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  • Signlab 7.1 and Camm1 Pro problems

    Posted by Gavin MacMillan on January 11, 2007 at 11:00 am

    I’m new to posting here but lurk quite a lot and am hoping some experts can help!

    I just installed Cadlink, Signlab 7.1 and am delighted with the new features.
    Unfortunately, I can’t get it configured properly to our plotter Roland Camm1 pro (cx300). It will cut but there are 2 issues:

    1: I’ve selected lpt1 (from both the cut menu and the options in the cut preview), but when you try and cut the next part this has reverted to ‘external dll’ (I have no idea what this means) and you need to choose lpt1 again each time you want to send something through. Arghhh!

    2: If that wasn’t bad enough, even when it is cutting, there is a pause from the time you click the scissors to when it starts feeding and when it does start (its only a couple of seconds pause) it is very slow you feed.
    In our old version of this software this was almost instant, allowing you to set up your next cut run.

    To try and fix this I’ve downloaded what I think is the latest driver and installed it.
    Apart from that I am all out of ideas – any suggestion very much welcomed!


    Leslie Anderson replied 1 month ago 8 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Rod Young

    January 11, 2007 at 2:44 pm

    You’ve provided good details. I’ve queried Frank to see if he can come in and provide you with some advice. He would be the expert you want to help resolve this.


    Rod at CADlink

  • Gavin MacMillan

    January 11, 2007 at 2:51 pm

    Cheers Rod, I was begining to think that I had confused everyone. My next move was Cadlink so I’ll wait and see if Frank posts here.



  • Rod Young

    January 11, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    quote Gavin MacMillan:Just installed signlab 7.1 and am delighted with the new features. Unfortunately, I can’t get it configured properly to our plotter Camm1 pro (cx300). It will cutting but there are 2 issues:

    1: I’ve selected lpt1 (from both the cut menu and the options in the cut preview), but when you try and cut the next part this has reverted to ‘external dll’ (I have no idea what this means) and you need to choose lpt1 again each time you want to send something through. Arghhh!

    2: If that wasn’t bad enough, even when it is cutting, there is a pause from the time you click the scissors to when it starts feeding and when it does start (its only a couple of second pause) it is very slow you feed. In our old version of this software this was almost instant, allowing you to set up your next cut run.

    To try and fix this I’ve downloaded what I think is the latest driver and installed it. Apart from that I am all out of ideas – any suggestion very much welcomed!

    GavinI thought to check the Knowledge Base of articles on the CADlink site. I searched “camm” and found the following article.

    Concerning setting the port, let me confirm that I understand you.

    1. From the Cut menu, you go to Plotting Defaults to open the Plot dialog.
    2. Then you click Setup to open Plotter Setup.
    3. On the Port tab, you have set Port Location to LPT1, but this keeps resetting to “external dll” for some reason.
    4. This is particularly frustrating because you click the scissors (Cut icon, same as going Cut menu >> Plot) and find that the job is not sent to the correct port.


    Rod at CADlink

  • Gavin MacMillan

    January 11, 2007 at 3:16 pm

    Yes and no.

    After setting the port and clicking the scissors you end up in the cut preview window. From here to can go into the settings (top left) and this will show thats its already reverted to ‘external dll’

    The issue on the website is not quite what were getting. The cutter is actually cutting at full speed, but the ‘bytes sent’ window is staying for way longer than it used to. The details used to go to the plotter in a matter of seconds (I’ve just checked with the guy who runs the plotter and he reckons even on a big run it would only appear for 2/3 seconds) I have tried the dos tick box as I’m sure we had the problem detailed a few years back and this solved it.

    Funnily, this is actually how it used to work but since a couple of years ago when we upgraded to SL7 and the Camm1 Pro the job has always just sent in the blink of an eye. I know this may seem to be picking hairs, but the time it takes for the ‘bytes sent’ window to dissapear is a total pain and slows everything up.

    Hope this is clear – I’m confusing myself typing it!


  • Frank Droog

    January 11, 2007 at 3:59 pm

    If your Signlab 71 has a production date after july 12 2006, you should be able to change the port to parrallel or serial or usb001 or external dll with the CX driver.

    You can install the Roland CM 300 driver as it has no USB.
    You can use allmost any of Rolands drivers to cut to any Roland machine.
    The only differance between the machines and the drivers are default Page sizes and Velocitys.

    The CX driver is differ ant in that it has a DLL to try to retrieve Page Size via USB from the CX cutter. Additionally, our DLL has to load another DLL supplied by Roland to actually talk to the machine. That is why the port location is called Externall DLL as our driver needs to talk to a another DLL that actually talks to the device. Yes , we need a better name for it.

    I would install and use the CM 300 driver for LPT1.
    The machines are basically the same.
    This is probably better than spending time and effort trying do download and intall a version of Signlab after July 12 2006

    Frank at Cadlink.

  • Gavin MacMillan

    January 11, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Hi Frank,

    Production date is Aug 2nd 2006.
    The issue is after I set it to the correct port it reverts back to external dll straight away.

    I’m just starting everything again. For some weird reason the plotter is showing in the printer’s window – I’m fairly sure this never happened before.

    Will try the cm driver instead as we don’t need the page size info and we are not connecting with USB – is this correct?

    Thanks for your time on this


  • Gavin MacMillan

    January 11, 2007 at 6:43 pm

    I’m home now and de-stressed!

    I think I had it at the end but will do a couple of tests tomorrow. There is a 3-4 second pause before it start sending the info, but then it goes seems to go at the previous speed. Also the port is now staying at lpt1 thanks to the new driver.

    Cheers for the advice, hopefully I wont be adding to this thread tomorrow!


  • Scott.Evans

    June 19, 2007 at 11:03 pm

    I have a Roland GX 24 and installed Signlab 7.1 about 2 weeks ago.

    problem polling the plotting defaults (width height of media loaded)

    when I set my port to com1 it keeps jumping back to external .dll

    i can cut of the program fine but when trying to get media size from cutter wont work.

    i can find the media size of Roland cut studio to.

    any help or advice would be great

  • Gavin MacMillan

    June 20, 2007 at 6:49 am

    Hi Scott,
    The info Fred gives about solved all our problems with this setup.
    We don’t use the poll function though and just check the display on the machine for available width.
    If you need to use that function this info won’t work as from re-reading the thread we changed drivers to one that doesn’t support this function at all.
    Not much help I’m afraid!


  • Peter Normington

    June 20, 2007 at 7:37 am

    I also have an issue with the poll function from the cut preview window.
    Although on my mimaki it locks up Signlab when trying to poll. I find it will return the size ok if I go via the plotting default/setup tab.


  • Frank Droog

    June 20, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    What is your production date as found in Help/About?

    When are you getting this lockup.
    Are you polling the plotter in the Cut/Preview state immediatly befor cutting a job, or immediatly after cutting a job?

    I found and fixed an issue with polling the plotter immediatly after cutting but still in the cut preview state.

    The driver has a DLL. From Signlab 2.2 to Signlab 6, Signlab unloaded the driver DLL after cutting. In Signlab 7 , with the new cut preview state, it was still unloading the DLL after cutting. So polling the plotter after cutting caused an error as the DLL was unloaded.
    I made a fix so that it would ReLoad the DLL if interrogating after cutting.

    I believe this was fixed around sept/oct 2006 but would have to llok it up.

    We have an CG-FX here, so it should be easy to fix your problem with exact details of how you reproduce the problem.
    frank at cadlink.

  • Peter Normington

    June 20, 2007 at 5:49 pm

    April 3rd
    was the production date.
    I had Bernhard round to fix the a fault recently ( it think you know about it)
    Anyway the polling problem is when I go Cut-Plot and poll from the preview, I get a lock up. poll before cutting (dont know why I would poll after? (plotter set to remote first)

    not always but mostly,
    So I poll from the plotting default tabs take a few seconds to respond but works ok.


  • Scott.Evans

    June 20, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    Same here, Peter.

    April 3rd 2007 is my Signlab production date.
    It is annoying too because I am so used to polling the sizes of Cut Studio and I paid £1500 for this Signlab 7.1 and it is not working properly.

    Another thing, if you could help, is how do you turn from inches into mm? I need to solve this problem ASAP.

  • Peter Normington

    June 20, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    You can left click on the ruler, or do it in preferences.


  • Alan Drury

    June 21, 2007 at 8:18 am

    There is a Version 10 for Signlab now, might be worth trying that to see if it solves your problem.


  • Chris Wool

    June 21, 2007 at 8:41 am

    Come on Signlab, I can remember DOS programs polling plotters in the blink of an eye.
    Bad advert for you!

  • Scott.Evans

    June 21, 2007 at 11:51 am

    All that I am getting from Cadlink and Sign Master is that there is a fault with my ports.
    But it works fine with Cut Studio and Win PC Sign, which costs a little more than £100.
    Bad service maybe I should have opted for Flexi Sign.

  • Scott.Evans

    June 21, 2007 at 5:07 pm

    Solved it!
    It was that the cutter was set to USB, instead of serial.

  • Rod Young

    June 22, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    quote scott evans_21:

    When I set my port to com1 it kept jumping back to external .dll
    It was that the cutter was set to USB instead of serial I wouldn’t have thought that the computer ports were damaged in any way.

    Did you determine why the port setting was switching from COM1 to extern .dll ?

    Rod at CADlink

  • Peter Normington

    June 22, 2007 at 4:25 pm

    quote, Alan Drury:

    Peter, there is a build 10 for SL now, might be worth trying that to see if it solves your problem.


    I have just updated it, seems to have solved the problem, I haven’t tried the half-cut yet though.


  • Leslie Anderson

    January 12, 2025 at 2:53 pm

    hah! why didnt i try the right click on the ruler before? 🤔 it would be handy if they had centimetres and feet also.

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