Activity Feed Forums Printing Discussions Roland Printers ROLAND VP 540 doesn’t turn ON!

  • ROLAND VP 540 doesn’t turn ON!

    Posted by Ernest Kyekye on March 30, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    Hello everyone! my Roland VP 540 doesn’t turn on! Main board light and other board lights are on, but servo board light is OFF!! No power to my new servo board!!. Also all fuses on and of boards are OK and Power Supply is Ok! any suggestions please?????.
    I had a scan motor error several times in a week so l changed the motor and powered the machine in service mode
    but there was a service call so i quickly turn off the printer without taking not of the code. I tried to turn it back on after a minute and its not powering on.

    melvin.legaux replied 6 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • melvin.legaux

    September 7, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    There are 3 large ribbon cables that run from the main board to the print carriage board. With the MAIN power off, unplug one cable at a time and tape off then see if it power up. Try each one individually until you find the culprit. Make sure the main power is off, or printer unplugged before disconnecting any cables. It’s going to be one of those 3 cables that is bad. Happens more often than not.

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