Potential problem with Color camm refils
Hi all,
a warning really, I’ve been getting my refils from Thermal Products UK since I got the machine with no problems.
I was doing a job yesterday and today that involved the use of the spot blue (they call it “reflex blue” I believe) the problem is this:
Once loaded it will keep snapping for no apparant reason, in the middle of the job, and potentially get jammed under the print head and cause all sorts of mischief.
I spoke to Paul at thermal products about it, he said it may just of been a dodgy batch, and he kindly replaced the faulty ones ASAP.
I’m not saying it will affect yours (I’ve had no problems at all with any of the refils before now) but if you do use the “reflex blue” just keep your eye on it, for the first few lines of print
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