Forum Replies Created

  • Andy Ashworth

    October 25, 2009 at 4:09 pm in reply to: A simple, user-friendly, stand-alone software package?

    Thanks for the replies.

    I’ve had a bit more success with SignGo and a bit of persistence has paid off. I’ve also looked a bit more deeply into their website/forum and I like what I see. It looks like they are a helpful bunch so perhaps I should support them with my custom.

    I have now managed to succesfully cut some vinyl (don’t laugh) so at least I know the setup works. Now it’s just a case of tweaking the settings and getting used to the software. Perhaps this is all I really need for now.

    I think that in the long-term, I might look at buying CorelDraw as it’s probably a good string for the bow 😉 .

    (I’m not sure how this thread became an announcement. If I did it, sorry, it was accidental. If someone else did it, thank you.)

    Thanks again for the advice, I’m off to play with my new ‘toy’ :lol1: .


  • Andy Ashworth

    October 19, 2009 at 10:22 am in reply to: Avery Vinyl Identification.

    Thanks Jamie,

    As luck would have it, I’ve just found another bit left over from the tests in a pile of rubbish :lol1: .

    Fortunately, it does have the number on it so the mystery is over!

    Unfortunately, it’s Avery 900 series and not one of the cheaper ones I thought it might be 😥 .

    Nevermind, at least I know it works.
