thanks for that mike…
i thought it would be the file size… of course that, ontop of the BT connection just grinds the download to a halt. 🙄 🙄
your right about the size factor on the server. i have to up my webspace soon & have only had it a few months.. 50meg gone in a jiffy!
im going to drop the upload size soon so if somones pic wont load then the reason will be the size is too big… this way everyone will have to drop the size or change the file format to suit…
yes steve i did get your pic from mike.. thank you. i will load them as soon as i get a min. like i said im not sure why your pics would not load. hotmail did not recognise the file type not my comp & i do know it was saved as a jpg.
the same happend way back with other pics you sent for the gallery. i sent them to a friend with a mac and he opened them and re-saved them and i used them. i assume this is the same problem. but never the less mikes saved the day…
steveb … great “a” boards mate… i like how you have done the blackboard section on one… very smart & look well into the bargain.
i do apologise for piggy backing your post with the download problem… 😀