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  • What do you think of the new RapidAirTM technology stuff?

    Posted by Shane Drew on July 17, 2006 at 11:54 pm

    Just got my first roll of 3551gra(?) last week. Fantastic stuff. No Bubbles – no troubles. Easy to lay, bubbles just push out. Good digital print finish too.

    The blurb "ORAJET Series 3551 Gloss 7 year Solvent Inkjet vinyl now includes a superior new adhesive system designed to make light work of fleet graphics and general signage applications involving simple corrugations, flat surfaces and rivets. RapidAirTM technology features an advanced air-release liner and a repositionable adhesive with unique air channels designed to reduce bubbling and creasing, thereby enabling ease of application and removability for up to four years. What’s more, new RapidAirTM leaves no visible adhesive pattern on the high gloss print surface of the media." seems pretty much on the money…

    Not cheap tho

    Anyone else using it. What do you think?


    Cammy – Europoint Display replied 17 years, 10 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Shane Drew

    July 18, 2006 at 12:59 pm

    no one else uses it then? just me? 😳

    I feel so lonely now πŸ™

  • Phil Halling

    July 18, 2006 at 2:16 pm

    Whats the difference between that and 3M "comply" and averys ez apply then shane ?

  • John Childs

    July 18, 2006 at 3:18 pm

    Or the MacTac one? πŸ˜€

  • Phill Fenton

    July 18, 2006 at 4:51 pm

    I wasn’t aware of this vinyl Shane – Even though my vinyl suppliers provide Oracle products which I use all the time – I never seem to get any information from them about new products πŸ˜₯ (Just letters informing me about "unavoidable" price increases πŸ™„ ). I usually find out things from reading about it here or in trade magazines. I do think regular suppliers have a duty to keep me informed about new products and developments instead of relying on my loyalty to keep on buying the same old stuff from them year after year. πŸ˜•

  • Robert Lambie

    July 18, 2006 at 5:05 pm

    phill, i dont think it is avialable over here yet, but i could be wrong. i did know about it a month or so ago… but like i said, i just heard it was coming.
    i am sure we will be notified when it does, but i agree, i think it is in any suppliers best intrest to keep their customers informed on new product releases.

  • Stepen Wood

    July 18, 2006 at 5:23 pm

    We use Avery 1005 easy apply and it is very good on 90% of applications. The major problem I have found is when you flood it with ink, It tends to become just like normal vinyl and loses all the easy apply effect..

    Also according to my Spandex rep, 3M have a patent on this technology and are currently in the courts with Avery over copyright issues. Apparently if they win they will do the same with other vinyl manufacturers
    Has anybody else heard this?

  • Robert Lambie

    July 18, 2006 at 5:28 pm

    i think 3M won that court case mate. i believe it was an ongoing thing but finalised about a month ago.

    Again, im guessing but i imagine the solvents in the inks are attacking the adhesive, it does this with most vinyls i know of. if used to soon even the vinyl itself is like chewing gum to work with.

  • Peter Normington

    July 18, 2006 at 9:25 pm

    My worry is, if its as good as you say Shane, the world and his dog will find full wraps and any application easy. Watch out for for people undercutting your prices.


  • Shane Drew

    July 18, 2006 at 10:39 pm

    …and there I thought no one was talking to me… :lol1:

    3M comply is the same theory, bus relys on a lot of downward pressure to ‘burst’ the little glue bubbles (according to the 3M course I did last year)

    Oracals version is much cheaper here than the 3M product, and is not compliant on the same pressures at installation.

    I’ve not used the Avery product at all, but from what I’m told, it is similar in use to the 3M comply, which may explain the court case. Avery and 3M have never been friends after all.

    Oracal makes 3M face stock on the series 50 range, (same as 551) so they may have already done a ‘deal’.

    I’d suggest tho Peter, that this product has been manufactured for those applicators that have issues with bubbles. We’ve seen a few threads here as well.

    Its about $100 dearer than a normal 50m roll here, so I can see some of the cowboys not wanting to spend the extra bucks, but the results I’m getting tell me it is worth the extra money.

    That said, I’m already having problems with undercutting by new guys in the game, using the wrong stuff as well. I heard of a guy wrapping a vehicle in 3551 the other day. Not a long term application I am thinking.

    3551 is not wrap material tho, but the new ‘gra’ version is good for flat truck sides etc, because the application is much faster.

  • Robert Lambie

    July 18, 2006 at 10:49 pm

    has there not been some issues with the Avery EZ-Apply stuff? or am i getting this mixed up with regular Avery cast? i think Avery 900 was the big headache experienced all over the states with sever shrinkage, but i am sure i have heard issues with EZ-Apply. am i wrong… someone put me out my misery πŸ˜• :lol1:

  • Shane Drew

    July 19, 2006 at 10:03 am
    quote Robert Lambie:

    has there not been some issues with the Avery EZ-Apply stuff? or am i getting this mixed up with regular Avery cast? i think Avery 900 was the big headache experienced all over the states with sever shrinkage, but i am sure i have heard issues with EZ-Apply. am i wrong… someone put me out my misery πŸ˜• :lol1:

    It was Avery Cast mate. Only in America from what I remember.

    The Avery 1005 was withdrawn in oz because the Avery logo was bleeding from the backing paper onto the printed serface, (here in oz anyway,) but that has been corrected earlier this year.

  • Cammy – Europoint Display

    August 8, 2006 at 1:02 pm

    Sorry guys , i couldn’t get logged on for a while , yes we have 3551 rapid Air in stock now 760 and 1370mm wide , yes its more expensive than 3551 but not by huge amount. Oracal USA website sells it as suitable for Corrugations and Rivets but not wrapping so 2 dimensional not 3 dimensional stretching.
    Avery did lose the court case and are launching an alternative soon i think.
    All the best

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