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  • Oppertunity to get into liquid doming of graphics.

    Posted by Russell Huffer on October 2, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    We have an oppertunity to get some doming work, we have a dispenser that we inherited some time back that you attach a syringe to and looks like you adjust preasure and time to dispense correct ammount.

    My question is who is a good supplier of doming resin etc to go to as i can not seem to find one online and a lot of them seem to use dispensers that mix as they apply, however the one I have is not able to do this.

    Many thanks


    RobertLambie replied 11 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • David Hammond

    October 2, 2023 at 12:56 pm

    From memory the dispenser doesn’t mix, it’s the nozzle that comes with the cartridge that goes into the dispenser that does the mixing. Be sure to use the correct nozzle, and the correct gun with the correct cartridge.
    To add, I’ve had little success with doming, getting it dry, bubble and dust free, and now I print the labels and send the to Mockridge labels who will dome them for me, cheaper than buying in the resin, and the time doing it myself. They will also sell you the resin.

  • Mark Johnston

    October 3, 2023 at 10:05 am

    I used a doming kit from Grafityp a while back. it came with multiple nozzles and liquid and a small dispenser gun.

  • RobertLambie

    October 3, 2023 at 11:00 pm

    I might be going back 15+ years here, but I remember there were a few UK-based prominent resin liquid doming specialists.
    I remember seeing one called “LIKWID Art” but I did a quick Google and couldn’t find the company now.
    They caught my eye because they were using liquid resin in many different ways with one being “Vehicle graphics” but not for small badge names. I have attached a photo I took back then.
    I remember way back looking into doing large domed graphics but the cost was unrealistic for anything over 100mm however, prices have come down and i have seen companies that offer 3D liquid domed numberplate lettering.

    Another company was Grafityp, as Mark has mentioned. They have been doing kits for a long time now but I don’t think they do bulk dispensor-type setups. Over the years I have bought some of these kits from them for small projects and stuff. But I have never actually purchased with the intention to sell, so my knowledge of it is limited.

    Another UK company that has been around for a while is “Liquid Lens”. – www.

    If you have volume work, there are automated machines you can buy to do this type of thing, along with power-assisted dispenser guns. Alternatively, companies such as liquid lens “I think” offer trade services for volume work.

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