Forum Replies Created

  • James Beavon

    November 26, 2012 at 1:44 pm in reply to: What type of tubes for lightbox


    I can match the thickness, T8 and length.

    ill get daybrights.

    screwfix sells many at a good price.

    Only thing im not sure of now is wattage. Im thinking it all depends on the output of the gear trays. What wattage do you usually use.

  • James Beavon

    November 8, 2012 at 2:25 pm in reply to: Fixing foam letters to allu composite.
    quote Robert Lambie:

    tensol adhesive for male locator to foam letters
    you can still layup and pre-drill in your workshop, then on site use the pilot holes as your template.
    if you have two panels being fitted to the front predrilling before on site can be risky if both panels dont align perfectly you letters wont marry up with the locators. if that makes sense?

    to be honest honest you would be best getting rid of the old sign and also give them some form of frame/trim. thats IF its not something like a pan sign your putting up in place.

    cheers robert.

    do you think gorilla glue will do the trick, as ive some left over, the specs seem pretty impressive.

    ive also come across this … astics.pdf

    according to the chart ( from bostik the tensol 70 manufacturer ) it isnt suitable for foam pvc or letter locators.

  • James Beavon

    February 16, 2012 at 5:53 pm in reply to: Protection strip for camm1 pro 1860. roland ignoring me


    I know roland dont have any more, for a fact, as they sent me the very ladst one they had in stock.

    however there are strips on ebay which you can get from china.

    just make sure you get the right one by measuring the width and depth ofyour strip.

  • James Beavon

    February 16, 2011 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Setting up pnc 1860 with my laptop.


    just bought a keyspan from amazon.

    computers harddrive died today as well and i had to use my old / old computer. good job i keep my old computers.

    really need to switch to laptop.

    ill update this thread with result when it gets delivered.

  • James Beavon

    February 9, 2011 at 2:49 pm in reply to: Setting up pnc 1860 with my laptop.

    well to be honest i bought a cheapo one from off ebay for £3.

    i thought a cable is a length of wires, obviously not eh.

    will try the keyspan FTDI cable.

  • James Beavon

    February 8, 2011 at 6:31 pm in reply to: Setting up pnc 1860 with my laptop.

    just thought i would add im using windows 7.

    ive tried loading the driver for the pnc 1860 ( off their website ) but it says its not compattable with this version of windows.

    however in signgo it has the option to select my plotter so i imagine the driver is included with signgo. ive never had to install drivers before, using my pc ( win 98 )

    ive a feeling i cannot use my cutter with windows 7 at all.

  • James Beavon

    February 5, 2011 at 3:37 pm in reply to: jagged edge to cuts? Help please!

    failing that check the protection strip, i had same problem, ended up taking off the blade housing totally stripping it down lubing it up and putting it back together only to find no difference..

    after close inspection of the strip i noticed in certain places a groove had been worn into it and at these places was where the cuts were perforating…changed it and its worked sweet evre since

  • James Beavon

    February 5, 2011 at 3:30 pm in reply to: Camm-1 PNC1100 blade strip

    I had the exact same problem with the pnc 1860 strip.

    After chasing roland parts dept for a week i spoke to someone who sold me their LAST ONE……EVER.

    i tried to buy generic PTFE tape but couldnt get any the right thickness / length.

    maybe try and get some from another machine is probably the best bet, or buy some from abroad, you can probably buy some from america.

  • James Beavon

    November 16, 2010 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Buying vinyl stock from china

    well known branded products doesnt always equal higher quality, vinyl is all manufactured in the same way ( a poly calendered vinyl is manufactured exactly the same way in china and the uk using the same materials ) just because its from china doesnt mean its inferior. Its just we pay extortionate ammounts for raw materials, tax, and retailers being greedy and taking rediculous profit margins. Have you seen the cost per metre of some of spandex’s cast range, they should be embarrassed of themselves.

    The only fear is getting stung, but i think with careful research the risks are minimal.

    anyway im gonna go for a batch of bubble free poly, ill keep you posted with my experience.

  • James Beavon

    March 29, 2010 at 5:07 pm in reply to: Protection strip for camm1 pro 1860. roland ignoring me

    sounds good what model is it peter ?

  • James Beavon

    March 29, 2010 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Protection strip for camm1 pro 1860. roland ignoring me

    ive tried both and no result.

    ive been told its very hard to get hold of.

    thinking of buying another type and cutting it down .any ideas ?

  • James Beavon

    March 20, 2010 at 2:48 pm in reply to: Loving the HEXIS SUPTAC. Is cast vinyl a con.

    Yea as peter says not all polymeric is the same, i think hexis range is however exceptional.

    Ive tried poly from graphytyp and mactac but they aren’t as good as suptac, you can tell from weeding through to application it is superior.

    On the fore mentioned job though i made sure all the recesses were properly (if not overly) thermoformed which is essential.

  • James Beavon

    March 19, 2010 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Loving the HEXIS SUPTAC. Is cast vinyl a con.

    ^^^^ The bubble free is no longer in production and is only available until end of stock. 🙁

    Apparently they weren’t selling enough

  • James Beavon

    October 6, 2009 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Bubble free vinyl Performance ?


    Think ill give it a miss then, after reading some responses, i think it best not to take the risk.

    It seems manufacturers say its fine then deny responsibility when it fails. And yes Rob it will be my fault as far as the customer is concerned.

  • James Beavon

    October 6, 2009 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Bubble free vinyl Performance ?

    Thanks Adam very helpful.

    Cheers Rob.

    I contacted Hexis about this and was told the hexpress will be fine as long as its super heated when pushed into the recess, which is standard practice anyway IMO.

    Im gonna give it a try and if it popps out i can always replace it, although i see dozens of vans with popped graphics (even the sky vans), still, you want your work to stay perfect dont ya.

  • James Beavon

    October 2, 2009 at 12:37 pm in reply to: Finding the correct make/model of vehicles.
    quote John Childs:

    Easy one.

    Get the customer to send you a photo of his van – even one from a camera phone will do.

    At that point, any signmaker worth his salt should instantly know what van it is. :peek:

    😀 😀 😀

    The ammount of people ive done work for who are totel technophobes is ridiculous.

    You obviously dont do a lot of work for builders/bricklayers, you ask them to take a photo and send it to your email and you may as well have asked them to jump through the eye of a needle. LOL.

    Yea i think a visit is the best bet (in such situations) and charge accordingly, because people do give the wrong happens.

    Sorry for the ignorant stereo type ^ but its true.


  • James Beavon

    August 25, 2009 at 3:09 pm in reply to: DIY Vinyl remover..from glass ?

    mission complete.

    Was quite easy as the sun came out and warmed it up. Used soapy hot water and it peeled like a banana.

    Cheers guys.

  • James Beavon

    August 25, 2009 at 12:28 pm in reply to: DIY Vinyl remover..from glass ?

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Ive got one of those scrapers in an old tool box at home 😀
    And will try the soapy water.


  • James Beavon

    April 4, 2009 at 4:22 pm in reply to: CAMM 1 pro 1860 perforated cutting problem

    Nope thats not it.

    im sure its the small wheel that moves the blade housing up and down, it looks replaceable too as it has a clasp on it.
    ive tried searching the net but cant find one.

    hmmm any suggestions

  • James Beavon

    March 28, 2009 at 8:04 pm in reply to: CAMM 1 pro 1860 perforated cutting problem


    i thought it may be the cutting strip as it is pretty worn, will replace this first.


  • James Beavon

    November 11, 2008 at 11:32 am in reply to: First lightbox advice


    Thanks for the reply.

    Yea its only cut vinyl going on there, so im needing the opal ( glad i posted now was gonna get clear 😳 ).

    Just out of interest what is flood coating?


  • James Beavon

    October 21, 2008 at 12:44 pm in reply to: Hi there .

    Hi graeme. ive got a Roland Camm 1 pro, its one of the old ones, 1860 pnc i think.

    Ive bought it back to life a few times now ( took it apart cleaned, lubricated and put it back together ).

    Im going to win that new Roland printer they have on their website soon though. HaHa.

  • James Beavon

    February 5, 2008 at 2:20 pm in reply to: suppliers please of avery gloss gold ref 174421

    mod-edit 1
    no post bumping!

  • James Beavon

    February 5, 2008 at 2:09 pm in reply to: suppliers please of avery gloss gold ref 174421

    Hey thanks for the fast reply.

    Spandex have sent me their gloss double sided gold sample but its not the same i think the reference they have is 710g where as the ref on the back of mine is 174421.

    Theirs has a see through backing is much thicker and doesnt look as much like gold leaf.

  • James Beavon

    April 27, 2007 at 11:22 am in reply to: council signs

    Hey thanks Guys.

    While searching for Sign & Screen-print Supplies, i came across, which has a localized search for sign makers materials 😎

    You all probably know this but i thought I’d share anyway.


  • James Beavon

    April 26, 2007 at 10:33 am in reply to: council signs

    OK, after some extensive research on tinternet, ive realized what im after is a aluminium powdercoated TRAY (for fixing on a wall).

    Does anyone know a good supplier in the midlands area