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  • We’re all doomed!!

    Posted by Phill Fenton on December 31, 2005 at 6:33 pm

    Monday September 12, 2005


    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Scared-stiff astronomers have detected a mysterious mass they’ve dubbed a “chaos cloud” that dissolves everything in its path, including comets, asteroids, planets and entire stars — and it’s headed directly toward Earth!

    Discovered April 6 by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the swirling, 10 million-mile- wide cosmic dust cloud has been likened to an “acid nebula” and is hurtling toward us at close to the speed of light — making its estimated time of arrival 9:15 a.m. EDT on June 1, 2014.

    “The good news is that this finding confirms several cutting- edge ideas in theoretical physics,” announced Dr. Albert Sherwinski, a Cambridge based astrophysicist with close ties to NASA.

    “The bad news is that the total annihilation of our solar system is imminent.”

    Experts believe the chaos cloud is composed of particles spawned near the event horizon of a black hole (a form of what’s called Hawking Radiation) that have been distorted by mangled information spewed from the hole.

    “A super-massive black hole lies about 28,000 light-years from Earth at the center of our galaxy,” explained Dr. Sherwinski.

    “Last year the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking revised his theory of black holes — which previously held that nothing could escape the hole’s powerful gravitational field. He demonstrated that information about objects that have been sucked in can be emitted in mangled form.

    “It now appears that mangled information can distort matter.

    “Just imagine our galaxy the Milky Way as a beautiful, handwritten letter.

    “Now imagine pouring a glass of water on the paper and watching the words dissolve as the stain spreads. That’s what the chaos cloud does to every star or planet it encounters.”

    To avoid widespread panic, NASA has declined to make the alarming discovery public. But Dr. Sherwinski’s contacts at the agency’s Chandra X-ray Observatory leaked to him striking images of the newly discovered chaos cloud obliterating a large asteroid.

    “It’s like watching a helpless hog being dissolved in a vat of acid,” one NASA scientist told Dr. Sherwinski.

    Ordinarily, Hawkings Radiation is harmless.

    “It’s produced when an electron- positron pair are at the event horizon of a black hole,” Dr. Sherwinski explained. “The intense curvature of space-time of the hole can cause the positron to fall in, while the electron escapes.”

    But when “infected” by mangled information from the black hole, the particles become a chaos cloud, which in turn mangles everything it touches.

    “If it continues unchecked, the chaos cloud will eventually reduce our galaxy to the state of absolute chaos that existed before the birth of the universe,” the astrophysicist warned.

    Some scientists say mankind’s best hope would be to build a “space ark” and hightail it to the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.1 million light-years away.

    “We wouldn’t be able to save the entire human population, but perhaps the best and the brightest,” observed British rocket scientist Dr. David Hall, when asked about the feasibility of such a project.

    But even if such a craft could be built in time, evacuating Earth might prove fruitless if theories about the origin of the chaos cloud are correct.

    “A black hole at the center of Andromeda is about 15 times the size of the one in our own galaxy,” Dr. Sherwinski noted. “It might be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.”

    Speaking under the condition of anonymity, a senior White House official said the president’s top science advisors are taking the findings in stride.

    “This is a lot like global warming, where the jury is still out on whether it’s real or not,” said the official.

    “The existence of this so called chaos cloud is only a theory. Americans shouldn’t panic until all the facts are in

    John Singh replied 18 years, 5 months ago 12 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Carrie Brown

    December 31, 2005 at 7:42 pm


  • Hugh Potter

    December 31, 2005 at 8:03 pm

    lol ! where did i leave my hard had ?

  • Robert Lambie

    December 31, 2005 at 8:24 pm

    bloody typical…. i catch up on things around here, getting the demos all lined up to go live & the bloody world ends. :shake:

  • David Rowland

    December 31, 2005 at 8:29 pm

    Damn. I was planning on going to SignUK14

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    December 31, 2005 at 8:43 pm

    Good! Now I won’t have to clean out my attic.

  • John Singh

    December 31, 2005 at 10:45 pm
    quote :

    “If it continues unchecked, the chaos cloud will eventually reduce our galaxy to the state of absolute chaos that existed before the birth of the universe,” the astrophysicist warned.

    Of course that’s still the unanswered question: What happened ‘one second’ before the big bang

  • Hugh Potter

    December 31, 2005 at 11:03 pm
    quote John Singh:

    quote :

    “If it continues unchecked, the chaos cloud will eventually reduce our galaxy to the state of absolute chaos that existed before the birth of the universe,” the astrophysicist warned.

    Of course that’s still the unanswered question: What happened ‘one second’ before the big bang

    that woulda been the “cover yer ears lads, this one’s gonna be loud” bang

  • David Rowland

    December 31, 2005 at 11:04 pm

    lol @ hugh

  • Shane Drew

    January 1, 2006 at 12:35 am

    sounds to me like someone is trying to justify their government grant 🙄

  • del

    January 3, 2006 at 5:35 am

    Sorry Jill, go get that duster out girl 😉

    take a look……..


  • Shane Drew

    January 3, 2006 at 5:46 am

    Thanks for the link Del. Sounded sus to me but didn’t have time to checkout snopes or breakthechain sites.

    You have, of course, just wrecked jills day 😕

  • del

    January 3, 2006 at 5:55 am

    LOL……you did’nt think she would get off that lightly did ya?! dust cloud? any excuse not to do a bit of house work and watch ‘home and away’ all day! woman huh? LOL LOL

  • Shane Drew

    January 3, 2006 at 6:13 am
    quote del:

    LOL……you did’nt think she would get off that lightly did ya?! dust cloud? any excuse not to do a bit of house work and watch ‘home and away’ all day! woman huh? LOL LOL

    I think the yanks.. er.. americans are lucky. I don’t think they get ‘home and away’ over there…lucky sods…. 😕

  • Phill Fenton

    January 3, 2006 at 10:31 am

    Since the end of the cold war we have been deluged with pseudo scientific “the end is nigh” scare stories. Some (like the one at the beginning of this thread) are obvious hoaxes. However, some are taken very seriously without proper questioning or examination –

    I personally believe that the “Millennium bug” story which began in the mid nineties was started as a joke but quickly caught on and became one of the biggest scams ever. The millennium bug made a fortune for software companies that were able to justify selling upgrades based on the fact that the government bought into it all instead of simply instructing the software developers to rectify any faulty goods sold under the sale of goods act 🙄

    Asteroids and Super volcanoes – you’d think these were regular occurrences given the amount of feverish publicity they are given. Never mind they are hardly likely to happen within the lifetime of a species let alone within the lifetime of an actual living human being.

    Global warming/Global freezing – I just wish the “Scientists would make up their minds and decide whether or not we are entering into a new ice age or undergoing a period of global warming. When was the last time the river Thames in London froze over (not all that long ago as it happens) ? Yet if it happened this winter, it would surely be “proof” that a new ice age was upon us. Similarly – record temperatures are now being touted as “proof” of global warming – yet our records only go back a hundred years or so – so how can anyone possibly know with such a limited amount of data whether the weather changes we are experiencing are natural periodic cycles or proof of real long term climatic change.

    BSE – Mad cow disease,the disease that’s going to kill us all off – How many people do you know that suffers from made cow disease?

    Foot and mouth disease – why was it necessary to slaughter millions of cattle in the united kingdom a few years ago simply because there was a danger that some of them would spread a virus that was little more dangerous than the common cold – even the meat from slaughtered cattle that had foot and mouth disease could have been eaten by humans without any ill effect on that persons health.

    Once a “problem” has been identified and taken seriously, that’s when it actually does become a problem (but not for the reason originally cited – more because we are all so gullible). Look at all the money that has been wasted in recent years dealing with the so called “disaster scenarios” written about above. I’d like to know what would have happened if we had simply ignored all of these.

  • Brian Maher

    January 3, 2006 at 10:43 am

    i’ll only worry when shane stops posting…afterall its already tomorrow in Oz…

  • Shane Drew

    January 3, 2006 at 11:07 am

    You are right Phill, our ‘age’ is so gulliable now. Technology being what it is, news travels so much faster, and we have anyone that calls themselves an ‘expert’ given credability by the media reporting on what some fruit loop has to say.

    Personally I think half the problem can be associated with everyday people looking for something for nothing, or even dishonest gain. The nigerian scam recouped millions for the fraudster, even tho the actual concept of the scam should have rung alarm bells by anyone with a concience about the simple concept of right and wrong.

    That is why internet fraud is so successful. We may not fall for it but plenty of people do.

    Problem is that we don’t question anything anymore simply because Education is not what it used to be, and as our youth grow up, TV and music become the great motivators in their society. Some music our kids listen too is downright demonic in my opinion.

    Conversations are a thing of the past. How many families actually eat a meal together these days, and talk about what is going on in the world? Or are the kids going out with friends and mum and dad too busy in their own careers.

    Plus, we have science that seems to be everyones idea of the shining white knight.

    Sure they have cured some incredible ills over the years, but they have caused some disasters too. The cane toad here is a perfect example. Scientists introduced it into australia to kill the cane beetle. Only problem is it can’t jump, so the cane beetle is always going to be safe up the cane stem. Our local wildlife is not so lucky though. Even our crocodiles are being killed by these pests. Our dogs and cats get poisoned, our local tree frog population is being decimated as a result. Where were the ‘thinkers’ when this idea was preposed. Scientists said it was the answer, but they were wrong. There are a few examples in the aussie history of these blunders.

    Science these days is a little like the little boy that cried wolf. Only last week, Dr’s here said they were close to finding a cure for skin cancer, something that is close to the average queenslanders heart. Every 7 minutes a queenslander is diagnosed with skin cancer here. So this news was treated with great fanfare until the researcher admitted they were still probably 20 years away from doing meaningful trials on humans.

    Why do they even bother reporting this. It only gets peoples hopes up, but they also lose credabilty.

    The millenium bug was the best example of misinformation I’ve known in my lifetime. Even manufacturers that knew their software/hardware would not be affected, were happy to push the hype. They were happy for people to upgrade without giving it two hoots.

    Ignorance on our part is the reason people fall for this rubbish. But it can also be attributed to laziness.

    It is easier to follow the leader than question anything for fear that we are called a trouble maker or fruit cake.

    The only way it will change if the ‘people’ were not so eager to just accept everything that politicians, science and education dish out. We shouldn’t accept theories as ‘proof’. But I don’t think it will ever change 🙁

  • Shane Drew

    January 3, 2006 at 11:09 am
    quote Brian Maher:

    i’ll only worry when shane stops posting…afterall its already tomorrow in Oz…

    :rofl: If I see anything, I’ll post it here 1st… promise :thumbsup:

  • del

    January 3, 2006 at 11:52 am

    on a serious note, i think posting of such hoax’s should not be encouraged. It can frighten some people..there are alot of post on the Internet clamming things like this and also things like hoax virus postings telling people to remove various files from there machine witch cause more damage than a real virus…and not to forget the mass of spam email going around warning of virus that are just not true.I even received an email before Xmas warning not to go to my local mall because of a threat, the source apparently coming from a friend of a friend.Some of us have the ability to take these posts with a pinch of salt, or even know how to look them up to check if there real BUT a lot of people cant.

    i personally don’t mind the hoax posts, but I’m sure for some they can be a bit intimidating

    just a thought 😀

  • Brian Maher

    January 3, 2006 at 11:58 am

    Thank you Shane…. 😀

    In anticipation of our impending doom, 😮 😮
    we have decided to get out of the sign game and get in to the safety training industry for the time we have left….. 😉

    bookings for courses now taken……..

    cant seem to get pic up here. maybe a mod can help???


  • Shane Drew

    January 3, 2006 at 12:06 pm
    quote del:

    on a serious note, i think posting of such hoax’s should not be encouraged. It can frighten some people..there are alot of post on the Internet clamming things like this and also things like hoax virus postings telling people to remove various files from there machine witch cause more damage than a real virus…and not to forget the mass of spam email going around warning of virus that are just not true.I even received an email before Xmas warning not to go to my local mall because of a threat, the source apparently coming from a friend of a friend.Some of us have the ability to take these posts with a pinch of salt, or even know how to look them up to check if there real BUT a lot of people cant.

    i personally don’t mind the hoax posts, but I’m sure for some they can be a bit intimidating

    just a thought 😀

    I understand what you say Del, but ignoring it is not really the answer. By discussing these frauds openly, even jabbing fun at them, is a good way for the ‘technically challenged’ to be made aware that they are out there, how stupid they are.

    If we were to ‘keep quiet’ about such things, anyone that is not aware that a hoax exists, will be none the wiser if it is not discussed.

    Comes back to my thought on education. Knowledge is not a bad thing really.

    Brian… you’re a sick puppy 😎 :lol1:

    your link … aining.jpg

  • Brian Maher

    January 3, 2006 at 12:12 pm

    thanks shane….still with us i see.. :lol1:

    now where did we put the tinfoil……

  • del

    January 4, 2006 at 10:24 am
    quote Shane Drew:

    quote del:

    on a serious note, i think posting of such hoax’s should not be encouraged. It can frighten some people..there are alot of post on the Internet clamming things like this and also things like hoax virus postings telling people to remove various files from there machine witch cause more damage than a real virus…and not to forget the mass of spam email going around warning of virus that are just not true.I even received an email before Xmas warning not to go to my local mall because of a threat, the source apparently coming from a friend of a friend.Some of us have the ability to take these posts with a pinch of salt, or even know how to look them up to check if there real BUT a lot of people cant.

    i personally don’t mind the hoax posts, but I’m sure for some they can be a bit intimidating

    just a thought 😀

    I understand what you say Del, but ignoring it is not really the answer. By discussing these frauds openly, even jabbing fun at them, is a good way for the ‘technically challenged’ to be made aware that they are out there, how stupid they are.

    If we were to ‘keep quiet’ about such things, anyone that is not aware that a hoax exists, will be none the wiser if it is not discussed.

    Comes back to my thought on education. Knowledge is not a bad thing really.

    Brian… you’re a sick puppy 😎 :lol1:

    your link … aining.jpg

    yep, i guess your right…it was just a thought…about others….ahhh, sod um! LOL

  • Dave Glyde

    January 8, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    The way I see the old saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ applies even if it is an inter galactic Hawking radioactive with half pike and full twist coz it means that all the existing signs wil be damaged so loadsa work!!! Going to start stock piling me vinyl now, also going to notify my customers that prices will be increased as from 2014 so get in early! (-) (-) (-)

    And to think peops used to call me stupid.

    I have got so much to thank these boards for, would have missed this oportunity otherwise.


  • Phill Fenton

    January 8, 2006 at 11:52 pm

    So, what about all this bird flu nonsense?

    We’re about to be hit with a big flu pandemic that originates from chickens 🙄

    I was shocked when I saw the news yesterday. In Turkey there is a big cull of chickens. The television pictures showed plastic bags containing chickens being thrown into pits for burial. What really troubled me though was that many of these bags were still moving!! Talk about cruel. If they have to panic and cull all their chickens – surely they should make the effort to kill these birds quickly to minimise their suffering.

    Personally. I think it’s wrong to cull these birds. Many people in Turkey keep them for their eggs and later to eat them. This cull is unnessessary and cruel and deprives many of these people from having a source of home grown food.

    Another example of how we stupidly get sucked into believing all we are told by the “authorities” 🙄

  • Peter Normington

    January 9, 2006 at 12:12 am

    All chickens should be culled and burnt
    its one of the most disgusting ways of producing meat for the masses.
    supermarkets produce chickens for 50p (retail for 2.50)
    I am a red blooded meat eater, but… I am prepared to pay for good meat.
    Not shite that has no taste. as in the sign industry, you pay for what you get. The only way to get good stuff is to pay for it.
    practice what you all preach. only buy good quality.


  • John Singh

    January 9, 2006 at 1:42 am
    quote :

    In anticipation of our impending doom,
    we have decided to get out of the sign game and get in to the safety training industry for the time we have left…..

    bookings for courses now taken……..

    Oh Goodie Brian
    Does this course deal with anything over two metres in height

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