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  • Printing Vinyl in Sections

    Posted by Maurice McNicholl on April 13, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Need to print vinyl for a sign which is wider than I can do in one pass through my Rocky 38. I am using Onyx software.
    Any tips on how to print in sections and how to mount accurately – using an Ezytaper perhaps??

    You have been so helpful to this newbie in the past that i am afraid to start the work without your years of experience on this forum.


    Maurice McNicholl replied 17 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Shane Drew

    April 13, 2007 at 12:29 pm

    can your RIP print in Tiles mate? give yourself a 12mm (1/2") overlap to be safe.

    With the ezytaper, lay each tiled section, then overlay the next tile over it, use the hinge method with tape, then run it thru the taper again. Hard to explain but not hard to do 😕

  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 13, 2007 at 12:49 pm

    Thanks Shane

    It can do tiles I just haven’t gone into that section yet. Wondered about the overlap. This will be a real test for me, the printer and the EZY. When you say the hinge method – i presume you mean that i tape the print to the board – is this on the outside edge or the overlap – silly question i think – ignorance makes for silly questions!

    Love your new pic! Very sharp and business like.

    Thanks again mate


  • Fred McLean

    April 13, 2007 at 12:59 pm

    Haven’t used the tiling bit on our mistral yet but it looks straight forward
    enough 😀 When your sticking down the second or subsequent bits
    start sticking from where they join and not towards as the vinyl
    can stretch a wee bit then you get a small mis-alignment 😥

    Hope that makes sense


  • Shane Drew

    April 13, 2007 at 1:04 pm
    quote Maurice McNicholl:

    Thanks Shane

    It can do tiles I just haven’t gone into that section yet. Wondered about the overlap. This will be a real test for me, the printer and the EZY. When you say the hinge method – i presume you mean that i tape the print to the board – is this on the outside edge or the overlap – silly question i think – ignorance makes for silly questions!

    Love your new pic! Very sharp and business like.

    Thanks again mate


    That’s me mate… Sharp and Business like :lol1: :lol1: Thanks for that 🙂

    Yes mate, just hinge it like you would on any sign substrate, on the overlap. Always work away from the overlap, never toward it, as you’ll have issues getting it to join. This applies to whether you use the ezy or do it manually. It goes without saying that the first one needs to be straight of course. If that is wrong, the rest will be wrong… but you knew that 😛

    You’ll be right Maurice. Slow and steady.. Deep breathes… measure twice, fit once…. as they say. 😉

    edit: just noticed fred said the same thing. sorry about that 😳

  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 13, 2007 at 7:33 pm

    Thanks Shane and Fred

    Printing done, no hassle.

    Software does the job well.

    Just the mounting to go – a bit of fear about that yet. We’ll see.



  • Lynn Normington

    April 13, 2007 at 7:55 pm

    Maurice take your time measure take deep breaths and measure again then go for it 😀 don’t forget to breath out !!!!! you’ll be fine and you will show us the pic’s to know why we had confidence that you could do it 😎


  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 14, 2007 at 8:44 am

    Thanks Lynn

    This is a simple 1200mm x 1200mm sign in only two sections. It is trying these things for the first time that makes them difficult.
    Have never tried to get real precision in mounting through the Ezytaper. But i will measure and measure and fret until I get it right.

    Customer has agreed now that it would be better on Dibond than on Foamex since i have told him the Foamex will not be so good for a long term sign in the sun. So – a delay until i get the Dibond cut and delivered next week.

  • Martin Pearson

    April 14, 2007 at 11:08 am

    Maurice, like you say it is a simple sign but if you haven’t done anything like this before then it can throw up doubts in your mind. Just follow the advice you have been given and you won’t go far wrong. Once you have it finished I bet you will be wondering what all the fuss was about.

    As for choice of substrate, its good that you have persuaded the customer to use something more suitable, quite often when you install a sign and a few months latter it starts to look bad because the customer wanted the cheapest option they forget that you advised them that this would happen and it suddenly becomes your fault which doesn’t help your reputation at all.

  • Karl Williams

    April 14, 2007 at 11:57 am

    Maurice, just one bit of advice mate, with the Rocky make sure every panel you print is centre justified. I have found that for some strange reason if it’s justified to the left or right you can find a mis-match on the colour matching on each panel. Maybe just my machine but you may want to check first.

  • Maurice McNicholl

    April 16, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    Thanks Karl

    By good fortune I printed the panels centre aligned and they seem to have worked out OK.

    My Rocky has become a new machine after two sets of head replacement and a new mainboard. I think the thing that has really made a difference is the use of the new inks!



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