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  • Saturday work, good or bad idea?

    Posted by KevinGaffney on April 8, 2017 at 10:04 am

    Im at this game for more years than I care to remember. In the early days, I worked Saturdays as a way of catching up with slow jobs as production methods werent what they are today. Every year I swore I wasnt working Saturdays anymore as I watched on in envy at civil servants etc having their nice long weekends.Well, as I near retirement age, Im still at the Saturdays and theyre harder on the system.Wonder how many of you have got caught up in same trap or are you religious 5 day weekers. BTW, I never work a minute past 6 anyday as I detest evening work

    Myles Brewer replied 7 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • David Hammond

    April 8, 2017 at 11:13 am

    We tend to stick to working in the unit Mon-Fri 8-4, I do take accounts home, and do little bits of admin from the couch.

    We have worked evenings & weekends but charge additional for it. I love the job, but when the suns out I’d rather be cycling round country lanes with the Mrs, not a worry in the world, than signing someones van who ‘can’t’ bring it in during the week.

  • Gil Johnson

    April 8, 2017 at 11:39 am

    I agree David,

    Used to work Saturday’s, evenings etc, but life’s too short, we do 8-5 Monday to Friday unless working away.
    Beautiful day in here today, off sailing with the family.

  • Robert Lambie

    April 8, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    We work 5 days, 9am – 5.30pm.

    We will work late if it means keeping the customer happy and another job ticked off the list.
    i.e. i worked till 7.30pm last night.

    However, Weekends are off limits.

    Do not get me wrong, if a job is not complete by us and it is an urgent must do, then we will work a Saturday morning just to finish it. but that very seldom happens and I would rather work till the small hours of the Friday night than start again the next day. If nothing else it shows a commitment to the customer to keep them happy and work on. anyway, I cannot remember the last job i worked on a Saturday.

    If someone asks us to work a Saturday and being very flippant about it as if "we should offer it" I tell them we will do it if we really must. but as its not our normal working hours we will need to "ask our staff" to come to do the job, but we will need to adjust the hourly rate of all involved to accommodate the customer on a Saturday. This normally gets an "OK fair enough, Monday it is". :smiles:

  • Unknown Member

    April 8, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    I try my very best not to work Saturdays as we end up doing enough hours during the week. My lads are always willing to work over the weekend and they are paid a decent bonus to do so.

    Being a trade supplier our clients call on us at all hours and rely on us…some of our bigger clients have my mobile number and these guys have called me at all times of the day…

    Only last week I had a call at 6.30am on Sunday morning a big exhibition builder had run out of foamex sheets and needed 150 sheets of 8 x4 we had 152 sheets in stock…I charged him £15.00 on top of what we buy them for and he was happy with this…that’s over £2250 for a 60min round trip to work and back.

    If it’s worth the money we will do the job, but there comes a point when you do really need a couple of days off to recharge the batteries.

    I hope when I get to retirement age I can get away with working half a week! As David said I love my job so it’s hard to stay away some times!

  • Cheryl Smith

    April 10, 2017 at 6:05 am

    I used to work happily 7 days a week and evenings….until I wasn’t happy,
    So I worked happily 6 days a week and evenings, until I wasn’t happy
    Then happily for 6 days couple of evenings, until I wasn’t happy
    30 years later,
    happily 5 days a week …True enough I like to come in early (happily) …especially in the Summer…maybe around 5 am…I am a morning person…then go at 5.30 latest…more often around 3-4
    Working Saturday = keeps you happy and on top of things…go for it…
    Working Saturdays = resentment …do something else
    …life IS too short…
    Gil…sailing sound lovely…

  • Hugh Potter

    April 10, 2017 at 11:50 am

    I do work saturdays 10-2, but invariably end up being here earlier and until much later. My usual hours are 10am-6pm but I’m seriously considering giving up Saturdays with the exception of doing it at a premium rate… I don’t mind doing them but these days it’s more because I can, than I have to. I’d sooner be in the pub garden, or out shooting or fishing than working the day because my customer doesn’t want to lose his van for day.

    I am also considering one or two late evenings per week to compensate, along the lines of until 8pm (or job done) to fit in the trades who don’t want to be without the van in the week, I can often be here late anyway – especially if the wife is chef’ing a private evening function and I won’t be told off for being late for dinner!!!!

  • Jean Oakley

    April 10, 2017 at 12:28 pm

    I did when i first started but it was a real pain, all these people who couldnt come in in the week as they were working! I eventually started saying no and funnily enough a lot of them could always then find half a day when they could come in. I pop in occassionally on the weekend to catch up but lock the door and dont answer the phone!

  • Myles Brewer

    April 10, 2017 at 8:22 pm

    My working hours fit around my life….. or is it the other way round?? :yikes:
    Working from home is always harder as there’s nowhere to get away from it.
    I always tell the wife "It’s flexible dear, I can take time off anytime if I like!!" But do I???? :shake: rarely

    Monday to Friday it tends to be: take dog for walk around 9am & start work 9.30, walk dog around 1pm ish, then work through till around 7-8pm in-between getting the dinner ready, then sit down to eat around 8.30 – 9.00pm followed by TV till 12.00ish, then back into office to turn off pc!!!!! whoops I just spent another 2 hours doing designs/accounts or research.
    Saturday usually similar but a bit more relaxed & finish maybe around 5-6pm or if it’s sunny you just sometimes have to say feck it!!! I’m off & mow the lawn :smiles:

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