• Posted by Paul Davenport on February 10, 2002 at 8:41 am

    ok its time to stop hiding these in the closet and share em all with us or even send a pic
    have you ever boobed in a big way, been involved in someone elses boob or simply wanna vote for a work mates mess heres the place to say !!!!!

    Paul Davenport replied 22 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Paul Davenport

    February 10, 2002 at 8:49 am

    i think mine was for a big fish restaurant in manchester, i specced the job up as RED acrylic with inlaid OPAL text (now this was the era before flatbed routers, all the work was hand cut and meticulously inlaid)

    big sign about 30′ x 6′ looked so good up they ordered another for the side of the building, same thing a weeks worth of man hours

    only this time i specced it for OPAL panels with inlaid RED text…….

    the customer wasnt chuffed about the colour variation and neither was my boss who took me to see the job personally, or the guys who had been cutting the sign….oops sorry boys
    id say that was a £2000 mistake………lol

  • Robert Lambie

    February 10, 2002 at 3:14 pm

    Yeh I did one on friday.lol (must have been the pressure of the boards going down so much) 🙂
    Was about 32 feet wide buy 3 feet deep.
    Aluminium face. Flat cut aluminium letters.
    Two layers of vinyl on the letters etc oh & the sheets of aluminium where covered in bubble gum pink vinyl… 🙂
    Anyway. Laid it up in workshop on tables. But it was too long for tables. So did it in bits. "Gems sun tanning salon" 23" high letters. (Another sunbed place):)
    Anyway cut it short I laid it up for the 3 @ 10 foot sheets and forgot the small 2-foot peace at the end. Finished the job & oh sh*t spacing all wrong. Had to juggle it around a little but this left holes where the first locators landed. Covered those with little circles of vinyl in pink… all in all it looked like a pigs dinner to me. But the guy loved it. So on to the next job with my head down and collars up. ahem….

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    February 12, 2002 at 6:38 am

    A while back & I mean a while!
    I worked across from a multi-storey car park.
    My workshop was small so when I had a high top van to do I just did it across the road in the car park on the second floor.
    One day a customer arrived as normal & said ill leave this van with you how long will you be. ?I said an hour or two.? He said ? ok ill go shopping with my wife then & come back later? I said ok could you park it up on the second floor of the car park in a corner area out of the road of everyone else.? & off he went.
    One & a half hours later I am nearly finished the van & have done a nice job. When ?BLOODY HELL MATE? I turned and there was the guy & his wife holding there bags with a shocked face and chins at there feet. He said, ?That?s my van over there? pointing at another corner? you can guess the rest.
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: sharpsigns on 2002-02-12 06:38 ]</font>

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    February 13, 2002 at 6:40 am

    My partner & myself were putting a 25 foot x 6 foot banner up on a building next to the motorway. It was extremely windy this day & after about 20 minutes of fighting with the bloody thing. A strong gust of wind came & wrenched it from our hands.
    The next 5 secs lasted about a minute as we watched it fly through the air. Wrapping its self on the front of an 18 wheeled trailer lorry and speedy off up the motorway never to be seen again.
    As we shook our heads in disbelief it was back to the workshop to make another.

  • Paul Davenport

    February 16, 2002 at 12:57 pm

    i was involved in a pretty big accident on site on day……as i seem to remember it was at PPG nr bolton, we had a 3mx2m 6mm panel, with a big px logo inlaid on to it, the whole thing used nearly 3 sheets of acrylic on it so you can imagine the weight,
    out on site we were hoisting it up the scaffolding using those twin glass suckers and me being an idiot climbing up the outside of the scaff to steady the panel .
    we had our prod manager out with us for the first time ever and i made a point of telling him to watch the release levers when the panel gets up there, to make sure he didnt catch them and release the panel.
    well three lifts up and he caught the release lever….woooof….down the panel came slid down my hand !!! hit the bottom of the scaff and cut thro the bracing section !!!! in one clean cut then shattered into a million pieces.
    the other fitter ended up with pretty bad ropeburns to his hands and mine were cut pretty bad..as well as nearly being dragged of the scaff, our prod manager then calmly got on the phone, to the company MD and kindly told him that "the lads have had an accident with the panel"…..he he cheeky boy
    as you can imagine it didnt go down very well at all
    morale to this story is i suppose keep pen pushers inside where they cant do any halm…lol
    oh and throw those suckers in the bin

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