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  • Printing a 5 metre print and applying it to 2 ACM Boards

    Posted by Daniel Evans on January 5, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Hey guys

    I’m doing my first 5m printed sign, I am applying it to 2x 2500mm x 1350mm ACM panels.

    I’ve imported the design into Versaworks in a 5000mm x 1350mm single file with a 10mm bleed

    Now, I could print this in one section but that is a large graphic if something goes wrong, I’ll also have the issue of applying it to the 2 ACM boards so I’m thinking maybe it’s best printing it in 2 sections.

    When I look at Versaworks, It looks as though I can create a horizontal tile and it will print in 2 sections, but I also see an option for overlap?

    Is this the best way to print it and when done, how is the best way to apply it making sure the graphics line up correctly?


    Daniel Evans replied 7 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • David Hammond

    January 5, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    Two ways of doing this depending on your software:

    Save as a PDF, with bleed & crop marks, and import into versaworks, as you say print tile it, and print with overlaps on 1 side, say 10-15mm. Starting at the edge where the two boards will butt up, apply one, then butt the second board up, and again start from the overlap and apply down the board.

    If you use illustrator, you can create the design, across two (or more) art boards, to represent each board, and apply bleed to each, exporting it as a PDF will give you a single page for each board, and the bleed acts as an overlap, the added benefit being that you get crop marks on all 4 corners of each board, so you could mount them up separately.

    In short, the overlap is just that, part of the image from the next tile, on the edge of another. You can also print overlap lines, as a guide as to where to position the next tile, although don’t print overlap lines on both sides, as you’ll end up with them visible on the finished job as one will always be on top.

  • Daniel Evans

    January 5, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    Thanks David

    Just about to print but can’t work out how to only print 1 tile for the moment?

  • Daniel Evans

    January 5, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    Never mind, just accidentally turned one off by right clicking on it.

    All set.

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