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lets see who can spot the mistakes
Posted by Robert Lambie on May 14, 2002 at 8:40 pmhi everyone.
below an image will appear. the image was taken from the cover of the latest copy of the great "SignCraft" U.S. magazine.
I looked at it & thought. "nice sign" "i bet there was many hours spent on making it. then when i looked a little more i saw 3 maybe 4 silly mistakes.
surely if somone went to the bother of making such a sign they would have not wasted the finished article with small silly unprofessional mistakes.have a look and lets see who can say what i would class as being frowned upon. rather than a mistake i guess.
a great sign none the less.
Robert Lambie replied 22 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
yeah – I suppose there are four things I could say are a little ‘unecessary’ about this one…one hell of a nice sign though eh!…
😮 my gads those darn yanks have to make everything so big it covers everything else and they need a speak n spell as well
yeah i agree with Gray, maybe the Great food, Great drink could be a bit smaller and the new england is a bit small. Also the americans seem to think that adding an E on the end makes it sound oldie worldie ie Merrie Olde England, i’m sure the septics (Septic Tank = Yank thats for Gray 😀 )
think we all talk like that, "Gadzooks Forsooth my american friends you are sadly mistaken". Bloody nice sign though, doing something similar at the moment only a bit smaller, cut out routed gold gilded letters on a shaped sign, will post a photie later this week when its done 😛 -
hhmm being very picky i know.
1, the kerning is off on the first three letters. (spacing)
2, great food, great drink. runs down the back of the main text.
3, the signmaker made such a good job making it. he has stuck an un-readable advert on the scrolling banner. this sign is above a shop door. it would be impossible to read & makes the sign a little tacky.
4, theres screws put in through the face of the sign. no attempt at hiding them has been made. these could have ben at least put in close to the main text and banner, so as not to be seen from the ground.
5, new england cant be read. its small yes but with the 3D text and banners its also impossible to be seen never mind read from the ground.i think the sign is brill… honest. just thought after making such a good job they could have paid more attention to detail.
i reckon the problem has been the backing board has been too small for the text. thats why everything is hidden. or vice versa. -
not at all gray.
i honestly think the signs great. just me thinking out loud again… lol -
I think the sign would have worked better if the "Great Food, Great Drinks, and New England had been left off entirely. Then, I would have brought "Jamie" and the banner up a bit. It looks a bit bottom heavy.
That said, its still a good look’n sign. 🙂
Yeh you could be right Glenn!
It does also look a little crammed. Dropping them could work in its favour.
yeh i know what you mean gray. it seems alot of folk would rather have the cheap and cheerful. i personally hate that!
i always stand by the moto: "you only get one chance! at making a first impression"
mike "thesign" brown does amazing graphics as you know. he does charge alot for them, and quite right too… but he does also have the customers coming to him.
i think when you see a sign thats good and one thats brilliant then you tend to think "well i would rather pay the extra and get that"but if you dont know or see any better then you tend to stick to the norm.
most fast buck sign shops spit the signs out & dont care. we/you do, & thats why we will be around when they close down. 😀
ok had a look gray & your right.
some more excellent work from this guy. thought it only fair to show more of it.
they cover a few pages on this guy. all his stuff is top notch. makes me feel a little guilty now for putting it on the boards to have pot shots at.. 😆oh well, i hope he does not mind. 😮 😮
had a look gray and your right. some more stuff on this guys work.
have to admit it. its all great stuff. -
I’m not sure I agree with you about the backing board Rob, it might simply be that the sign was produced from a letterhead. If the sign were flat all the text would be clearly visable. As for the kerning I’m no expert but some fonts do have kerning that looks like that and if this was taken from the guys logo perhaps thats why it was left like that. I havent seen the article so I cant comment but maybe he didnt install it either.
hi martin.
maybe so mate but when a company goes to the expense of having a sign done like this. they have proper artwork drawn up with proofs etc.i agree some print styles run letters into each other on the serifs etc but in this case i dont beleave it would join on the "J" to the "A" and leave such a gap between the "E" & "S" looking at it though. i do beleave it to be a bastardised font so anything is possible.
i know what you mean about looking at the sign straight on. could the text be read? well i think when designing a sign one of the main things that need to be taken into account is its location. the one in question is above a door, but there is also one free standing 10 foot by 15 foot high. again very hard details to be picked from such a tall structure.
I think thats a good Idea Gray, anyone that cant stand critisism doesnt need to post anything but I’d be happy to have others cast an eye over my work. If i can learn something about sign design from it that can only be a bonus.
soons a good idea. 😛
to be honest im never 100% about anything i do. i mean, i am at the time but once it is done i look back and say, "hell i could have done that. or that looks crap on the van but looked good on screen" i think you know what i mean. most do that…..i hope 😮well lets see what others think.
a pot shot forum for work we have done! all say aye! 😛
Cowdeneath popular for football? You are havin a laff Gray!
ok i think you are right gray. i can put a forum up for this purpose.
ill do it for a month or so & see what kind of response it gets. if it drizzles out ill scarp the forum and include the posts in the general sign subjects.what do you think? anyone! 🙄
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