• Welcome tteveris!

    Posted by Bob Gilliland on June 10, 2002 at 12:26 am

    Thought I would attempt to get tteveris to step out of the shadows and give us his welcome speech!

    Tteveris, along with the recent addition of CMYanko, are members of what I affectionately call the “Cubical Clan” . Their efforts, along with the other Cubical Clan members help me to make an income and remain within this industry.

    In return, being the nice guy that I am, give them grief every chance that is available!

    Seriously, welcome Tony!

    Mike Brown replied 22 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    June 10, 2002 at 12:28 am

    yep, im behind you on that one bob. come on guys… 😆

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 10, 2002 at 4:55 am

    We I Agree with the rest of the guy and welcome 😆 these are the greatest people in the world themade me feel so welcome so come on and say hi! we dont bite bra!

  • Mike Brown

    June 10, 2002 at 9:56 pm

    Welcom to you tteveris, CMYanko and all those of the ‘Cubical Clan?’ 😕 are these people who daub graffitti on toilet walls? – British Humour eh!

    Speak to you all soon

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