Camouflage helps Grenadier users get wrapped

Sign extra gets the very First pictures of Uniforms new wrap courses in progress.
With vehicle wrapping becoming an increasingly popular method of decoration for cars and vans, this area is fast becoming an added revenue stream for sign-makers and digital print bureaux. Now available to existing and potential users of Uniform Grenadier solvent-based wide-format ink-jet printers are specialist free one-day events designed to provide an interactive instructional course on how to get started in this lucrative business area.

The course involves full information about every aspect of vehicle wrapping, from design, print and material application through to the tools which are required and how to use them, plus a practical demonstration of vinyl being applied. There is also the opportunity for questions and answers, and attendees will gain invaluable information on how to optimise their Grenadier machines with the right materials from the Uniform Camouflage range to produce high quality vehicle wraps for their customers.

Camouflage Vehicle Wrapping courses also include full hands-on working with its hybrid vinyl technology which has been formulated specifically for use with solvent-based ink-jet technology. Easy to work with and apply, these soft calendered films are amongst the technically most advanced materials currently available for this type of application.

These courses, which are free to Grenadier users, take place at Uniform’s premises in Chertsey, Surrey at four weekly intervals. Additional training programmes are available which enable attending companies to apply for Camouflage Wrapping Centre status, and these start in January 2006. Businesses gaining this approval will have the benefit of Uniform’s full backing, including sales leads, national marketing campaigns and exhibition presence at all major branding shows. In addition, approved wrapping centres have Uniform’s trade printing factory at their disposal for handling grand-format jobs.
Vehicle wrapping has many applications and is proven to be a cost-effective way of providing high profile branding on cars and vans of all shapes and size. As well as providing decorative high impact, wrapping also protects vehicles from stone chips and scratches, and can be removed or replaced easily. With more than 800 Uniform printers now installed, it is expected that demand will be high from Grenadier users wanting to attend the free one-day courses.