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  • solutions for a A4 window display please…

    Posted by Hugh Potter on March 31, 2011 at 11:06 am

    Good morning ladies and gentlemen 🙂

    I’m currently doing a facia for a customer and they’ve asked me to come up with something for their windows, the ‘shop’ front is a double glazed pvcu affair with a door and regular(?) sized windows of around 580mm width,

    the currently have lots of A4 offers in the windows but would like to make it tidier, can’t really use a suspended frame / wire system as the ceiling is 15ft away and they don’t want me to fix into the pvcu frames.

    my thoughts were to use a vinyl etch with A4 pockets somehow attached to cut out areas, any ideas / recommendations on how this could be achieved smartly?

    possibly to apply a clear vinyl to the etch so it doesn’t stick to the glass there and the paper sheets can slip in behind, my concerns with this are the risk of condensation turning paper soggy and therefore unable to retrieve it, also the paper could possibly stick to the edge if jammed in tight against one,

    need a fairly quick solution to this one please! it seems simple at first sight but I dunno!


    Hugh Potter replied 13 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • John Harding

    March 31, 2011 at 11:25 am

    using the wire system you were against but with the rods style only upward from the floor/window sill with acrylic pockets – does that make sense (?)

  • Hugh Potter

    March 31, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    HI John,

    yes, it makes sense, i’ll look into it.


  • Peter Dee

    March 31, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    What about standard acrylic pockets fixed to the glass with white velcro dots?

  • Dan Osterbery

    March 31, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    Hi Hugh,
    we have found in Spain some A4 and A3 electrostatic window pockets. They work really well are keenly priced and no hassle at all to fit. We have done vinyl locaters for one client so they keep the window looking even, we used etch vinyl, and the silver frame pocket. If you are interested i will try and find out where you can get them in the uk. If you want more details let me know, i might even have some photos.



  • John Harding

    March 31, 2011 at 5:33 pm


    quote :

    What about standard acrylic pockets fixed to the glass with white velcro dots?

    I think you can have issues with velcro releasing its grip overnight due to changes in temperature I wouldnt want to risk it but maybe youve tried it successfully?

    John 😀

  • Colin Bland

    March 31, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    Hi Hugh

    I have done this a few times simply buy some a4 clear acrylic poster holders the type that are one piece of acrylic and spring open at the top then cut a vinyl border 12mm smaller all round than the acrylic and as wide as you like to make the border around the poster – apply the border to the rear of the glass and then apply the clear acrylic pocket on 12mm vhb tape to the border ensuring that you leave a gap in the tape to stop condensation build up.

    have fun


  • Peter Dee

    April 1, 2011 at 8:06 am
    quote John Harding:


    quote :

    What about standard acrylic pockets fixed to the glass with white velcro dots?

    I think you can have issues with velcro releasing its grip overnight due to changes in temperature I wouldnt want to risk it but maybe youve tried it successfully?

    John 😀

    I’ve done a few pvc foam signs stuck on the front of windows using this method and as long as the glass is cleaned and warmed when sticking them on seems to work so far.

  • John Harding

    April 1, 2011 at 8:43 am

    Hi Peter – possibly not on the same page here, im sure the velcro adhesive will stick well to the glass, what we have experienced before is the hook and loop letting go of each other – as mentioned I think this is a temperature issue as it tended to happen overnight and probably unlikely in this instance as the weight is minimal but interested to hear you have had no problems thats good.

    BTW I like colins solution

    John 😀

  • Hugh Potter

    April 1, 2011 at 9:58 am

    Cheers Guys,

    Dan, that sounds a good idea, I would appreciate more info if you have it.

    Peter, i think they wanto get away from things ‘stuck on’ the windows but thanks for the suggestion.

    Colin, I like the idea for stand alone pockets but with etch it will show through, I’ll have a think about it though, might be able to make it work!

    thanks again guys,


  • Dan Osterbery

    April 1, 2011 at 10:07 am

    Hi Hugh,
    unfortunately they dont have an english site!

    that is the link in spanish, if you want i can order them and get them sent direct to you, if you are interested. they normally take about ten days. the price on the website is RRP they will give you a trade rate. I cant pm as i am abroad, but if you are interested pm me your email and we can sort it out!

    hope this helps, cheers


  • Hugh Potter

    April 1, 2011 at 10:12 am

    thanks dan,

    i’ll have a chat with the customer with regards to the options and we can go from there,


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