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  • Who’s working Bank Holiday?

    Posted by John Singh on August 27, 2004 at 10:27 am

    Another bank holiday!

    I used to work right through but the missus started to have a moan cos it was the only time she got off :nag2:

    So who’s glutton for punishment?


    John Childs replied 19 years, 11 months ago 14 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Paul Rollason

    August 27, 2004 at 10:47 am

    ME 🙁

    Paul R(Mackerelbus Design)

  • Martin Armitage

    August 27, 2004 at 10:57 am

    Not me – fitting a kitchen!

  • Carrie Brown

    August 27, 2004 at 11:24 am

    Yes we are, but not all day, just a couple of hours to get a few things sorted for jobs on Tuesday!! Nearly in September …… its going to be Christmas soon ……. yay!!! :lol1:

    Carrie & Stephen 😀

  • Paul Goodwin

    August 27, 2004 at 11:25 am

    Possibly depending on the weather.

    weather or not i can get away from the wife and kids 🙂

  • Carrie Brown

    August 27, 2004 at 11:28 am

    :lol1: :lol1: Im beginning to think it should be called “Avoid the wife at all costs Day! Instead of Bank Holiday!

  • Lee Jones

    August 27, 2004 at 11:48 am

    I never have time off on Bank Holiday’s, especially this one. I’d sooner go to work than try to get somewhere with all the other millions of people on the roads / planes / and trains etc., also trying to get somewhere. Nope, not for me.

    Self employment allows me to have time off when I choose. (especially as I don’t get paid for bank holiday’s)

  • Dave Standen

    August 27, 2004 at 2:13 pm

    Hi Folks
    I thought I was the only one who thought Bank Holidays were for Banks! All my lot will be away playing Bankers whilst I’m at the office playing at working! – At least it’s quiet – you can make some progress on your own!

  • Andy Gorman

    August 27, 2004 at 3:52 pm

    Bank Holiday? (?)

  • Robert Lambie

    August 27, 2004 at 7:33 pm

    ill be working this one, as i do most.
    best of it is, my holdidays start monday and i have had to hold off till maybe the following week due to workload. 🙁 knowing my luck it will be the one after that and after that.. that happend last year and i got none! 😮

  • John Childs

    August 27, 2004 at 9:07 pm

    Not a chance. Those days have gone.

    I’ll be polishing my bikes if it’s raining and riding them if it’s not. 😀

    PS. Anybody else get annoyed at having to pay staff to lay in bed?

  • Phill Fenton

    August 27, 2004 at 10:14 pm

    I’ll be working. I think there’s too many bank holidays these days.

    It seems like there’s one nearly every weekend throughout July and August and it all gets very confusing.

    Not only that but many companies seem to work a half day on Friday – this country is becoming lazy and we now have to import everything we buy. There is no longer any manufacturing industry only service industry so where is the wealth coming from (?)

    What’s going to happen when the north sea oil runs out and this country no longer has anything to export 🙄 We’ll be broke that’s what – and our grandchildren will be looking to countries like China for work and a means to sustain a living.

  • J. Hulme

    August 27, 2004 at 10:29 pm
    quote johnchilds:

    Not a chance.
    PS. Anybody else get annoyed at having to pay staff to lay in bed?

    You don’t have to pay them, and if you do you can add the bank holidays as their annual accumulated leave .

  • Andy Gorman

    August 27, 2004 at 10:32 pm

    That’s true, but you try changing terms of employment for existing employees!

  • J. Hulme

    August 27, 2004 at 10:43 pm

    Striking after the event is purposeless.
    The equipoise is knowing employment law before wasting business money.

  • Andy Gorman

    August 27, 2004 at 10:55 pm

    Surely when hiring someone, you take into account all the non productive days, ie holidays, when calculating wages? No? Just wondered. I work alone so it doesn’t apply. The only reason I’m working this Monday is because I forgot it was a bleedin’ holiday and I promised a big job out for Wednesday, like a muppet! S’funny how you forget when the bank holidays are when you’re not getting free wages for them.

  • Steve Broughton

    August 28, 2004 at 7:53 am
    quote johnchilds:

    Not a chance. Those days have gone.

    I’ll be polishing my bikes if it’s raining and riding them if it’s not. 😀

    Me too after I’ve mowed the lawn, finished painting the bathroom, mend one of the cupboards in the kitchen, put in a new gas hob (don’t panic its only LPG :lol1: ) do some work on the camper etc. I ain’t got time for work 🙄

    Seriously I used to work bank holidays but not one of my customers who would in previous years would have expected to have their signs done bright and early on a tuesday morning EVER work bank holidays only mugs like me, after a while the b’stards come to expect it AND don’t appreciate it so NO More!! WORK TO LIVE – NOT LIVE TO WORK Oh and before anyone says “well you’ll lose customers that way” well what am I doing here on a Saturday then? my old man worked for 50 years all the hours god sends – nights, weekends, bank holidays etc. (he was a baker) and then 2 months after he retired the poor old sod had a heart attack and has been in poor health ever since, I won’t be expiring over a hot plotter I can tell you. :lol1:

    You guys that employ people crack me up with comments like

    quote :

    PS. Anybody else get annoyed at having to pay staff to lay in bed?

    😛 well so you have NEVER been an employee then? and had your holidays and bank holidays and christmas that I might add you are entitled too, c’mon stop whining and either pay them to work the weekend so you don’t have too or sort out their terms of employment too benefit you instead of whittering on about it like old women 🙄

  • Mike Fear

    August 28, 2004 at 9:04 am

    Days off ??? Holidays ??? heard of em but cant remember what they are 😀

    One problem with working from home is your always at work – anyone else find it hard to not just do that little left over bit, or check your emails when everyone else is off ????

    Saying that, most of my stuff goes to the USA, so our bank holidays dont always tie in with when they are off, although a lot of customers dont realise there is a time difference and think I e-mail them at 3 a.m. sometimes :lol1:

    I’d rather work when I need to when there is stuff to do, then I dont build up a backlog and can just take time off when its quieter ( which isnt very often now unfortunately ! ).

  • Phill Fenton

    August 28, 2004 at 10:03 am

    Bank holidays are presumably when the banks are supposed to shut.

    However, now that they have closed all their small branches and have relocated all their call centres to India, do they have any staff left to allow the time off for a Bank holiday Monday 😕

    Certainly the last time I phoned up about my business account I was put through to a call centre somewhere. After exlaining the nature of my problem I was told no one could deal with it straight away but someone would call me back (which no one did). I put my complaint in writing and a few weeks later received a call asking me to fax through a copy of my letter of complaint (as they had presumably lost it).

    If the banks employed a few more staff to look after their customers – then maybe they’d be justified in taking a holiday. As it is now, I don’t think anyone would notice any difference if their staff took a day off – it’s all run by computer systems and poorly trained thoroughly demotivated call centre staff.

  • signdevil

    August 28, 2004 at 11:42 am

    Bank holidays, don’t you just love em’ (Not) !!!!!

    My employees can have the time off with pleasure, they can even be on full pay for it. All these unproductive days however are deducted from the 20 day holiday entitlement the law says they are allowed !!!!!

    It really gets my goat and don’t get me wrong, there are some employees who really care about the company they work for and I am happy for them to be rewarded with paid time off. Then there are the people who do not give a damn and fully expect to fleece your business for everything they can get from it, and they will if you allow it !!!!

    👿 👿

  • John Childs

    August 28, 2004 at 7:06 pm

    My staff get their 20 days holiday PLUS the eight public ones, so I can’t be that bad an employer!

    I give my people jobs because I want some work done. Not so that they can sit in traffic jams on the road to Skegness. Don’t get me wrong, I am quite prepared to reward them adequately but my gripe is the blurring of the correlation between pay and effort that all these supposedly “free” days bring.

    My fitters are on about £9.00 per hour, times 40 hours times 52 weeks comes to £18720 per annum. Now, what I would prefer is for them to be paid only on the days that they actually work. I have no desire to do them down, so keep the annual total the same at £18720, divide that by their 232 working days, divided by eight hours a day, which comes to roughly £10.10 per hour.

    Give us a bit of time to get used to it and we would end up in the situation where I am only paying for work received and they are only getting paid for the days they work. What could be fairer, more reasonable, or easily understood, than that?

    And as a bonus, the TUC wouldn’t be quite so keen on campaigning for another three public holidays per year. And even if they did, I wouldn’t care. I would still be getting what I pay for – a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.

    Steve, I would love to sort out their terms of employment but I am prevented from introducing a simple system, which is fair to both sides, by the law of the land. I am obliged to give them paid holidays even if they would be no worse off under another system. Or, if it comes to that, even if it was to their advantage.

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