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  • Laminating with Ezytaper – Help

    Posted by Maurice McNicholl on October 18, 2006 at 2:01 pm

    Quiet for a long time as i waited for my Ezytaper to arrive and change my life!

    Took delivery last week. Great for mounting digital prints on foamboard but I really want to laminate those prints.

    Find that it is hard to get the laminate to start without creases and also on anything longer that 50cm – to end without creases. Also any hesistation on putting the print through leaves a line of small bubbles where the rollers rested.

    Guess there is a lot of learning to be done – any help or guidance please!



    Maurice McNicholl replied 17 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Joe McNamara

    October 18, 2006 at 6:47 pm

    Hi Maurice,

    I’m sure Peter from easytaper will see this and reply, but I’ll send him an email to make sure you get a prompt reply.

    I’d like to be able to help you directly, but I haven’t got my easytaper yet, but should be getting it next week, subject to organising collection, and once I do I’ll PM you my phone number if you need help in the future.

    Joe McNamara

  • Kevin Flowers

    October 18, 2006 at 7:01 pm

    Hi Maurice
    it is practice, how are you feeding it in.

    1. peel backing, draping down past rollers the pushing into the V of the rollers & turning the handle until sealed folded edge comes through & finally feeding in print

    2. feeding print & laminate through together lifting laminate remove backing fold back. Roll back pull folded backing paper & roll through keeping tension on laminate & print under lower tension roller.

    also sometimes using a backing board will help, another tip is to watch for creases on the roller and choose your hand to tension the roll of laminate either on the left or right side to stop the creases running through the rollers. It also helps if all leading edges are 100% square

    Hope that makes sense


  • Maurice McNicholl

    October 19, 2006 at 6:43 am

    Thanks Joe and Kevin for the response.

    Have practised more and got better results. Still a little unsure of different methods of delivering job into the rollers. Can see the need for practice in handling the laminate and creases – hope i will get to see the situation more clearly.
    Think I was working at too low temperature – workshop heat now on!

    Also had a very quick and positive repsonse from Peter @ Ezytaper Europe – very helpful

    Like to hear how you get on Joe.

    Thanks both


  • Helen_au

    October 19, 2006 at 6:54 am

    Hi Maurice

    I had similar problems with mine at first and practise definately helps.
    Peter has some video instructions on his website too which I found really useful.

  • Maurice McNicholl

    October 19, 2006 at 9:20 pm

    Thanks Helen

    I will take a look at the website – Peter mentioned some videos and it willl be good to have a look and practice over the weekend.

    How are you finding the Ezytaper now that you have had it for a while/ What do you see as its biggest contribution to your work?


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