

    Thank you Nic for your suggestion. I received a parcel in the post today from Sericol! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 28, 2007 at 11:31 pm in reply to: would like your input and suggestions on font?

    Well, I like the first one best. The fourth one would be my second choice….:D Whatever it is about that ‘japanese brush’ one with the green arrow…. : something with the spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘o’ looks a bit odd to me (but hey… what do I know) 😮

  • Angelique Muller

    August 27, 2007 at 4:14 pm in reply to: A late presentaion


  • Angelique Muller

    August 26, 2007 at 9:55 pm in reply to: Looking to buy small quantities of Sericol Nylobag
    quote Nicola Rowlands:

    if you phone sericol and ask nicely…and say you havent used it before they will send you out a wee tin with catalyst with thinners… sure your irish charm will win them over 😉


    Thanks Nik,

    I spoke to them last week and they told me that one litre was the smallest quantities they did….. I did not ask for samples though … might try that…. but will have to use dutch charm instead of irish, as that is my ‘real’ nationality…. I would have to work really hard to disguise my accent 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 26, 2007 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Good afternoon from the sunny Isle of Anglesey


  • Angelique Muller

    August 26, 2007 at 6:39 pm in reply to: Out with the old in with the new

    Hi! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 26, 2007 at 6:39 pm in reply to: Hello from Ireland

    A welcome from the south west (West Cork) of ireland! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 25, 2007 at 8:16 pm in reply to: Can someone please help me with pcut problems?

    Hi Roy,
    I have a P-cut but I don’t know your software package.
    Although my plotter is running perfectly now the initial installation was a bit of a pain…At the time I could not ring the supplier so I tried my IT-wise brother who got me sorted. I had to define ports in the in the device manager. Now I can’t remember all the details, but if you see any question marks under ports…. then that might be the problem…..
    So I can’t be of much help really…….:( sorry
    But I’ll symphatise with you 🙂
    Shane’s advice is the best: contact your supplier.

  • Angelique Muller

    August 21, 2007 at 9:41 am in reply to: What I did at the weekend

    he looks like a real sweety!

  • Angelique Muller

    August 19, 2007 at 12:36 pm in reply to: Hello from Slovenia

    Hello & welcome…

  • Angelique Muller

    August 18, 2007 at 1:13 pm in reply to: Notice to all: Please read

    no worries…sorry for the hassle….. thanks

  • Angelique Muller

    August 18, 2007 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Who’s going to Sign Ireland?

    I will hopefully get there….. trying to work out the logistics as I have relatives arriving at Cork airport on the 27th.. I don’t like driving so am trying to figure out how to get there by bus (from Cork city)….

  • Angelique Muller

    August 18, 2007 at 12:48 pm in reply to: Notice to all: Please read

    Just wondering if messages are ending up in your bin again? I have send you a couple of messages with a question, but have not had any reply….. 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 16, 2007 at 6:34 pm in reply to: is it possible to order vinyl online?

    you could try Mulberry design and print?!?!

  • Angelique Muller

    August 15, 2007 at 3:25 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote Jillbeans:

    I agree with everything lifesigns said…oh for the good old days when signwriting wasn’t seen as a “game” but as a skill.
    I do think our industry has been devalued by people with eBay plotters.
    I also miss my Rapidograph, dried up in its case in a drawer lo these past 20 years.

    That being said, when I have to vectorise I take the image, tape a piece of regular white (A4?) over it onto a window, and draw over it as best as I can with a fine-tip marker. You could also use a light table but I don’t have one.
    I put it into my scanner and scan as a black and white drawing, then import it into my GA and raster to vector. Then I clean up any spare nodes as best as I can. Sometimes I will use the tools in the program to re-draw circles or squares, etc.
    It’s really not that hard once you figure out how.
    Be sure to charge for the service, however, your hourly rate usually.

    One might call you a ‘Luddite’?!? 😉
    I mean that in the nicest way: it’s coming from a place called jealousy…… you have the skills that I would like to have…. 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 15, 2007 at 9:55 am in reply to: Newbie Hello from Kent


  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 10:35 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote Shane Drew:

    Angelique, don’t take it personally.

    Plenty of newbie ebay pcut users here. some have no idea how to get a job done, and some, like you, are prepared to learn. The obvious sign of who’s fairly serious and who’s not really ‘sure’ is that they pay for membership. Its a great resource, and we all have to learn somewhere.

    The observation by lifesigns is not a new topic here, its been discussed many times before, and likely will be discussed again down the line.

    End of the day, the quality of anyones work will the determining factor if they have/keep customers or not.

    Like anything in this world, if you keep going forward, you can only get better. Experience is not something you can read about or buy.

    Such wise words Shane 😀 And thank you…. I wasn’t really taking it personal, but there’s nothing like a good old discussion every now and then …….it beats watching ‘crappy’ tv!!!


  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 8:01 pm in reply to: Hello from Lake District

    Hi Neil!

  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 7:54 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote Andy Gorman:

    You wouldn’t let them do your plumbing though, would you? 😉 I wouldn’t.

    Well… although our plumber was ‘old school’ and indeed can solder, he did not use the old technique anywhere in our our house (and he was the one telling me about ‘all these new guys that can’t solder’…..)

    So back to vectorising. -In my humble opinion- I think that without the proper background/technique you could still do a reasonably good job… but you are limited in your work as Mike Fear points out…..

  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote Peter Normington:

    I’ll second Andy’s comments.

    But at least if you are on the boards, then you are ready to learn, and what better place?


    Thank you Peter, that is the reason I joined… 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 6:22 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote Andy Gorman:

    My opinion – the ability to manually vectorise objects is a must have. If you can’t do it, then you are severely restricted in what you are able to produce. It’s not a criticism of anyone, but I liken it to a plumber who can’t solder. To me it’s a fundamental skill. Also, it’s not just about reproducing old artwork – vector manipulation is part of almost every original design I make.

    I don’t disagree with you. But with regards to your plumber comparison: I think that there are a lot of plumbers out there who are delighted with the compression fittings and plastic pipes and that indeed can’t solder anymore….

  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 5:26 pm in reply to: Vectorizing

    Sorry, I mend to say ‘Johnny’ instead of ‘lifesigns’… sorry 😳

  • Angelique Muller

    August 14, 2007 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote lifesigns:

    As sign makers are we loosing the skills we once had to be able to do our own digitizing. It seams that to many new comers, not being nasty, just don’t know jack about sign making, materials and the software they use. Every one seams to be relying on software to do the work for them. this once used to be a skilled industry, but its becoming flooded by people who has bought a plotter off eBay.

    Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. my poor old dad god rest his sole would be turning in his grave, that is if he was buried.

    Hands up who does their own digitizing or just scans and cuts? Or even get someone else to digitize it for them.

    I’ve been digitizing logos, text since the good old Gerber 4bs with the naff software where I had to clean art work pixel by pixel. None of this bezier curve stuff.

    I think I’m going on a bit now.

    I am glad you feel better now you have got that of your chest. But as I feel your comments are directed to me (being new, having bought a plotter on ebay…. and yes it is a PCut) I will respond.

    Is it possible you are holding onto some romantic ideas of the ‘good old days’? Don’t get me wrong… I totally admire good craftmanship but what is wrong with new technology/methods?
    If ‘lifesigns’ has figured out an unconventional method of vectorising his artwork then I don’t see a problem. If it works for him/her and in the end of the day produces good signs? And if the work isn’t good, then it is his/her business that is suffering… not yours. Quality will prevail….
    I think that a fresh look at a problem from a totally different perspective might provide new solutions that might not have been thought of by approaching it in the traditional way…. 😮

  • Angelique Muller

    August 13, 2007 at 5:38 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote :

    So who else uses it to convert bitmaps into vectors? not many I would imagine? maybe looking to be proved wrong again :lol1:

    I don’t… did not even know you could do that…. I use Corel Trace

  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Vectorizing

    Can you not use the ‘vector wise’ link on the homepage?

  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 6:57 pm in reply to: Vectorizing

    I am not sure… check out their website:

  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 6:33 pm in reply to: Hi from Northern Ireland


  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Vectorizing
    quote JonnyAnnett:

    It’s elements. I am looking for an upgrade soon though.

    yeah, you might have a problem then….. Elements does not give you a lot of options, Hotshot is a lot better.
    You don’t have any other software? I have used CorelTrace for vectorising……

  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 5:56 pm in reply to: Vectorizing

    Is it signblazer hotshot or elements?
    I don’t think you have the option in ‘elements’… in Hotshot there is an option under ‘image’ to vectorise

  • Angelique Muller

    August 12, 2007 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Vectorizing

    What software are you using?

  • Angelique Muller

    August 11, 2007 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Has anyone got tips on applying shadows or letter outlines?

    I have used a lightbox to line the lettering up with the outline…..

  • Angelique Muller

    August 11, 2007 at 6:02 pm in reply to: can anyone help with this logo please?

    I like the font, but agree that the ‘n’ and ‘v’ are hard to read.
    I like it though……… 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 11, 2007 at 11:22 am in reply to: Hello From A Newbie – Scotland
    quote qustomqueen:

    quote martin:

    Kim, software wise you might want to look at corel x3 as well, I don’t use it myself but lots of members have said it is very good and it is reasonably priced as well. There are quite a few posts about it on the boards if you try doing a search and there is also a link to a lot of video tutorials for it on youtube.

    So do you think that for what I want to do corel is my best option rather than illustrator?

    I use Corel and recently moved to Illustrator. I often had problems with Corel files when I went to printers, that they could not open files etc…
    I was told that Illustrator is more widely used…
    Both programs have more or less the same options/features, but everything has different names and it’s in different places…..

  • Angelique Muller

    August 10, 2007 at 11:36 am in reply to: Hello From A Newbie – Scotland

    Hi Kim! :welcome:

    I agree with Lorraine. I am new to this as well and the tutorials and demonstrations are brilliant.
    Good luck with the awards..

  • Angelique Muller

    August 9, 2007 at 11:00 pm in reply to: Greetings from Sunny Bermuda
    quote martin:

    Think that one went right over someones head Michael :lol1:
    Never mind better luck with your next attempt at humour 🙄

    I got it!!! 😉 HA!

  • quote Andrew Boyle:

    100% … problem 😀

    Gosh, thanks… that is really generous of you!!
    How can I give you my address? I am not sure what the rules on these things are….. Can you access my profile?

  • quote Andrew Boyle:

    Angelique I will send you the book if you want………….It’s the kind of stuff I appreciate but don’t know if I agree with or like 😀


    Well, that would be really nice! 😛
    Are you sure?

  • quote Harry Cleary:

    😀 😀 typical…..Thomson gets me in hot water again!!!
    I’m a pussycat really Angelique……. 😀 😀 honest!

    Yeah…. thought so… good thing as I am no mood to ‘run for my life’ as Marcella puts it. I am absolutely knackered. I tiled a bathroom today: 16m2 , a record for me….. but I suppose this is the wrong forum to be discussing that! 😉

  • quote Robert Lambie:

    i think this is the book martin was mentioning, i have it here but havent read it. read some when i just got it… what i read was good… i need to dig it back out. … 79&sr=1-38

    I found that one on Amazon…… it’s a bit pricy at £32.20 🙁 Is it worth the money you recon?!?

  • quote Marcella:

    RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!! 😮

    Oh, jeeeezzzz………. 😉

  • quote Marcella:

    quote Harry Cleary:

    quote Angelique Muller:

    (it’s just great as I could not have a discussion on this subject down the local pub….really).

    depends on who you invite Angelique 😀 😀 😀

    oh you big flirt!!!!!!!! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    He’s hinting Angelique…… BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!!!!!!! 😉

    Will I hide so?!?!? 😮

  • Well, I must say I have been really enjoying reading all your opinions on the subject 😀 (it’s just great as I could not have a discussion on this subject down the local pub….really).
    I would like to say thank you to everyone!!!
    Rob: you seem to be the ‘biggest’ voice in explaining why not to alter fonts & you have done a great job in explaining your point of view. I am still not sure if I agree or not, but one thing is for sure: I will certainly think very hard before I would change something and question if it is really necessary and if it is actually improving a design.
    Again: if anyone can advise on any good books to read on the subject…. I would love to hear.
    Martin: I tried to find the book you recommended on Amazon, but no luck there….. 🙁

  • Angelique Muller

    August 9, 2007 at 1:41 pm in reply to: what is banner material like?

    I sometimes print onto shiny polyester satin, its so good to print onto its comes out like high quality photo paper.
    Costs about £4 a linear metre (1m x 2m I think) from haberdasheries[/quote]

    Now that sounds like a good idea!! 😀 What about durability? Could you wash it?

  • Angelique Muller

    August 8, 2007 at 6:36 pm in reply to: what is banner material like?

    So I suppose rather than looking at banner material I should look for a fabric you can print on….. I just fancy making some products with photographic images on them….. The idea started at oil cloth… so vinyl -in my mind- was the next closest thing….
    I sort of wander if the texture of fabric would interfere with a photograph… that it looses clarity?!?! 🙄 Sorry just thinking out loud…..

  • quote Andy Gorman:

    Angelique, here’s a couple of examples to show what I mean.
    I think everybody does the same as me, albeit subconsciously. Next time you are in Boots have a look at mens’ and womens’ products, you’ll find that the typography on womens’ stuff is much more……erm…….girly.

    hhhhhmmmm…. I think I get what you mean but I shall have a look in the shops next time and have a critical look at at products……
    (won’t be in Boots as there’s not one around here….)

  • quote Andy Gorman:

    I don’t know if it’s any help or makes any sense to you at all, but the FIRST thing I decide upon when designing is Male or Female. There are styles and fonts that are obviously masculine or feminine and I try to match this to the intended customer base. Or neutral, of course.

    Know what I mean?

    Actually, no… 😮 I haven’t a clue what you mean…. could you explain? 😀 Maybe a bit better than Phill?!?! (although that was entertaining……)
    Give me an example of a male and female font…

  • Angelique Muller

    August 7, 2007 at 9:16 am in reply to: What I did at the weekend
    quote Lorraine Clinch:

    You could also try a DAP diffuser, available from vets or on-line. It’s a stress-buster for dogs, used during times such as this, or during fire-works etc.

    How does that work?
    Would it work as a tranquilizer for mad/manic dogs? only kidding….. my two bordercollies just have an incredible amount of energy and I sometimes wish I could give them something to calm them down. They get a good long run on the beach almost every day, but when the weather is bad, or i am really tired and skip the walk they drive me nuts… Its my own fault: I should have read up on the breed before I got them…but I love them to bits! Actually I should thank them: at least I walk every day….without them I might be completely unfit……

  • Angelique Muller

    August 7, 2007 at 9:00 am in reply to: Hello from Mansfield

    Hello!! 😀

  • I am interested in the shapes of lettering in general.
    One point I tried to make in the previous posting ‘Nature’s Table’ was that: are you always sure that a font is a good design? There are so many fonts these days and they surely can’t be all that good. If a font is designed by a professional, does that mean it is good? As in all professions there are good and bad people out there. A bit of tweaking could possibly improve things. I also wonder who ‘desides’ what looks good, what the current ‘rules’ are so to speak. In general terms I believe the the ideas about esthetics change (look at fashion: years ago a size 12 was beautiful, these days it is to big). SO I am just trying to figure out how this applies to lettering and signs….
    In the end it all boils down to personal opinion and taste, but I just like hearing what other people with experience in sign making have to say…

    As I am just starting out, I sometimes design something and feel ‘it doesn’t look right’, but then find it hard to figure out why. So with some guidance and basic rules I could look at something more precise and pinpoint what the problem might be….that’s the reason why I am ‘picking’ your brains…..
    . 😀

  • Thanks for that….

    Question for Rob:
    You seem to have a very strong opinion on the subject. Is this your own, that you formed trough experience or is it something you were taught?

    I find this subject quite fascinating… any good books you could recommend on the subject? I recently purchased the ‘logo, font and lettering bible’ by Leslie Cabarga… very interesting/enjoyable read…
    Although calling your book a bible is possibly a bit pretentious (especially since he seems to ‘butcher’ a font on the cover by stretching it to the extreme…….)

  • Angelique Muller

    August 3, 2007 at 3:39 pm in reply to: attic stairs image
    quote Harry Cleary:

    Angelique and Marcella on the one stairs??………I don’t think Monaghan is ready for that!!!! 😀 😀

    And how would that ladder deal with that? 😛
    The logistics for organising that picture could be tricky….
    (just meant…. I could climb up the ladder in our house …………… 😮 )

  • Angelique Muller

    August 3, 2007 at 3:20 pm in reply to: attic stairs image
    quote Marcella:

    I’ll get John to take my pick going up the new loft ladder he’s just put in.
    Hope it’s a BIG van Harry! 😉

    I was going to suggest the same….. 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    August 3, 2007 at 12:55 pm in reply to: what is banner material like?

    thank you thank you thank you

    That was the kind of info I was looking for….
    I tell you why I was asking:
    I recently made myself a handbag out of oilcloth with a photographic printed ‘pebbles’ design… I got some great reactions, which made me think: I thought it could be fun making personal or one-off bags with a printed material…. some women spend fortunes on mass-produced handbags (well not me… i make my own…), so maybe there is a market for one-off personalised bags?!?! But before I could even think of any specific design, I would have to deal with the practicalities of the materials. things like inks coming out…. that would not be great….

    I am not looking to make millions…. it’s just a little project that would keep me occupied and have fun at the same time…

    Using it for upholstery is for something among the same line of thought…….

  • Angelique Muller

    August 3, 2007 at 11:27 am in reply to: what is banner material like?

    thank you all for your comments…..
    Before I start collecting samples.. can I re-phrase my question into:
    Could printed banner material in your opinion be used for other purposes like upholstery or bags?

    Thanks again 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 31, 2007 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Hello everyone

    hello!! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 31, 2007 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Greetings from Sunny Bermuda

    hiya! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 30, 2007 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Greetings from NJ

    Hiya!!! 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 29, 2007 at 10:31 pm in reply to: could do with some design advice on layout please?

    Thanks again. It is great to be able to get other peoples suggestions. Working on my own I sometimes get completely ‘stuck’ and another opinion or suggestion can really move things along….
    I will keep you posted on the progress.

    By-the-way: Why is your picture upside down?

  • Angelique Muller

    July 29, 2007 at 4:45 pm in reply to: could do with some design advice on layout please?

    Thanks Glenn,

    I like that!!
    I think my colours are not right either…. I wanted a sand-colour, but the one I used is to ‘peachy/orange’.
    But that’s something to worry about later….
    Your concept is good!
    I tried some stuff with circles aswell, but had not thought of using the sand/water idea in them…..
    Thank you 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 29, 2007 at 1:54 pm in reply to: Hello from Turkey – Istanbul,
    quote Dave Rowland:

    I love cats.. i have tara..i laughed too… i suspect the dog next to you in the photo Angelique also loves cats?

    I have two dogs and one cat. They have a wonderfully entertaining relationship. The dog in the photograph is scared of the cat…. very funny to see how she tries to avoid him at all cost (especially since she is quite big and it’s only a small cat). My other dog will ocasionally ‘jump’ on the cat when he gets too cheeky. Just to put him in his place……no harm to the cat… he just looks a bit annoyed when that happens…..

  • Angelique Muller

    July 29, 2007 at 1:46 pm in reply to: could do with some design advice on layout please?

    THANK YOU so much for your tips/advice Jill!!
    I tried to come up with some more things yesterday and one is quite similar to your first design…..I was going to attach it but I just realised I only have the printed version left: computer crashed during work and I lost the file…….)
    I think I will go back to the guy who asked me and give him the few designs I have done.
    Would it be okay with you if I included your suggestions aswell?
    They can discuss them and then let me know what would suit them best. I can then re-work the chosen design….. rather than spending a lot of time now on something that I am happy with but might not suit them at all. (The worry is that it is a committee with a lot of members that have to decide… they might all want to have their say… and it’s hard to please everyone).

    Re typefonts: I just got 650 fonts with my software package and my problem is I CAN’T CHOOSE. There are just to many options now….
    I can spend hours in Fontscape Navigator looking at them trying to make a choice.

  • Angelique Muller

    July 29, 2007 at 12:43 am in reply to: Hello from Turkey – Istanbul,

    Yes, I do apologise again…… I am dutch and english is my second language. Even after many years I still manage to get things wrong……

  • Angelique Muller

    July 28, 2007 at 9:12 pm in reply to: Hello from Turkey – Istanbul,
    quote Marcella:

    quote Angelique Muller:

    quote semih1978:

    quote Angelique Muller:

    It’s a very interesting cat picture though… what did you do to the poor creature to get that shot?

    Firstly thank for indirect hello to me,

    But i don t want to be understood as like that with full prejudice. Me and my wife are crazy about cats. And We were keeping 2 cats in our house.

    hope you asking because of you are care about them. Thanks


    Hi Semih,

    Just saying hello… Sorry I did not mean to offend you in anyway. When I said ‘shot’ I mean shooting/taking a photo. It’s just a very funny photograph…. I did not seriously mean to ask if you did anything nasty to the cat…
    Forgive me……

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    Did you see the photo Marcella? It was SO funny… I could not stop laughing looking at it….. shame it had to go…

  • Angelique Muller

    July 28, 2007 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Internet providers…help
    quote Steve Smith:

    Hi everybody.
    I’m moving house very soon and I’m trying to find a decent www provider. I’m moving to a semi rural location and will be approx 4.5miles from the local Tel Exch. I have checked out most providers and it seem that 512k at the most, is the best anybody can offer me over BT line. I’m on a 8Mb cable (NTL) line at present and dropping to 512k is going to drive me mad after a decent speed (cable not an option in new area). I don’t often see 8Mb but do get around the 3 – 5Mb download speed on most days and I’m happy with that.
    It seems if I want a nice quiet life and rural outlook (sheep at the bottom of the garden and no drunken Chavs etc roaming the streets) I’m going to have put up with c*** download speeds. 😥
    Does anybody else live in the sticks or a fair distance from civilisation and still get a decent download speed?

    I live in a rural area and we just got upgraded to 512k. I am absolutely delighted with it!!!
    Before that it was 28kb….
    So I suppose it comes down to whatever you are used to…. 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 28, 2007 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Hello from Turkey – Istanbul,
    quote semih1978:

    quote Angelique Muller:

    It’s a very interesting cat picture though… what did you do to the poor creature to get that shot?

    Firstly thank for indirect hello to me,

    But i don t want to be understood as like that with full prejudice. Me and my wife are crazy about cats. And We were keeping 2 cats in our house.

    hope you asking because of you are care about them. Thanks


    Hi Semih,

    Just saying hello… Sorry I did not mean to offend you in anyway. When I said ‘shot’ I mean shooting/taking a photo. It’s just a very funny photograph…. I did not seriously mean to ask if you did anything nasty to the cat…
    Forgive me……

  • Angelique Muller

    July 28, 2007 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Hello from Turkey – Istanbul,

    It’s a very interesting cat picture though… what did you do to the poor creature to get that shot?

  • Angelique Muller

    July 25, 2007 at 3:14 pm in reply to: what do you think this is?

    Yeah, looks a bit busy and all over the place…. Based on that design I don’t think I would not send my dogs there for grooming…

  • Angelique Muller

    July 23, 2007 at 10:45 pm in reply to: What is this material called
    quote foamcutter:

    Angelique, I got samples of foamlite from this crowd here

    They are in Loch Gowna Co. Cavan. They produce quite a range they maybe able to help with any technical questions (painting etc)

    Thanks for that.
    I will get in touch with them…..

  • Angelique Muller

    July 22, 2007 at 2:29 pm in reply to: clipart soccer request

    sorry… like this


  • Angelique Muller

    July 22, 2007 at 2:28 pm in reply to: clipart soccer request

    I am looking for a vector image something like the bitmap attached……

  • Angelique Muller

    July 21, 2007 at 10:30 pm in reply to: clipart soccer request

    thanks lynn, they are in the exactly in the style I was looking for. I was hoping for more of a side profile, but I could probably work with these too….
    Thanks again 😀

  • Angelique Muller

    July 18, 2007 at 3:15 pm in reply to: help please need labels for refuse bags
    quote Peter Normington:

    you need to be a uksg member to ask for quotes.
    and it needs to be via the qotes section.
    I dont think Kevin was offering, just giving advice as asked for.

    We are not allowed to openly offer our own our services to others on the boards,
    its one of the rules that make this site as good as it is.


    thanks Peter
    I wasn’t sure

  • Angelique Muller

    July 18, 2007 at 2:30 pm in reply to: help please need labels for refuse bags


    I just did a test: sticking some vinyl onto the heavy duty binbags. It seems to stick very well.
    Great that individual numbers are possible.

  • Angelique Muller

    July 18, 2007 at 2:01 pm in reply to: help please need labels for refuse bags

    90 x 90 mm stickers, white with green writing. Approx 300 of them.
    Would the option of individual numbers be a possibility or not?

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