Forum Replies Created

  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 16, 2007 at 4:56 pm in reply to: Printing Vinyl in Sections

    Thanks Karl

    By good fortune I printed the panels centre aligned and they seem to have worked out OK.

    My Rocky has become a new machine after two sets of head replacement and a new mainboard. I think the thing that has really made a difference is the use of the new inks!



  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 14, 2007 at 8:44 am in reply to: Printing Vinyl in Sections

    Thanks Lynn

    This is a simple 1200mm x 1200mm sign in only two sections. It is trying these things for the first time that makes them difficult.
    Have never tried to get real precision in mounting through the Ezytaper. But i will measure and measure and fret until I get it right.

    Customer has agreed now that it would be better on Dibond than on Foamex since i have told him the Foamex will not be so good for a long term sign in the sun. So – a delay until i get the Dibond cut and delivered next week.

  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 13, 2007 at 7:33 pm in reply to: Printing Vinyl in Sections

    Thanks Shane and Fred

    Printing done, no hassle.

    Software does the job well.

    Just the mounting to go – a bit of fear about that yet. We’ll see.



  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 13, 2007 at 12:49 pm in reply to: Printing Vinyl in Sections

    Thanks Shane

    It can do tiles I just haven’t gone into that section yet. Wondered about the overlap. This will be a real test for me, the printer and the EZY. When you say the hinge method – i presume you mean that i tape the print to the board – is this on the outside edge or the overlap – silly question i think – ignorance makes for silly questions!

    Love your new pic! Very sharp and business like.

    Thanks again mate


  • Maurice McNicholl

    March 27, 2007 at 9:09 pm in reply to: Ezy Taper

    As someone who got all my advice from these forums before buying my Ezytaper I would recommend it to other beginners like myself. I had real difficulties to start with – lots of wrinkling and skewing of media. After advice from Peter, a good look at the videos and a bit of experimenting it now works well.
    I can do things i thought I could never get skilled at – as a beginner I always thought there was some magic I was missing – turns out it was just an Ezytaper!!

    Thanks for the advice I got here. I dont regret my purchase.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    March 7, 2007 at 9:20 am in reply to: *** A Worlds First, for UKSB ***

    Congratulations – really sounds terrific and I look forward to learning lots that I don’t know. In the last year i have really benefited from just browsing and getting answers to so many questions. Then when i have ventured to ask a stupid question the friendly, helpful approach has been just great.

    Well done

  • Maurice McNicholl

    February 2, 2007 at 12:02 pm in reply to: help please i cannot cut labels which have been laminated?

    Cheers Martin

    Worked a treat.

    Sharing experience of others is a great aid to learning.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    February 2, 2007 at 11:16 am in reply to: help please i cannot cut labels which have been laminated?

    Thanks Martin

    Amazing how quickly busy people reply to newbies on this forum!

    Appreciate the help.

    Only tried to change the length of blade – will look at force and also try a new blade. First time to change one! Will that stump me too?!


  • Maurice McNicholl

    December 14, 2006 at 11:14 pm in reply to: EZY TAPER

    John, I recognise the promises about this new adjustment thingy and also the wheels. I still have to manhandle mine around the floor without the promised wheels and the new stand that had also been promised.

  • Maurice McNicholl

    December 14, 2006 at 8:43 pm in reply to: EZY TAPER

    This sounds like a new add-on to me. Have you just bought your Ezytaper ? I do not appear to have the possibility of such an adjustment. The only extra rollers are two rubbber rings which I also have no instructions for.
    A photo would be good.
    Still learning to use my machine and beginning to appreciate it more after getting the recent DVD tutorial.

  • Maurice McNicholl

    December 9, 2006 at 8:32 pm in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    Well this is getting really interesting. So many problems with this and no response from the supplier – though Art Systems have been great with servicing – England to Ireland is a bit of a problem however. Now I can benefit from your experiences. Will be investigating the fibre problem as I see it beginning to happen just now. Will also be in touch about profiles..

    Thanks for the advice – too expensive to give up on this though I have been tempted.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    December 8, 2006 at 10:53 am in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    Thanks Karl

    have had numerous expensive problems with this printer – 3 sets of printing heads and recently a main board replacement. Now noticing the "fibre" effect you mention so i will try what you suggest.



  • Maurice McNicholl

    October 19, 2006 at 9:20 pm in reply to: Laminating with Ezytaper – Help

    Thanks Helen

    I will take a look at the website – Peter mentioned some videos and it willl be good to have a look and practice over the weekend.

    How are you finding the Ezytaper now that you have had it for a while/ What do you see as its biggest contribution to your work?


  • Maurice McNicholl

    October 19, 2006 at 6:43 am in reply to: Laminating with Ezytaper – Help

    Thanks Joe and Kevin for the response.

    Have practised more and got better results. Still a little unsure of different methods of delivering job into the rollers. Can see the need for practice in handling the laminate and creases – hope i will get to see the situation more clearly.
    Think I was working at too low temperature – workshop heat now on!

    Also had a very quick and positive repsonse from Peter @ Ezytaper Europe – very helpful

    Like to hear how you get on Joe.

    Thanks both


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 19, 2006 at 7:16 am in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Hi Ian, Phil

    All quiet after the arrival of your new ezytapers?

    How are they performing? Keen to hear of your experience.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 15, 2006 at 10:21 pm in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    Good news – well done Barry i am sure that i would not have your courage or expertise to do what you did to get the ink back. i am dependent on an engineer – flying from England to Noprthern Ireland.

    Kev – I am advised by Art Systems that i can change to ultra inks for a short while mixed with other inks – ie use cartridges as i need them – as long as i do not go too long before the conversion is done.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 15, 2006 at 8:05 pm in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    Thanks Kev

    Now looking forward to the ultra inks. I have my first set ready to go and they tell me i should go ahead and use them and get the conversion done after I start them. hope it works out that way.

    Will let you know my reaction when I get them going


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 15, 2006 at 8:27 am in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?


    The lines produced on my Rocky 38 would not disappear no matter what washing and flusing I did – only head replacement solved the problem, then it reoccured within a few weeks – still no explanation for what caused the problem. Just hoping it does not reoccur with recently replaced heads.
    Still learning to use all the equipment and especillay hoping it will work for roll-up banners. Hope the new ultra inks willhelp that as well.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 14, 2006 at 5:54 pm in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    Hi John
    Fine lines were often black but running right accross the printed area no matter what colour it was from one edge to the other. Sometimes the lines were in other colours as well but not as frequent as black. They started unpredictably in the centre of a print job then eventually the lines appeared as the first thing on the print and continued throughout.

    I could be remedied by unselecting "use microdot" for various materials but then the quality was very poor. As i sais above both heads had to be replaced twice – only printed 20 or so meteres in between changes!

    Not a good start for a sign business.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 14, 2006 at 5:11 pm in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    In 12 months I have had both print heads changed twice because of faults. Do not assume that the head cannot be damaged in 14 months. The damage on mine showed in fine lines printing through every print I tried to do. So it was not a blocked head. Yours sound different but head damage??


  • Maurice McNicholl

    July 14, 2006 at 8:12 am in reply to: can anyone help with rockhopper 38 printing problems?

    I am also running a Rocky 38 and have had a number of serious problems over the last 12 months – all sorted by Art Systems.

    Now about to move to the ultra inks – will this mean using new profiles or do the old ones simply transfer to the new inks? Are there any modifications needed apart from the mod done by the Art Systems engineer?

    Great to hear of others using the Rocky 38 and to know that you are there if there are further problems. It would be interesting to hear which combinations of profiles and materials you have had success with.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 27, 2006 at 8:57 pm in reply to: Keencut cutter – how to use?

    Thanks Gwaredd

    Noticed the angling on the edge. Will remember when i get to 10mm. Have not used that yet.

    I had been wondering about a cutting mat so the formica sounds a great idea too.



  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 27, 2006 at 4:42 pm in reply to: Keencut cutter – how to use?

    Thanks Shane – got it working now – not cutting it all in one go is right – I am not top in the patience stakes!

    using it on a table that is not quite 2.5m long but it works great with just a little overhang at each end.

    Very happy with the purchase.

    Thanks again. This forum is just great for learning and I have a lot of that to do.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 27, 2006 at 7:10 am in reply to: Keencut cutter – how to use?

    Have just had a quick try at the cutter. First thing i notice is the difficulty of keeping everything clamped steady! With 5mm foamboard it seems impossible to do this with one pair of hands. Do you use clamps on the material, on the cutter, on both or am I missing something? Maybe just the missing strength of lost youth!


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 27, 2006 at 5:32 am in reply to: Keencut cutter – how to use?

    Its good to know about the issue with the Ezytapers and the new stock Shane.

    I will be able to watch out for their arrival and hope they avoid the problems they have had.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 26, 2006 at 10:49 pm in reply to: Keencut cutter – how to use?

    Thanks Shane

    Knew I could count on you. That helps a lot. I will get to try it out tomorrow.

    Trying to order an Ezytaper too but a consignment due to arrive last week appears to have gone walkabout.

    Thanks again for the help.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 15, 2006 at 10:06 am in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Thanks Steve
    This is good to hear your story agreeing with Shane’s.

    It is not the message I was getting from laminator sales people at UKSIGNs who seemed to say buy our machine – it does not give you silvering because ….?

    It seems silvering has to be expected but is not a problem as it settles with time – Is that right? Could help save a lot of money on a laminator!


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 15, 2006 at 5:56 am in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Thanks Shane.

    That is a helpful and encouraging answer. I will have to have a look at oneof these machines.


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 14, 2006 at 5:40 pm in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Hi Snae and ian
    I am keeping a close eye on this conversation as i am interested in getting an Ezytaper instead of a laminator. It seems there is a bit of learning as with every new machine and new set of materials. Are there types of laminate that work better than others? i presume that is the only variable sine there is no heat involved and no pressure adjustment. Of course heat and pressure will be different in Australia – the pressure will be from the bottom roller up!!

    Shae do you consider the Ezytaper to be "a laminator" plus other functions or a sign makers magic machine that just manages to do a little laminating?


  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 13, 2006 at 8:46 pm in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Thanks Ian

    Still sounds good and it sounds too that you have found a solution by using a 3mm carrier!

    Keep us up to date with progress, it is very interesting and sounds like a real production booster.



  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 13, 2006 at 4:43 pm in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    No news yet of laminating on the Ezytaper? maybe you are getting so much done you cannot keep up with the productivity – I hope so, but will be glad to hear how things are going as I would consider one of these machines myself.



  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 12, 2006 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Don’t worry, I’m still alive

    Hi Shane
    Haven’t posted a message to you before but have enjoyed a lot of your advice and support to others and found it useful and enjoyable.
    Sorry about the accident – a warning to us all I think.
    Hope you recover speedily – try to enjoy a few days rest!!

    Maurice McNicholl

  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 9, 2006 at 9:52 pm in reply to: Hello from an old Newbie!

    Thanks all of you for the welcome.

    So many great photographs must be a lot of good photographers out there. Mine was taken last Saturday morning standing in mud clearing out a fish pond. Tonight I havve discovered that it leaks so tomorrow will not be about signs and wide format digital print but about patching a pond liner. perhaps that would be a good way of using up all the bits of waste vinyl!

  • Maurice McNicholl

    June 8, 2006 at 4:52 pm in reply to: New ezytaper arrived today

    Very interested to hear more of the Ezytaper – sounds great for mounting and application tape but what about laminating – can it do that to a good standard or will proper laminating of ecosolvent prints need another machine? Love to hear how you get on with lamination when you try it.