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  • New User Requires Help…

    Posted by Geo on August 20, 2002 at 3:05 pm

    Hi, George from Football Heaven (, Aberdeenshire here. Due to suppliers taking longer to deliver, a few weeks ago I decided to purchase a plotter cutter and do logos myself (football shirts, t-shirts mainly). I don’t really have anyone locally to get advice from regarding software, cutting etc. so spent a few hours using the `net. After discovering UK Signgroup site I signed up, then applied to Europoint for an account which has now been set up and I have since had a couple of deliveries of vinyl for car decals, etc. I opted for the 651 series. I have been using SignGo Lite and am getting used to it. I do have access to Corel Draw and Illustrator.
    My next stumbling block is a friend of mine wants me to signwrite his pick up truck to match his other one. Simple for you guys reading this but my problem is that the writing has `shadowing` and I am not sure the easiest/best way to do this. Is there such a thing as software that creates `solid` shadowing as opposed to the `faded in` type that I am used to creating. I can usually muddle my way through most graphics tasks but would appreciate the best way to do this from the start.
    Thanks in advance, especially to Lorraine who has given me some excellent advice in my `early` days.

    Lorraine Buchan replied 22 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Andrew Blackett

    August 20, 2002 at 4:23 pm

    hi george!

    firstly welcome to the boards mate, I hope you find them as useful as the majority of us do. Anything you need help with mate just ask someones bound to know!!

    Sadly, I’m not a signgo user myself, but if my memory is as good as I think it is, there’s a couple of people who are. If you hang on long enough you’ll get a reply 😀


    P.S. Thursday night at 9pm is live signmakers chat night if you fancy a natter 😉

  • Mike Brown

    August 20, 2002 at 5:25 pm

    Welcome George!…and good luck with your new equipment.

    I don’t use Signgo either but I think the member Kevin Wallace who visits here is the MD of the comany that distrbutes it – or something like that?!

    Perhaps he could help you…most sign and graphics packages will do solid (‘Block’) shadows – perhaps the version of SignGo you have needs an upgrade?….

    Corel will also do this but depending on the version you have, the process differs.

    Depends when you need to do this and how?…if you get stuck then maybe I, or someone closer to you, could help by quickly doing the shadowed text you need and giving/sending it to you on a floopy disc in a universal format – like *.AI

    SignGo’s website address is but then you probably already new that! 😛

    Let us know if we can help further.

    more soon


    P.S. Just been to the Signgo website and found the list of features which confirms what I thought – ‘Lite’ doesn’t do shadows but SignGo(full) does! click on this link to go there.

    SignGo(full version) is $349 (about £230) and can be downloaded and bought on-line – I think?! If it’s as good as it makes-out then maybe this pick-up truck job would pay for it?…

    more soon

  • Timmy Mallet

    August 20, 2002 at 7:44 pm


    The easiest way to create a drop shadow is to write yor text

    then copy the text and paste, change the colour to your shadow colour

    line up you two colours untill you are happy with the shadow

    Now you can create two types of shadow.

    The 1st way is to select the under part of the shadow and click
    on weld in the arange menu, then select keep target now click on
    to the top colour of the text. This will give
    you a piece of vinyl the full size of both parts of the typing

    The other way is to select the top part of the text and click
    on substract in the arange menu, then select keep source now click
    on the shadow part of the text. This will give
    the top part of the text ant the cutout part of the shadow.

    hope this helps,


  • Mike Brown

    August 20, 2002 at 7:52 pm

    Demo’d like a real pro Tim!!!!

    Nice piece of work and easy to follow.

    One suggestion though – watch out for those welds that leave just the bits oand pieces of a shadow, like you showed last of all, those pieces can be really finnicky to align properly – you’re better off making an outline to the original text (just by a few mm’s) and then welding that to the underlying colour. This leaves you with the same pieces – only they stand away from the text just a little making it easier to align them.

    great work Tim!

    more soon


  • Robert Lambie

    August 20, 2002 at 8:35 pm

    hi george!
    welcome to the boards mate… and may i add yet another “FULL” UKSG member to start using the boards. welcome mate and feel free to ask for help… we love to help if we can. right folks? 😉 😉

    oh and another Scottish company… 😉 😉

    excellent help timmy… i see you are getting into the swing of making signs mate.. excellent demo ill add it to the demo list over the next week or 2… cheers mate! 😀

  • Martin Pearson

    August 21, 2002 at 5:01 pm

    I don’t use signgo either but the people who do seem really happy with it, read all the signgo posts and you will see for yourself.
    Mike has suggested purchasing the full version and I would agree with him, you will be able to use it for all your other work, decals etc and at £230 it is a steal when you look at what other packages cost.
    And as Kevin is a member you have an online helpline here at the UKSG.

  • Redproud

    August 21, 2002 at 8:10 pm


    What kind of vinyl etc are you using for doing tee shirts and football shrts? and are you using a proper press to put them on ?

    had a look at your website, very impressive all the best and good luck



  • Geo

    August 28, 2002 at 9:04 am

    Thanks for the replies so far. I have been asked via email what versions of Corel Draw and Illustrator I have, both are versions 9.0. Is it best to cut direct from these programs or use dedicated sign software? As you would imagine, finance sometimes restricts my choice.

    I have been using Euro-Stretch from Jarin Industries/Europa Leisure. Seems to be working okay so far although I have had problems with two sets of pre-cut numbers from them (circlular crater like deformations in the vinyl after being pressed down very firmly for 15-20 secs at 170).

    I have a fuse-on HF4500 heatpress.

    Funny how the more you get into it, the more you notice signwork on cars, vans, etc.

    One I get my shadowing sorted out, (back-door is here, material is arriving today) I then have to investigate lining up. Enjoyable work though, with a lot of job satisfaction I reckon.


  • Lorraine Buchan

    September 3, 2002 at 11:17 am

    hey george – good to see you on the board.

    I hope things are working well for you.

    I can’t help you with the sign go software, but looks like timmys done a top job anyway.

    But……. the creaters on your numbers, do you use a teflon sheet to cover the numbers?? This normally happens due to the backing paper getting too hot and the silicon comming away from the paper, it can be avoided by turning the temp down a bit and pressing for a bit longer or get a teflon sheet as it takes some of the heat out.

    p.s don’t buy the teflon sheet from the suppliers pop into asda and buy one for £2.99 – you’ll find them where they keep the tin foil

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