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  • My Dilema – price increase on beverages

    Posted by Iain Gordon on February 25, 2005 at 10:29 pm

    I know that you all have regular clients that you bend over backwards for but can any of you give me a bit of advice on this situation?

    The Brewers have introduced their annual price increases and my head office have passed them on to me. I have to tell my regulars that a pint has gone up by 16p. This happens on Monday morning

    Carlsberg was £1.39 now £1.55 Carling was £1.90 now £2.06

    Rob…. breezers was £1.50 now 3p a doz coz we are men down here(yes, even the ladies 😀 )

    Oh woe is me


    Shane Drew replied 19 years, 2 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Paul Franklin

    February 25, 2005 at 10:34 pm

    Christ, wish I could get a pint at anyone of my locals for that. Unless I go to a Weatherspoons, the no pub with no atmosphere, I can’t get a pint of anything for under £2.30

  • Phill Fenton

    February 25, 2005 at 11:14 pm

    My advice is to buy a gumshield, Crash helmet and Bullet proof vest before telling your regular customers about the price increase which is well above inflation. No point in blaming the brewers as your customers will just blame you anyway – so expect a lot of grief 😕

    Better still – Sell the pub and become a full time signmaker – it’s much more relaxing and stress free 😉

  • John Childs

    February 25, 2005 at 11:44 pm

    I hope that there is something in that 16p for you so that you maintain your margin!

    Oooops. That’ll be 18p then. 🙁

  • Andy Gorman

    February 26, 2005 at 12:08 am

    Rubber market mate. They’ll whinge for a bit then keep supping.

    I worked in a pub once. I’ll never forget the night when a pint went over a quid. You wouldn’t believe the earhole I got. Like I was personally responsible for stealing their money.

    If it’s any consolation when I saw the £1.39 in your post the first thing I did was check the date. I reckon you’d have to travel back in time about 10 years to get a beer for that down here.

  • Phill Fenton

    February 26, 2005 at 12:27 am

    I worked in the brewing industry for 20 years before I finally saw the light and resigned to become a signmaker.

    Every month us “workers” would listen to a monthly “briefing” designed by senior management to keep us all informed about the company.

    I can well recall how a pint of beer consisted of 80% duty 5% raw materials 5% manufacturing costs, 5% profit margin and 5% distribution. Obviously our greedy government ( doesn’t matter if Tory or Labour ) was responsible for the bulk of the cost. Back then a pint was about £1.50 – so the duty paid (even then) was about £1.20 on each pint.

    How come nowadays I can buy a can of beer from a supermarket for about 50p!!!

    The brewing companies are a bunch of greedy lying b*stards – that’s why!!!

  • Paul Franklin

    February 26, 2005 at 12:37 am

    when duty free was abolished it didn’t make too much difference for those of us living near enough to the channel tunnel tunnel or ferries to go on day trips and take advantage of the much lower prices of booze on Calais. I load up, for purely personal consumption, about every three months, paying on average about £1 for a reasonable bottle of red wine and about 30p a bottle for Belgian beer, which I do like. There are also a lot of other items available from DIY shops far cheaper than over here. What European Union?

  • Iain Gordon

    February 26, 2005 at 10:54 am

    Rigjtsigns..your right about the supermarkets. they are killing the pubs round here but it has nothing to do with the brewers.(i’m led to believe}

    Mr Morrison (ASDA.TESCO) etc pay for all storage and transportation of canned beer etc and then put it up for sale as a lost leader. They make very little or no profit on any sales, but while your in there getting your weekly crate you will get your weekly shopping @£150.

    Incidently i read this week that the european parliament are discussing whether or not to stop the off sales of alcohol during the week to try and stop binge drinking

    I wonder if the British public will find a way round that??


  • Steve Broughton

    February 26, 2005 at 11:24 am

    this definition of binge drinking what exactly is it? I don’t drink during the week but if I go out saturday night I might have 5 or 6 pints and a couple of whiskies in the pub (I drink very little at home, my definition of a sad loser is someone who gets pissed at home on their own) then a couple of glasses of wine with me sunday lunch so can I be classified as “bingeing”????

  • wanderer

    February 26, 2005 at 11:27 am

    I ran a pub for about 4 years. Every year the brewery tried to double the rent. It took a lot of arguing to get them to keep the increase reasonable.

    The one armed bandit used to take a lot of money. I would get a third, the machine company would get a third , and the brewery would get the other third. Then I found out that the machine company was owned by the brewery.
    They were getting 2 thirds of the cash for doing nothing.

    I packed it up in the end.

  • leethesign99

    February 27, 2005 at 12:10 pm

    Hey Fred,

    They’re right – get rid of the pub and become a sign maker……even better keep the pub, come here to Spain, buy my business, become a sign maker, buy your booze here and take it back to Blighty. Job jobbed – the best of both worlds!

    Mind you if you got caught it could be a bit of an embarrasment…”sorry your sign’s not ready yet, I’ll finish it when I come out of the nick”

    Oh well, plans aren’t always perfect!!!!!!!!!

    Hasta luego

    I’m sure someone would visit you in prison

  • Shane Drew

    February 27, 2005 at 12:26 pm
    quote Steve Broughton:

    this definition of binge drinking what exactly is it? I don’t drink during the week but if I go out saturday night I might have 5 or 6 pints and a couple of whiskies in the pub (I drink very little at home, my definition of a sad loser is someone who gets ( oh i swore ) at home on their own) then a couple of glasses of wine with me sunday lunch so can I be classified as “bingeing”????

    Steve, a binge drinker here is someone that keeps drinking with the sole purpose of getting paraletic. You know you are a ‘good’ binge drinker if you wake up driving the porcelain bus in a strange house with people you don’t recall meeting, have a blinding headache, and no idea of your name. 😮

    My wife works with a young woman who is a ‘proud’ binge drinker. This woman has memory loss most days, has no energy, and is always broke. Sounds appealing doesn’t it

    I feel for your Fred. I am not a big drinker but on the occasion I do go into the pub, it has a certain character that you don’t get anywhere else. I imagine your loyal regulars will understand, it is not so loyal that will be the problem.

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