• Modern Apprenticeship

    Posted by fluidedge on January 31, 2004 at 5:19 pm

    We know a young lad of 20, very keen to get into the graphics game, offering to do one of these modern apprenticeships. Think it involves him attending a college doing sign and graphics work in between working for us.

    Anyone any experience of the costs and pros and cons of setting up something like this?

    Mulberry replied 20 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Pryam Carter

    February 1, 2004 at 3:42 pm

    Looking into the same thing myself.
    He needs to find a local college that supports the scheme, l think he would need to go on an IVQ or something like that. They pay them and you train them and then see about a job at the end of it.
    If you find anything out to further what l aklready know then post it here and l’ll keep looking back for info.

  • fluidedge

    February 2, 2004 at 12:00 am

    I’ll call the local Business Link tomorrow and get the lowdown.

  • Robert Lambie

    February 2, 2004 at 12:41 am

    hi guys
    just my opinion of course. but why send them away to learn?
    why not teach them yourself?
    i have had lots of staff come straight from college, all completed their course & passed with flying colours!! guess what? i only have one decent one so far!! he, and many like him have told me in the past that they have learned more in one week with our company than they did at college.
    the problem i see is that the teachers have been teaching for say 10 years. they are then ten years behind on the way the sign industry works today. if they are there to learn the traditional methods then great. i see brill work being shown, gold leaf, hand sign writing etc but not vinyl work or the like…

  • Martin C

    February 2, 2004 at 11:59 am

    What courses would any budding Signmaker be taking at College? I know that’s an open ended question but I’m also thinking of getting someone on board on a part time basis and as we have the local Uni here in town it ‘s possible that they have a potential Leonardo (Da Vinci not De Caprio 😎 ) who could earn a few bob doing some design work.

  • fluidedge

    February 2, 2004 at 5:06 pm

    Hopefully the point behind it is cost, with the govt subsidising the period of time that the trainee is at the college.
    Just means for us that we could take someone on sooner rather than later.

  • Mulberry

    February 13, 2004 at 1:36 pm
    quote fluidedge:

    Hopefully the point behind it is cost, with the govt subsidising the period of time that the trainee is at the college.
    Just means for us that we could take someone on sooner rather than later.

    I am also a sign tutor running the signmaking course in Hull, the course we run here has the practical training given by the sign company when out on placement 4 days a week, they attend the college 1 day a week for the portfolio work.
    This way they are actually working on genuine projects, large and small for real customers in real sign workshops.
    The benefit for the signmaker is they get the opportunity to train a learner in their own style, the costings are not too great and if it doesn’t work out they can send them back to us.
    I know that some may be thinking this is a form of cheap labour or using the trainees for a year but on our course, over the past 2 years, out of all who did the 13 month duration of the course only 2 have not been employed at the end of it. (approx 35 – 40 learners)
    http://www.bsga.co.uk is the site to find out more details and to find out if anyone in your areas support the course.
    Please bear in mind not all other courses have an abundance of placements for learners so many are trained in a college, which was a point i think mentioned earlier about not having the hands on experience needed. (I think Robert mentioned this)

    Anyway, sorry about the amount of text.
    If you need anymore info just give me a shout.

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