Forum Replies Created

  • Karen Spooner

    July 26, 2010 at 12:18 pm in reply to: SP300 pump motor

    Also try VTS

    01395 442652

  • Karen Spooner

    June 14, 2010 at 12:56 pm in reply to: Can anybody recommend me some high quality fleeces

    Yes fleeces are ideal for embroidery. Check out for workwear and stuff they do it all. Perhaps worth asking different embroiderers what makes they supply?

    We have lined fleeces from Snap On and they are great if you’re outdoors working. Dunno how they embroider them with the lining though.

  • Karen Spooner

    June 14, 2010 at 12:41 pm in reply to: A rant and with ethics

    Sounds about right Barbara!! Either cost you money or time I suppose . . .

    We always weight insurance/warranty quotes as they take forever to pay and they do take up so much time. But that’s just to compensate us for having to deal with them.

    The other pains are the ones who have to supply 3 quotes (usually even though they’ve already got it organised with one company) Had one last week, "Oh yes I’ll just cancel all real paying work this afternoon, so you can please your admin department . . ." Think I’ll take Jill’s approach in those cases :lol1:

  • Karen Spooner

    June 14, 2010 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Planning/Maximising Layout for cut vinyl

    Me too, set my default sheet size to max cut width (555mm) by 1m. Do the design to scale (obviously) then separate all the colours (assuming it’s layered vinyl) then stack it all up, adjusting the length of the sheet accordingly. Save this as a cut file, ideal for repeat jobs.

  • Karen Spooner

    June 14, 2010 at 12:03 pm in reply to: Cheapest Supplier of Mirrored Silver Vinyl

    Try Signmaker’s Warehouse or Vinyl Corporation, they do both indoor and outdoor mirror. I used to use Spandex double sided chrome was really thin and a nightmare to weed but lasted for years. If you only have to have it for a weekend perhaps the thicker indoor (temporary outdoor) stuff will be easier to remove? If it is really thin apply over standard vinyl so you can get it off again 🙂

  • Karen Spooner

    June 14, 2010 at 11:57 am in reply to: Advise on removing old vinyl please?

    Let the customer have a go at it and at the same time give them the price for a new panel. Depending on how cheap they are it will solve your problem either way . . . :lol1:

    I wouldn’t even consider floodcoating it, best to supply a new panel.

  • Karen Spooner

    June 2, 2010 at 5:04 pm in reply to: New Logo your thoughts

    I like the 3rd one on the proof best. Can see that on a van or a business card 🙂

  • Lovely!

  • Karen Spooner

    May 30, 2010 at 7:02 pm in reply to: Show us your… PETS
    quote RayRosher:

    Is it just me! Or does a certain owner look remarkbly like his Dug. 😮

    Haha was thinking that myself!! Sorry Phill.

    Found a couple more photos from this month on my phone – Tess my old lady and Queeny the Shitlander . . . just realised I got a car in the background I could add it to that car thread lol Omega 3.2 V6, one of the rare occasions I was allowed out in it . . . and I took the dog!! 😮


  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 8:54 pm in reply to: Show us your… PETS

    Thought there would be a topic already, just couldn’t be asked to wade through it, feel free to add mine to it 😀

  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Show us your… PETS

    Errrmm yes I reckon it means the same! (Do I look like I give a . . . .?) She has that sort of attitude :lol1:

    Love the pug she’s gorgeous!!

  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Small Vinyl Lettering
    quote Shane Drew:

    Being young and naive Karen, I have no idea what you are talking about 😳

    :lol1: Yeah, yeah we believe you!

    All this talk about shrinkage reminds me of that programme on Channel 4 the other night! The 2 Australian "puppeteers" were funny though :dance1: I won’t put the link in case it offends any delicate souls!!

  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 11:41 am in reply to: laminating Prints. What do you use?

    Ask the printer to drop you a bit of laminate in the post, not going to break the bank and seeing as they forgot it . . . . Otherwise for something pretty small use Frog Juice (think Grafityp do one too).

  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 11:30 am in reply to: Small Vinyl Lettering
    quote Jillbeans:

    What I think Karen means is to leave the vinyl rest after cutting it.
    If you can afford the time, wait a day until you weed.
    There is a difference.
    I have noticed that temperature does matter too.

    Cheers Jill :lol1: You notice it with dark colours, leave it overnight you’ll see a white edge . . . Don’t think your lettering will shrink that much Matty, if it does you may need help!!

    Going to try the reverse method tho, heard about doing it that way, but never done it. . . . reckon we should have a competition, "How small can you go?" (might not be so popular with the blokes though! 😉 )

  • Karen Spooner

    May 29, 2010 at 11:26 am in reply to: Plastic scraper to stripping
    quote Alistair Richards:

    nice one karen, that’s the sort of thing i’m looking for 😀

    😉 Cool, glad to help! Try Mill or Snap On . . .

  • Karen Spooner

    May 28, 2010 at 9:06 am in reply to: Small Vinyl Lettering

    I increase the pressure a bit and find it best to cut it the night before and leave it shrink a bit. 7mm is the smallest I can cut (bold sans serif) if they want smaller than that or serif/silly it gets printed :lol1:

  • Karen Spooner

    May 28, 2010 at 8:57 am in reply to: Plastic scraper to stripping

    I’ve got a couple of these q.r tools – get them from motor factors as well. They have metal blades or you can get plastic ones, sure they were from Victory but can’t see them on the website? I use a hairdryer (hi tech!), warm the vinyl and use my "special tool" . . . .

    Best thing for getting glue off is Tar & Glue Remover, again from motor factors. If there’s lots of glue soak it with the tar & glue remover on a rag then use the plastic blade . . . does get a bit snotty tho!

  • Karen Spooner

    May 27, 2010 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Cornwall Newbie
    quote Dave Rowland:

    Good luck with Dunkerswell, very windy! Very dry and windy at the moment

    Oh great! Camped there a few years ago at Whit and there was literally a hurricane, never been so scared in my life!!

    quote Alistair Richards:


    Is that where that Rick Stein bloke is? See he’s moved in on Falmouth now . . .

  • Karen Spooner

    May 27, 2010 at 11:46 am in reply to: Cornwall Newbie

    Why thanks for the welcomes guys . . .

    Jill, seen your work and it’s brilliant . . Hugh sorry again!

    Barnstaple, going camping near there this weekend – well it’s probably no where near actually – Dunkerswell (ish) 😛

  • Karen Spooner

    May 27, 2010 at 11:21 am in reply to: can anyone tell me why has my magnetics stuck to van?

    Shame the post has resurfaced and opened old wounds. Sorry didn’t mean to upset you! I too would be mortified if this happened to me. To start with I was concerned about mags getting stuck . . . then saw the photos and was shocked . . . then read some of the more idiotic replies (not from you) and couldn’t hold back any longer! (:)

    Glad to hear you investigated it and it does seem that the paint job was involved – good warning for anyone in the same situation. Crumbs I see a builder’s van with mags that must have been on there for 5 years at our local garage regularly, might start wearing dark glasses and cross the road when I see it there next time :peek: (though he’s at the garage so often I think magnetics sticking are the least of his problems!)

    While we’re laminating the back of them can’t we print the care instructions on there too? Just a thought. I’ve always advised my lot to wax the van and the back of the mags when they take them off and clean it weekly (can live in hope . . .)

  • Karen Spooner

    May 27, 2010 at 9:35 am in reply to: can anyone tell me why has my magnetics stuck to van?

    Omg that is horrendous….

    Two things-
    Had the van been sprayed just prior to the mags being put on and would this have affected them?
    Has spraying the mags themselves affected them?

    According to some replies on here the best policy here is to blame the customer :roll:. Surely for your own satisfaction though, you have to find out what caused this. Did you contact the mag supplier and sent them samples? Have you contacted the paint suppliers to see if there are any advisories for the paint or thinners about use on magnetic sheet? Have you used the same mag on your own vehicles and/or tried it painted?

    Yes customers don’t take a blind bit of notice of instructions, but if that had happened to one of my vans (let alone two) there would be hell to pay. You were very lucky to get away so lightly I think.