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  • VersaCamm Wont finish it print

    Posted by cline on October 1, 2004 at 2:00 am

    After the third attempt at a 600 x 1800 banner with the same ruslt, its time to ask for help.
    The print stops in exactly the same position each time, approx at 1200mm, the printed edge is sharp (no fethering) and then the printer continues to inch the media to the where the end of the print should be.
    Has anyone else had a similar problem.

    Shane Drew replied 19 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Chris Wool

    October 1, 2004 at 8:26 am

    yes i used to suffer from this and still wories me when doing large prints on the soljet .
    i dont know the actual reason but that size of art work i created at 25% full size so reducing the file size and resizing with the rip i did not notice any real difference in quality but all prints finished since then.
    same result on 3 diferent computers
    there is a lot of chat about this on the state side roland forum


  • Mark Shipley

    October 1, 2004 at 5:11 pm

    Hi mate,

    Am I right in guessing you are designing the banner in Corel Draw 12 and exporting as an eps?

    If so, make sure you are exporting the eps at post script level 3 (it’s in the second tab in the export options window).

    I had exactly the same problem with 8 700x3000mm banners, after 20m of banner had been wasted – a bright spark at Roland finally thought to ask about the post script setting – tada 🙄 and it printed perfectly.

    This maybe the anwer to your problem.

    Let us know how you get on.


  • Shane Drew

    October 4, 2004 at 12:49 pm


    Had exactly the same pronblem on my soljet last week. 3 attempts to print, and it stopped at the 1200mm mark.

    Very stressful.

    I tried everything. Found it worked when I exported it as a smaller jpg file instead of a larger eps file. After some detective work, I found that my hard drive was getting low on space (I have a hard drive just for my colorrip files). I deleted all the old files I no longer needed, and it has not failed since. I have reprinted the original file, in the original eps format, and it went thru without any problems. Wasted heaps of material, but at least I have some peace of mind.

    Now I delete all my old files regularily to keep disk space at a premium.

    Hope this helps.


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