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  • Struggling to colour match??

    Posted by Daniel Evans on December 3, 2015 at 4:23 pm

    Hey guys

    I have two questions and both colour related.

    Firstly: I need to colour match a vinyl but all the swatches I have put up to it don’t match. In the end i used a pantone bridge guide and although it don’t match any perfectly it’s between Pantone 552 and 551, can anyone match or come near?

    The closest i’ve got to is MaCal 9849-30 Pastel Green but it’s not that, are there any others?

    Secondly: I Need to colour match Pantone Colour C but can’t find a match, I’m thinking print it but there is a green that goes over the top and i can’t match that green with the vinyl i’m using to do the rest of the van perfectly, i’m thinking it will look mismatched if i went ahead a done it.

    So I was thinking about printing the purple and laying over the green vinyl but i’m not sure if it will react against the printed vinyl, anyone know if it will or a better approach to doing it?

    The print media i’m using is MD5A and the vinyl is Avery 500, can anyone help

    Daniel Evans replied 8 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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