• Pricing fleet jobs

    Posted by Jon Marshall on August 25, 2011 at 10:49 am

    We’re a small company, one cutter 54" printer etc. Every so often we get enquiries about large van jobs, e.g. 200-300 vans. How do you begin to go about pricing these sort of jobs and is there any way you can compete against bigger companies?

    For anything printed, the laminate adds a significant cost whereas I’ve heard of large contracts such as the Sky vans being done with liquid laminate. We dont have the space or capability to liquid lam 30-50 full rolls of printed vinyl!

    Also, i’ve heard of printed stuff being done with screenprinted vinyl aswell which I imagine saves a lot of cost. Any thoughts?

    David Hammond replied 12 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Martin Pearson

    August 25, 2011 at 12:05 pm

    Always difficult Jon when things like this come up but like you I wasn’t geared up to tackle such jobs so use explain to the customer that I simply wouldn’t be able to cope with such a job. Was always on the look out for someone to pass them on to that I knew could cope and I trusted.

    I use to do quite a lot of work for a PR Consultancy and use to have exactly the same conversation with them if I felt I couldn’t manage a particular job. They appreciated my honesty, were extremely happy with the work I did do for them so would always offer any job to me first.

  • David Hammond

    August 25, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    No Vehicles but I tried to get a job printing about 1200 posters, consisting of 8 different designs.

    Their current supplier charges about £1.00 each! 😮

    Can turn them around in under a week. 😮

    They’ve got about 5 extra wide format machines, so print about 5 across, and should a machine break down have plenty others to manage with.

    As much as I would love another large job, and some pennies for a weeks work- I am not going to work long days for a few quid.

    Printed and cut 300 440micron PVC displays, took about week, but was worth while when the cheque cleared. .

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