Forum Replies Created

  • Carl Maguire

    September 11, 2010 at 8:03 pm in reply to: Adhesive To Stick Individual Brass Letters Into Sandstone
    quote Peter Normington:

    quote John Hughes:

    An idea
    Solder some threaded brass pins say 5mm dia x 25mm lenght on to back of letters –
    drill corresponding holes, 8mm dia in to sandstone letter recess –
    fill holes with adhesive and position.


    John and Rob
    I think you have both mis read the post, the letters need to be set in a recess that has only 1.5mm clearance around the letters, so big head and brass rods etc would not be the solution, the gap under and around the letters needs to be adjustable, so a base of adhesive should be laid before the letters are positioned flush with the surface, the gap can then be adjusted and filled with the same adhesive.Peter

    Thanks for the suggestions guys
    Peter you have interpreted exactly
    Right the letters must finish flush as per
    Your drawing and hopefully the adhesive
    When bedded down will just squeeze
    Out enough to seal the slight clearancround the
    Insert letters and the material they have
    To be set into is sandstone as I. Natural
    York stone so there is no cast or template to work
    From as the letters seating as you might call
    Them have been routed out with
    A special stone router my one other thought
    To prevent spillage of the adhesive
    Onto the stone was to make a temporary mask
    Round the letters from sandblasting rubber
    Then find a decent either pu type adhesive
    Or some sort of cartridge gun applied adhesive
    But was hoping for a lead on the adhesive if any one had ever used anything before for this
    As sometimes experience can save
    A few hours of trials and errors

    quick drawing to show

  • Carl Maguire

    October 21, 2009 at 11:06 pm in reply to: Setting a colour to CutContour in X3
    quote Gary Birch:

    Hi all
    I have been trying to set a colour in my pallette to CutContour and while I can rename the colour, when I export as a eps instead of getting the marching ants in Versaworks i just get a solid line of my chosen colour. What am I doing wrong?

    A step by step guide would be a great help if anyone has the time.

    Thanks in advance


    Try thisfor a step by step Guide – … ontour.pdf

  • Carl Maguire

    October 21, 2009 at 5:01 pm in reply to: Blue back paper supplier
    quote Kevin Flowers:

    does anyone have a supplier they can recommend for blue back paper that works well with eco inks. Used the Oracal one but 2/3 months down the line looks so washed out. Its as if the paper as lost its fibers its not because of UV. So if anyone can recommend a paper they have used i would be most gratful


    We use a satin finish one from Amari

  • Carl Maguire

    October 21, 2009 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Setting a colour to CutContour in X3
    quote Gary Birch:

    Hi all
    I have been trying to set a colour in my pallette to CutContour and while I can rename the colour, when I export as a eps instead of getting the marching ants in Versaworks i just get a solid line of my chosen colour. What am I doing wrong?

    A step by step guide would be a great help if anyone has the time.

    Thanks in advance


    Have you made sure that the line width is a Hairline as well as CutContour we use X3 all the time and Versaworks so if that doesnt work ill try to give you a more detailed option if neccessary

  • Carl Maguire

    October 17, 2009 at 6:47 pm in reply to: multi safety signs
    quote Robert Lambie:

    Colours, layout, logos etc definitely have to be followed.
    entry to a site showing all PPE requirements are fine, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be anymore within the site. that’s a bit like saying you are entering a no smoking zone walking into a hospital and then there never being another no smoking sign…. just wouldn’t work.

    Yes I can follow that and there will be others on the site but what priority order should they come in yellow blue red or red blue yellow ?
    any guidance would be appreciated or point me in the right direction where to get the guidance from please perhaps i didnt make my question clear i know the colours and symbols but nor sure of the priority or if there should be one even

  • Carl Maguire

    February 9, 2009 at 10:33 pm in reply to: Eyelett Machines
    quote Russell-H:

    I bought mine from Atwells, I did this after reading a post by a guy from another sign company who said he had gone round SignUK and tested them all and Atwells was the one he liked best.

    I can not compare the machine as this is the only one i have used but it does what it is supposed to do and does feel like a good quality piece of kit also the eyelets seem a reasonable price when i need to buy more.



    Well ive gone ahead and bought one from Atwells just waiting for it to be delivered the nwell see if it doeswhat it says on the tin

  • Carl Maguire

    February 4, 2009 at 6:15 pm in reply to: D Section Aluminium Posts – Where can I find them?

    Have you tried Blackburn’s Metals Of Leeds they seem to have a wide variety of aluminum sections and stuff like that might be worth a try and ask for Shirley

  • Carl Maguire

    February 4, 2009 at 6:13 pm in reply to: Eyelett Machines

    Thanks Rob downloaded that toolbar very useful but its nice just to get a fell for what other trades people use and while i am still working they have all gone home all the ones i tried

  • Carl Maguire

    February 4, 2009 at 6:02 pm in reply to: Eyelett Machines

    What sort of price should i expect to pay please Russell

  • Carl Maguire

    February 4, 2009 at 5:53 pm in reply to: Eyelett Machines

    Any recommendations please rob for a starter kit and whats the best size of eyelet to use and Brass or plastic ?

  • Carl Maguire

    September 2, 2008 at 6:29 pm in reply to: can anyone offer advice with applying Hexis etch?

    The window frames were absolutely shot to pieces i did toy with making the pieces over size then cutting into the edges of the glazing beads with a knife tried it a big mistake picked up all the crap from the frames and looked a pig so re cut the vinyl down to size on site at approx 5mm less than than the sight size of the window tried an area dry but as the glass was old and scratched and had pits all over it even after a thorough cleaning couldn’t get the bubbles out but with a good misting on the windows with a drop of washing liquid in it and seemed to make life a whole lot simpler guess I learned for next time though. if id have had a choice about doing the job i would have refused to do it due to the state of the window frames but it was a temporary job to try to make it look a bit better till they re do the building up god knows how long it will last though as it was difficult to get the edges to stick after the water misting

  • Carl Maguire

    August 30, 2008 at 7:08 am in reply to: can anyone offer advice with applying Hexis etch?

    Ill give that a try

  • Carl Maguire

    August 17, 2008 at 3:01 pm in reply to: whats the best way of making banners & using fixings?

    We have used the Mini hold on clips as we don’t have any eyelet kit either
    have used them on banners up to 3.0m x 700mm wide but i would say only really suitable for short term use as i find in very windy conditions the banner tends to pull out of the hold on.
    Have never hemmed one as i don’t think it would fit into the mini hold on
    but we usually use a fairly thick ferrarri stamoid banner so we seem to get away with it, I think for the future though to make them look more proffesional we might have to invest in some form of eyeletting kit and may be some double sided banner adhesive tape to hem them

  • Carl Maguire

    November 4, 2007 at 9:52 pm in reply to: can anyone help please with cut-paths in corel?

    Have you tried using the Create Boundary tool
    might work if all grouped 1st ?
    using X3

  • Carl Maguire

    November 4, 2007 at 9:44 pm in reply to: how do i go about learning corel draw from the begining?

    there is a built in tutorial for various aspects of corel x3 built into the programme

  • Carl Maguire

    November 4, 2007 at 9:38 pm in reply to: what application tool is best for printed vinyl please?

    I have done quote a few posters with our verscamm SP540v
    and have found the best results with a sort of a satin finish poster paper which we buy from Amari Plastics comes in 61 metre rolls x 1371mm wide
    have tried other suppliers but found this one gave the best results for our applications

  • Carl Maguire

    November 4, 2007 at 9:33 pm in reply to: Media Clamps for Versacamm – Any alternatives?

    We found when printing banner that the vacuum settings were too high when left on automatic and by turning the vacuum down down allowed the banner to slide more easily over the vacuum area thus reducing drag and the material to ripple up under the clamps and also leaving a bigger waste area on the front of the print area allowed the weight ofthe material to help to hold it down flat,
    We usually use Ferrari banner from Hexis which doesn’t seem to give us these problems probaby a bit more expensive but just works with no problems changing set ups etc

  • Carl Maguire

    August 1, 2007 at 7:17 am in reply to: Versacamm Scan Motor Error help

    Had our Machine Just over 2 years never had that problem only time i ever got that error reading was when the roll at the back was a bit too heavy such as when using full rolls of poster paper and heavy materials and forgot to pre-feed some out 1st

  • Carl Maguire

    July 30, 2007 at 11:27 pm in reply to: Versacamm Scan Motor Error help

    I would also Suggest Solutions 2 Very helpfull Knows the machine very well

  • Carl Maguire

    July 30, 2007 at 11:23 pm in reply to: what can I do with my used versacamm cartridges?

    I would also like to know details of where i can send my empty versacamm cartridges for recycling as i currently throw them in the bin so if there is a company can u post details please

  • Carl Maguire

    June 27, 2007 at 7:35 am in reply to: I am Looking for editable outlines of figures/people

    I think you have just found me the solution i need with that
    there is all sorts there I think i should be able to open them in autocad save as dxf then use in corel for what i need
    Very much 😀

  • Carl Maguire

    June 26, 2007 at 3:44 pm in reply to: I am Looking for editable outlines of figures/people

    Not really practical too many scenarios to do

  • Carl Maguire

    May 29, 2007 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Vehicle Outlines

    Thank you I will in future
    I have just spoken to their man who should be sending you an e mail to
    forward the updates direct to me in future
    I was Impressed with your quick response to my posting so i was obviously not managing to hit the right person with my requests

  • Carl Maguire

    May 29, 2007 at 1:30 pm in reply to: Vehicle Outlines

    Don’t mis understand me Brian I am not having a go
    What we have got are Very good and very usefull
    but I think we bought the disc through Graphic Sign Supplies who tell me they have requested them from you and as i have requested them from them several times I didn’t know they had to request them from you so in future i will have to purchase them direct if im going to need updates
    What Version are you on at moment as mine is Version 18 2006 ?

  • Carl Maguire

    May 29, 2007 at 9:22 am in reply to: Vehicle Outlines

    I keep asking for ones which i need are missing
    and all i ever get is leave it with me but i never receive anything
    had to ask loads of times

  • Carl Maguire

    May 26, 2007 at 11:32 pm in reply to: is there any way to make repeat numbers in sequence?

    Well I use a roland Versacamm machine which in the versaworks latest update has got a variable data option which u can use from exel what are u using ?

  • Or is it my Machine that needs chucking out of Window ?

  • Or is it my Machine that needs chucking out of Window ?

  • 1: Open The Corel X3 Programme
    2: Click On Tools on the Toolbar a the top
    3: Click On Customisation
    4: Down Th LH Side Click Commands
    5: Go the the Drop Down Menu at the top and look for text
    6: Select this so it shows bold
    7: Scroll down the List until you see the word Vertical Text
    8: Click and drag this to the command bar and then it should work
    9: PS I did say Should Work as I do Find X3 Quite Unstable sometimes
    Hope this Helps

  • Carl Maguire

    May 22, 2007 at 8:16 am in reply to: how good is the versaCamm SP-540V?

    Had mine approx 2 years very few problems only had to have an engineer out once in all that time to replace a print head as the nipple had become broken apart from that pretty self maintaining cant really complain about it