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  • shark fishing in wales

    Posted by Hugh Potter on November 26, 2005 at 11:36 pm

    On a tour of Wales, the Pope took a couple of days off his Itinerary to visit the West coast near Aberystwyth on an impromptu sightseeing trip.

    His 4X4 Popemobile was driving along the golden sands when there was an enormous commotion heard just off the headland. The pope noticed just outside the surf, a hapless man wearing an English Rugby jersey, struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws of a twenty foot shark.

    At that moment a speedboat containing three men wearing Welsh Rugby Shirts roared into view from around the point. Spontaneously, one of the men took aim and fired a harpoon into the shark’s ribs, immobilising it instantly. The other two reached out and pulled the Englishman from the water and then, using long clubs, beat the shark to death.

    They bundled the bleeding, semi conscious man into the speed boat along with the dead shark and then prepared for a hasty retreat, when they heard frantic shouting from the shore. It was of course the Pope, and he summoned them to the beach.

    Upon them reaching the shore the Pope went into raptures about the rescue and said, “I give you my blessing for your brave actions. I had heard that there were some racist xenophobic people trying to divide Wales and England, but now I have seen with my own eyes this is not true. I can see that your society is a truly enlightened example of racial harmony and could serve as a model on which other nations could follow.

    “He blessed them all and drove off in a cloud of dust. As he departed, the harpoonist asked the others, “Who was that???!”

    “That,” one answered, “was his Holiness the Pope. He is in direct contact with God and has access to all God’s wisdom.”

    “Well,” the harpoonist replied, “he knows bugger all about shark hunting.

    How’s that bait holding up?….. or do we need to get another one?”

    Lorraine Clinch replied 18 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    November 26, 2005 at 11:40 pm

    There was a Scotsman, Englishman, Irishman, Welshman and a woman riding in the same train carriage.

    The train went into a long tunnel and the carriage went dark. Out of the darkness there was a scuffle and a loud slap, and when the train left the tunnel and it became light again, the Englishman was rubbing a very sore left cheek.

    The Scotsman thought, “He must have tried it on with that woman in the dark and she slapped him.”

    The Irishman thought, “He must have tried it on with that woman in the dark and she slapped him.”

    The Englishman thought, “One of those guys must have tried it on with that woman and she slapped me by mistake.”

    The woman thought, “He must have tried to touch me up but put his hand on one of those guys by mistake and they slapped him.”

    And the Welshman thought, “Can’t wait to go through another tunnel!”

  • Marcella Ross

    November 27, 2005 at 12:08 am

    heard the 1st one before. Liked the 2nd one! 😀

  • Lorraine Clinch

    November 28, 2005 at 11:40 am

    Heard the 2nd one before, liked the 1st one! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

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