Mens Fashion
Whats up with mens fashion these days. Especially t-shirts……
Pretty much the only choice there is at the moment and has been for some time is either a design inside a rectangle (obviously someone made the design as a poster and thought we could bung this on a tshirt) or geomtry (mainly stuff inside triangles).
Other than the above options you can have pictures of half naked woman draped over you or many faces of Rhianna…..for some reason….
I really struggle to find anything I like anymore in shops anyway.
Anyone else notice this, it seems to be an unspoken thing?I also dislike chinos….. they seem to be everywhere. Don’t get me wrong im not fashion orientated or fuss massively about how I want to look but there seems to be something wrong when in all of the shops in a shopping centre fail to inspire me to buy a single t-shirt.
Here are some links for example of designs I mean (if it’s allowed)
– http://www.riverisland.com/men/t-shirts … irt-266341
– http://www.riverisland.com/men/t-shirts … irt-267843
– http://www.republic.co.uk/brands/mens/j … irt-76482/
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