• The X-Factor

    Posted by Marcella Ross on October 17, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    so who’s been watching it then?

    Are Emily and I the only people who just don’t like the afro guy????? I think he’s over rated and pants!!!!!
    The Irish twins are just …….. well ……… shocking! No, that doesn’t quite do them justice, they’re putrid!

    We’re liking Olly and Stacey the gorgeous girl from Dagenham with the brilliant personality. 😀

    Nigel Hindley replied 14 years, 7 months ago 23 Members · 84 Replies
  • 84 Replies
  • Nicola McIntosh

    October 17, 2009 at 10:21 pm

    i cant stand the x-factor this year…lot of rubbish 😮 i dont like afro either…..i like the twins, cause they are so terrible :lol1: :lol1: and cause there is no one else to woooooo after 🙄

  • Phill Fenton

    October 17, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    Jamie Afro – what a t1t (What’s with the three foot scarf hanging from his back pocket every week – is it supposed to be his tail or something 😕 )

    And the Mcdonald Bros. (Okay Timmy and Jonathan – whatever they’re called) – the worst act ever to get through to the final. I reckon Louis is using Steven Gatelys premature demise as an excuse to stay away from the show and to avoid his embarrassment at having made such an almighty cockup with his choices (have I taken this too far 😕 ).

    Stacy is brilliant. Daft as a brush but thoroughly likeable. (Though I do worry if she can handle the fame and pressure. She’s so nice and down to earth , I’m not sure that she will be able to cope with it all).

    As for Cheryl – is she a great actress or is she really sincere? Will she sing live tomorrow? I doubt it.

    Johny Lonely will end up just that! Don’t like him at all – reminds me of the Joker in Batman.

    And the singing teacher – what’s his name? – Great talent and technical ability – but not my cuppa tea. Too over the top – and even when reigned in a bit – still too much for my taste

    All in all – at the moment Stacy is my favourite 😀

  • David Lowery

    October 18, 2009 at 7:15 am

    Stacey from Dagenham is my choice too.

    Johnie Afro is great, if you turn him upside down and use him as a mop plus he always has a duster hanging out of his trousers 😀

    The Irish twins? WTF 😮

    And don’t remember his name but one of the lads desperately needs his left eyebrow trimming 🙄

  • John Cooper

    October 18, 2009 at 7:25 am

    I have to admit to being a regular watcher. Of course, I like the Welsh contestants 🙂 The hi-light for me are the twins, Edward and whatever his name is. They are just so appallingly bad, they entertain, I mean NOTHING is right with them.

    In a way, they remind me of Tommy Cooper. None of his magic tricks went right but that’s how he intended it to be. The Irish twins just seem to think their so good!! It’s just plain funny and maybe they’ve got something in that and most people who watch the show are talking about them!


  • Marcella Ross

    October 18, 2009 at 9:32 am
    quote Phill:

    Jamie Afro – what a t1t (What’s with the three foot scarf hanging from his back pocket every week – is it supposed to be his tail or something 😕 )

    think the scarf is an attempt at him trying to look ‘rock’ and cool ………. but he just looks contrived! I just find him annoying.

    The teacher is good Phill, but there’s something just a bit annoying about him too, he can certainly sing tho.

    So who’s out tonight then? ……… I’ve got a horrible feeling the toxic twins will live to fight another week …….. compulsive viewing for all the wrong reasons aren’t they. 😕

  • John Childs

    October 18, 2009 at 9:49 am
    quote Marcella:

    compulsive viewing


    Doesn’t sound like I’m missing much. 😛

  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 11:06 am
    quote Marcella:

    So who’s out tonight then? ………

    I reckon Joe Calzaghe….

    ..sorry I got confused and panicked a bit 😳

  • Karl Williams

    October 18, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    Well I think your all a bunch of sad g!ts for watching in the first place. 😉 Such a pile of cr@p this year.

  • John Cooper

    October 18, 2009 at 2:20 pm
    quote Karl Williams:

    Such a pile of cr@p this year.

    How would you know? 🙂

  • Craig Newton

    October 18, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    karl has jumped in again! do you wanna borrow a spade karl? lol

  • Karl Williams

    October 18, 2009 at 2:51 pm
    quote Craig Newton:

    karl has jumped in again! do you wanna borrow a spade karl? lol

    No Craig I don’t want to borrow a spade. Do you? It’s hardly the must see T.V of the year is it? All those wannabes like the twins on a Saturday night’s not really my idea of quality telly.

  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 6:05 pm
    quote Karl Williams:

    It’s hardly the must see T.V of the year is it? All those wannabes like the twins on a Saturday night’s not really my idea of quality telly.

    So what’s your idea of a good time then Karl – Television "X"’s five minute freeview 😕

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 18, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    I just cant believe Rachel is in the bottom 2 again she is brilliant really talented and totally stunning.

    Think Olly was brilliant this week after being pretty poor last week.

    Just hope Rachel doesn’t go tonight.

    Don’t Like Jamie either conceited and as said contrived – pretends to humble but he thinks he is great hes just a good pub singer.

    The Irish twins – the worst thing now is they have had so much exposure no matter when they go now they will be everywhere even if it is just to laugh at them. Louis has a lot to answer for.


  • Nicola McIntosh

    October 18, 2009 at 7:48 pm

    whitney was rubbish……she was on something :lol1: :lol1:

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 18, 2009 at 7:51 pm
    quote Nicola McIntosh:

    whitney was rubbish……she was on something :lol1: :lol1:

    Thats harsh Nicola her dress did fall apart?

  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 7:53 pm

    That Ricky fella has got a really annoying eyebrow 😕

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 18, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    Thank god justice has prevailed and Rachel is still in!

  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    And we’ve still got those two vile creatures to put up with next week :lol1:

  • Marcella Ross

    October 18, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Whitney was wasted!!!!! :lol1: :lol1: she was awful.

    Sorry to see Rachel in the bottom 2 again, I too think she’s talented…. and very beautiful!
    Knew the Toxic Twins would survive. 😕

    Rikki was pants anyway – glad he’s gone.

  • Peter Normington

    October 18, 2009 at 8:30 pm
    quote Karl Williams:

    quote Craig Newton:

    karl has jumped in again! do you wanna borrow a spade karl? lol

    No Craig I don’t want to borrow a spade. Do you? It’s hardly the must see T.V of the year is it? All those wannabes like the twins on a Saturday night’s not really my idea of quality telly.

    I think its just pure exploitation of the contestants, and the viewers,
    do you that enjoy it, actually phone in and vote?


  • Marcella Ross

    October 18, 2009 at 8:44 pm

    never. I just enjoy watching it…….. I cringe, I laugh and sometimes I actually really enjoy the singing!

    Exploitation…? I dunno. Everyone that puts themselves up for that knows the score, they know what they’re letting themselves in for and for some they make mega bucks!

    It’s entertainment.

    Remember Opportunity Knocks ????? Well, same thing really isn’t it except the winner gets a huge bonus!

  • Karl Williams

    October 18, 2009 at 8:46 pm

    Well, I sat and watched it with the wife tonight. Cheryl Cole I think struggled.
    The twins….what can I say? And Whitney……she’s supposed to be off the crack……and she was……way off it. Seriously this shows supposed to be something for the younger generation to look up to. It’s about time they sent it to the knackers yard.

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 18, 2009 at 9:48 pm
    quote Peter Normington:

    quote Karl Williams:

    quote Craig Newton:

    karl has jumped in again! do you wanna borrow a spade karl? lol

    No Craig I don’t want to borrow a spade. Do you? It’s hardly the must see T.V of the year is it? All those wannabes like the twins on a Saturday night’s not really my idea of quality telly.

    I think its just pure exploitation of the contestants, and the viewers,
    do you that enjoy it, actually phone in and vote?


    These guys (& girls) i.e. the contestants all want to be famous – fame = exploitation that’s what they want that’s what they will get! – watching the process is good TV in fact TV heaven!

    If i want facts ill read a book. TV for me is about putting your brain in neutral after a hard week!


  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 9:53 pm


    There’s nothing wrong with good old fashioned entertainment TV.

    .. You’re just a bunch of BBC elitists. (full of shit) :lol1: :lol1:

  • John Childs

    October 18, 2009 at 10:17 pm
    quote Phill:

    There’s nothing wrong with good old fashioned entertainment TV.

    That’s absolutely right Phill.

    Nothing wrong with entertainment TV.

    It’s just that X Factor isn’t it. 😛

  • Phill Fenton

    October 18, 2009 at 10:20 pm

    ..says John who probably fell asleep watching "a year in Provence" :lol1:

  • John Childs

    October 18, 2009 at 10:23 pm
    quote Phill:

    ..says John who probably fell asleep watching “a year in Provence” :lol1:


    But I might admit to the odd snooze during this evening’s Grand Prix. 😀

  • Peter Normington

    October 18, 2009 at 10:59 pm
    quote John Childs:

    quote Phill:

    ..says John who probably fell asleep watching “a year in Provence” :lol1:


    But I might admit to the odd snooze during this evening’s Grand Prix. 😀

    Grand prix?
    dont say I missed it..
    did Sterling Moss win again?


  • Glenn Sharp

    October 19, 2009 at 7:38 am

    I quite like it but I never understand why the ‘bashers’ like to bash it so much…..I can’t stand Panarama but I don’t knock it, I just don’t watch it

    A talent contest where people get voted out isn’t exactly a new concept to TV and the rewards for those who get through to the final stages can be massive….If I could sing I reckon I would be up for being exploited for a couple of million quid

  • Glenn Sharp

    October 19, 2009 at 7:53 am
    quote John Childs:

    quote Phill:

    ..says John who probably fell asleep watching “a year in Provence” :lol1:


    But I might admit to the odd snooze during this evening’s Grand Prix. 😀

    Now there’s an irony John…….. a moving queue of very fast cars following the leader round the track in single file for an hour or so… with the most exciting part of the ‘race’ being when they come in to fill up with fuel is your idea of entertainment ??? 😛

  • John Childs

    October 19, 2009 at 8:14 am
    quote Glenn Sharp:

    Now there’s an irony John…….. a moving queue of very fast cars following the leader round the track in single file for an hour or so… with the most exciting part of the ‘race’ being when they come in to fill up with fuel is your idea of entertainment ??? 😛

    You didn’t watch yesterday’s race then Glenn?

    but usually you’re right 😀

  • Glenn Sharp

    October 19, 2009 at 8:18 am

    I saw the bit where one driver set the car behind him on fire and wondered if Simon Cowell had been brought in to liven it up a bit :lol1:

  • Phill Fenton

    October 19, 2009 at 8:18 am

    Here’s a special treat for the doubters – Cheryl Cole and her traffic warden chums singing live 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    October 19, 2009 at 8:49 am
    quote Glenn Sharp:

    I saw the bit where one driver set the car behind him on fire and wondered if Simon Cowell had been brought in to liven it up a bit :lol1:

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    Hey Phill, Cheryl did not too bad didn’t she.

    My friend Ashley was there in the audience, sitting in front of Girls Aloud LOL! She said it was awesome seeing it live and that Whitney was truly wasted!

    Anyway, everyone has their own opinion as to what is entertainment and as Glenn says I don’t get why people really want to bash it? I can’t stand soaps, Corrie and Eastenders etc drive me into a coma induced state but I don’t get annoyed when people say how much they like it.

    For those who like to watch it, it’s all good fun! Simon Cowell is brilliantly sarcastic.

  • Nigel Hindley

    October 19, 2009 at 9:16 am
    quote Marcella!:

    Simon Cowell is brilliantly sarcastic.

    ‘i’d say 3’ – brilliant! (Simon Cowells reply to Sheryl when she defended one of the girl bands saying it took us 2 years to sound like a group)


  • John Cooper

    October 19, 2009 at 11:14 am

    I’d prostitute myself for a couple of million quid!

  • Martin Cole

    October 19, 2009 at 12:42 pm
    quote Glenn Sharp:

    I quite like it but I never understand why the ‘bashers’ like to bash it so much…..I can’t stand Panarama but I don’t knock it, I just don’t watch it

    A talent contest where people get voted out isn’t exactly a new concept to TV and the rewards for those who get through to the final stages can be massive….If I could sing I reckon I would be up for being exploited for a couple of million quid

    I’m with Glenn on this,

    As a family we love it, it’s just throw away TV that passes an enjoyable hour or so on dark cold Sat & Sun Evening.

    I think Leona Lewis was a rare jewell found and they will probably never find anyone that will have a sustained career in the industry.

    As for this series, same ol same ol, but still good entertainment.

    Jamie afro, I don’t mind him and think he is the only possible one that will go on to sell records after their Xmas No 1.

    Olly (Essex Boy!! who is from Witham just 10 mins away fom us) is pretty good, bit of a Will Young.

    I liked Stacy at the beginning, but is just getting scattier and scattier as it progresses, good voice though, Monkey Boy is also good.

    Martin Saddo 😀

  • Neil Speirs

    October 19, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    I’d really like it if the public were to vote for the twins to win this year, it would be good to know that Mr Cowell wasn’t getting his usual Xmas (number one) pay bonus……after all we are in a recession 🙄

  • Phill Fenton

    October 19, 2009 at 2:40 pm

    Thing is – the great British public will deliberately keep voting for the "vile creature twins" simply to spite Simon, and there’s a very real danger they could end up winning the contest :lol1:

  • Marcella Ross

    October 20, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    Just heard from my friend that was there on Sunday night ……… apparently when they cut to a commercial break Whitney had to get helped off stage because she was falling all over the place! 😮

  • Neil Speirs

    October 20, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    she looked a right state when Dermot was having his wee chat with her 😕

  • Martin Cole

    October 20, 2009 at 1:41 pm
    quote Marcella:

    Just heard from my friend that was there on Sunday night ……… apparently when they cut to a commercial break Whitney had to get helped off stage because she was falling all over the place! 😮

    Don’t surprise me, she was not on the same planet as the rest of us.

  • George Elsmore

    October 20, 2009 at 3:03 pm


  • Robert Lambie

    October 20, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    haven’t read the full thread so excuse me if i repeat what someone else has said…

    I watch and enjoy it.
    Some are crap, some are great… its entertainment at someone elses expense, i agree. but folk put themselves up there, not us!
    have you never sat in a pub watching and laughing at a karaoke night? same thing…

    same could be said for any TV gameshow type programe really… "cracker-jack", "blanketey blank", "its a knock-out" like marcella said, even "The Word", "dancing on ice"… people compete to win, but there are always losers regardless… we watch for the entertainment value.
    i dont like "dancing on ice" but many do… i dont knock them for it or say your all scoffing at that poor bugg£r that keeps landing on his backside, because its all part of the game.

    As much as i think the guys ok and enjoy some of his music, Robbie Williams made backside of his comeback and was clearly out his face.
    Same goes for whitney, i thought she sang well and out perfomed all else, but she was constantly getting her heels caught in her long dress and thought she was going to trip over it. by the end she did look out of it and well ravaged by the drugs. bit like sam mitchell. :lol1: :vomit:

    cant stand the twins… they do my head in. no talent and up their own backsides… ive yet to see them do anything good. even their one on one session with the mentor they messed up.. but im guessing they are being put through to keep us watching and for a bit of controversy.

    not sure who will win, the welsh girls pretty good.

  • David Lowery

    October 25, 2009 at 5:25 am

    Dear Grim Reaper,

    So far this year, you have taken away:

    My favourite celebrity Jade Goody.

    My favourite dancer, Michael Jackson.

    My favourite actor, Patrick Swayze.

    And now my favourite singer, Stephen Gately.

    Just to let you know, my favourite twins are John and Edward.

  • John Cooper

    October 25, 2009 at 9:20 am
    quote Dave n Rob Lowery:

    Just to let you know, my favourite twins are John and Edward.

    Surely they have to be a ‘plant’ just to make us all laugh – I mean, did you see those inflatable totem poles with the long arms and a picture of John & Edward on each.

    Time to go to the funny farm for the believers

  • Phill Fenton

    November 8, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    Last nights performance by Jamie reminded me of Tony Angelino’s performance in Fools and Horses many years ago
    $this->auto_embed_video(‘http://www.youtube.com/v/NjF7GMP28X8?version=3&hl=en_US’, ‘560’, ‘340’)

  • John Gregson

    November 8, 2009 at 9:28 pm

    Just watched tonights episode 😮 what a joke, i’d like to see the stats on the phone votes.

  • Chris Wool

    November 8, 2009 at 9:32 pm

    95% of the web site thought j&E SHOULD HAVE GONE

  • Andy Taylor

    November 8, 2009 at 9:46 pm
    quote Chris Wool:

    95% of the web site thought j&E SHOULD HAVE GONE

    The web site has gone down. 🙂 Server over loaded with people trying to complain

  • Andy Taylor

    November 8, 2009 at 9:49 pm
    quote Robert Lambie:

    cant stand the twins… they do my head in. no talent and up their own backsides… ive yet to see them do anything good. even their one on one session with the mentor they messed up.. but im guessing they are being put through to keep us watching and for a bit of controversy.

    Well I know quite a few who wont bother watching again.

    quote :

    not sure who will win, the welsh girls pretty good.

    Yeah but Simon Cowell had to get rid of the competition to his guys somehow.

  • Peter Normington

    November 8, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    I take it some are unhappy with the result, not that I am bovvered, but then, did you vote?
    I certainy would not hand over my hard earned quid or whatever it costs to vote, to the biggest scam on the planet


  • Nigel Hindley

    November 8, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    I don’t think it was tactical on Cowells part just greed – he lets it go to the vote cos he knows the ones that vote buy records – he is not looking for talent just cash – T@sser.

  • Andy Taylor

    November 8, 2009 at 10:00 pm
    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I don’t think it was tactical on Cowells part just greed – he lets it go to the vote cos he knows the ones that vote buy records – he is not looking for talent just cash – T@sser.

    Thats just the point. These morons will not sell records . But the welsh lass just might have been a massive money spinner.

    Cowell does not need the money but he needs his EGO . He needs one of his guys to win.

  • Nigel Hindley

    November 8, 2009 at 10:17 pm
    quote Andy Taylor:

    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I don’t think it was tactical on Cowells part just greed – he lets it go to the vote cos he knows the ones that vote buy records – he is not looking for talent just cash – T@sser.

    Thats just the point. These morons will not sell records . But the welsh lass just might have been a massive money spinner.

    Cowell does not need the money but he needs his EGO . He needs one of his guys to win.

    I hope your right Andy but I personally think they will they will sell millions to kids just as MR Blobby was a hit these guys will be all over TV selling records by the thousands.

  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 8, 2009 at 10:22 pm

    go-go jedward :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    i dont have a problem with them being kept in…i think its the worst x-factor ever this year….a load of rubbish, but i still voted for the twins just for the hell of it :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: oh and as nigel pointed out, their careers are well on tthere way…all the wee girls & boys in britian love them 😉

  • Marcella Ross

    November 8, 2009 at 10:28 pm

    Well, if the public didn’t vote for her then why is everyone complaining? Without question she is a superior singer than J&E but at the end of the day the people paying a quid to vote are the ones most likely to run out and buy the winners song!

    I don’t think Simon is to blame – The public are, no one else.

    It’s what the show is all about, but usually the best singer wins in the end – she wasn’t it, I don’t believe she was ever going to win anyway, so if she didn’t go this week she’d be gone before the final anyway.

    Good hype tho! 😉

  • Andy Taylor

    November 8, 2009 at 10:28 pm
    quote Nicola McIntosh:

    go-go jedward :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    i dont have a problem with them being kept in…i think its the worst x-factor ever this year….a load of rubbish, but i still voted for the twins just for the hell of it :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: oh and as nigel pointed out, their careers are well on tthere way…all the wee girls & boys in britian love them 😉

    Well it seems to justify the way this country is going. If you have talent you get overlooked for some cretins who have neither talent and cant even sing!

    Perhaps thats the same logic used to elect this current Government. lol

  • Nigel Hindley

    November 8, 2009 at 10:30 pm
    quote Andy Taylor:

    quote Nicola McIntosh:

    go-go jedward :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    i dont have a problem with them being kept in…i think its the worst x-factor ever this year….a load of rubbish, but i still voted for the twins just for the hell of it :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: oh and as nigel pointed out, their careers are well on tthere way…all the wee girls & boys in britian love them 😉

    Well it seems to justify the way this country is going. If you have talent you get overlooked for some cretins who have neither talent and cant even sing!

    Perhaps thats the same logic used to elect this current Government. lol

    Jedward for Prime minister(s)! yay!!

  • Nigel Hindley

    November 8, 2009 at 10:33 pm
    quote Marcella:

    Well, if the public didn’t vote for her then why is everyone complaining? Without question she is a superior singer than J&E but at the end of the day the people paying a quid to vote are the ones most likely to run out and buy the winners song!

    I don’t think Simon is to blame – The public are, no one else.

    It’s what the show is all about, but usually the best singer wins in the end – she wasn’t it, I don’t believe she was ever going to win anyway, so if she didn’t go this week she’d be gone before the final anyway.

    Good hype tho! 😉

    Whilst I agree with you Marcella to a degree, – if this is a talent contest (which Simon always says it is) and that the bottom two’s performance – he says its about the performance on the night – he then goes 2 weeks in a row and doesn’t do what he has previously said he will. No integrity just greed.

  • Andy Taylor

    November 8, 2009 at 10:35 pm
    quote Marcella:

    Well, if the public didn’t vote for her then why is everyone complaining? Without question she is a superior singer than J&E but at the end of the day the people paying a quid to vote are the ones most likely to run out and buy the winners song!

    I don’t think Simon is to blame – The public are, no one else.

    It’s what the show is all about, but usually the best singer wins in the end – she wasn’t it, I don’t believe she was ever going to win anyway, so if she didn’t go this week she’d be gone before the final anyway.

    Good hype tho! 😉

    I think you will find the votes were fixed again!

    And Simon was 100% to blame, unless you missed him saying I PROMISE WE will judge you only on this performance and NOT what has gone before. Then he went and used the public vote. Do you honestly think he does not know the result before we do??

    There are only 4 singers in the contest. The two girls (one gone now sadly) and simons cocky arrogant lad. His mouth puts me off..even I could crawl inside it! And finally the best singer but they dont like him as he is trained……..doh. Take my word for it lucie would outsell the twins by a 100 fold given 6 months after the final. Flash in the pan and not even a good one at that!

  • Ian Johnston

    November 9, 2009 at 10:18 am
  • David Rowland

    November 9, 2009 at 10:31 am

    JEDWOOD to win!
    Is signing the only ‘wow-factor’??? a number of artists in the chart’s cant sing live but they are entertainment indeed. Thing is, next Saturday/sunday will you stay in and watch the program, yes you will, you are hooked.

  • George Elsmore

    November 9, 2009 at 10:43 am

    I dont think so i have a life :lol1:

  • Harry Cleary

    November 9, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Well there’s a first….I agree with George 😀

  • Harry Cleary

    November 9, 2009 at 10:55 am

    But…come on the Paddies! 😀

  • Andy Taylor

    November 9, 2009 at 10:58 am
    quote Harry Cleary:

    Well there’s a first….I agree with George 😀

    This says it all it was fixed.

    http://xfactor.itv.com/2009/episodes/vi … 200726.htm

  • Nigel Hindley

    November 9, 2009 at 11:32 am
    quote George Elsmore:

    I dont think so i have a life :lol1:

    …….but you are reading posts about a program you claim you dont watch George which is sort of stranger?


  • Martin Cole

    November 9, 2009 at 11:42 am

    The Twins were kept in imo, simply to keep the veiwing figures up and to keep the X factor in the news, must say it has slipped and becoming a tad dull and without the twins I’m sure would loose viewers.

    Leona Lewis lat night was very good, not really my kind of music but what a voice, she must or will have the best songwriters in the world begging her to sing their songs

  • Harry Cleary

    November 9, 2009 at 12:26 pm
    quote Nigel Hindley:

    quote George Elsmore:

    I dont think so i have a life :lol1:

    …….but you are reading posts about a program you claim you dont watch George which is sort of stranger?


    but…but …George reads about lingerie…doesn’t mean he wears it, does it? 🙄
    (Isn’t that right George?)

  • Marcella Ross

    November 9, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    oh …….. can of worms Harry, can of worms! He’ll be raging you let that secret out! 😮

  • Harry Cleary

    November 9, 2009 at 12:42 pm
    quote Marcella:

    oh …….. can of worms Harry, can of worms! He’ll be raging you let that secret out! 😮

    At least he wasn’t outed on Facebook!… 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    November 9, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

  • George Elsmore

    November 9, 2009 at 1:08 pm

    whats facebook? and i only wear expensive lingerie 😉

  • George Elsmore

    November 9, 2009 at 1:10 pm
    quote Harry Cleary:

    quote Nigel Hindley:

    quote George Elsmore:

    I dont think so i have a life :lol1:

    …….but you are reading posts about a program you claim you dont watch George which is sort of stranger?


    but…but …George reads about lingerie…doesn’t mean he wears it, does it? 🙄
    (Isn’t that right George?)

    Rich coming from a man who wears wigs 😀

  • Tony Cook

    November 9, 2009 at 2:19 pm

    i dont rate Afro, i would like to see Stacey win, she is fantastic

  • John Cooper

    November 9, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    Leona Lewis was brilliant whereas Whitney Huston’s performance a few weeks ago was shameful by comparison and shameful if you had nothing to compare it to.

  • Marcella Ross

    November 9, 2009 at 3:00 pm
    quote Tony Cook:

    i dont rate Afro, i would like to see Stacey win, she is fantastic

    I really don’t rate afro ……… he murdered Crying! like Stacey but want Olly to win

  • Harry Cleary

    November 9, 2009 at 3:02 pm
    quote Tony Cook:

    i dont rate Afro, i would like to see Stacey win, she is fantastic

    It’s not an Afro….I just had a perm 😮 😀

  • Nigel Hindley

    November 9, 2009 at 5:42 pm
    quote Marcella:

    quote Tony Cook:

    i dont rate Afro, i would like to see Stacey win, she is fantastic

    I really don’t rate afro ……… he murdered Crying! like Stacey but want Olly to win

    Yep I’m the same now want Ollie to win from a talent point of view but……would like to see Cowell have to give the twins a £1,000,000 record deal what a sickener!

    What annoys me about Cowell passing the buck is that he is a judge that what his paid for that is his job – he has no right letting the public decide because he has been paid to judge the competition!

    I wont be watching any more the good ones are going dont make any sense.

    Twins to win – Cowell to lose the best outcome!

  • Martin Cole

    November 9, 2009 at 6:46 pm
    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I wont be watching any more

    ooh, Nigel I bet you a tenner you will (?)

    Must admit I have gone off Afro, and really don’t care who wins, would probably go for Olly as a local boy.

  • Aaron Powell

    November 9, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    Just to say that my wife supplied stuff for the xfactor twins lol

    The two Airdancers that was next to them the other week…


  • Nigel Hindley

    November 9, 2009 at 8:36 pm
    quote Martin Cole:

    quote Nigel Hindley:

    I wont be watching any more

    ooh, Nigel I bet you a tenner you will (?)

    Must admit I have gone off Afro, and really don’t care who wins, would probably go for Olly as a local boy.

    Ha ha, Im going to do my very very best not too! thats probably the best I can promise!! but with ITV 2, Sky plus, STV player, repeats etc its almost impossible to avoid it!


  • Nigel Hindley

    November 9, 2009 at 8:38 pm
    quote Aaron Powell:

    Just to say that my wife supplied stuff for the xfactor twins lol

    The two Airdancers that was next to them the other week…



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