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  • Reflective Vinyl for Chevrons Oralite 5200? Advice please?

    Posted by Daniel Evans on February 12, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Hey guys

    I’ve stayed clear of chevrons in the past, not sure why though…

    Basically i’m trying to make a reflective panel to go on the back of a transit tipper, he wants the chevrons placed onto a composite board then he will screw it to the back of the tipper.

    So being naive to these chevrons, I understand that chapter 8 is just a name for the reflective stripes on the back of vehicles, there’s then different classes depending on what vinyl is used, is this right?

    As this is just for a clearance firm, I believe I just need standard reflective vinyl, i’ve been told that oralite 5200 will be ok, is there any other makes that are out there, I understand 3m do one but what is actually the best / cheapest to use for this job.


    Ewan Chrystal replied 9 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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