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  • Keeping your vinyl swatches organised

    Posted by Daniel Evans on July 26, 2016 at 3:02 pm


    Just wondered how everyone keeps their swatches organised.

    I tend to keep mine in a caddy and although they are all together, it’s not very tidy.

    How do you keep yours?


    Robert Lambie replied 7 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Peter Wynne

    July 26, 2016 at 3:17 pm

    Stuffed in a drawer/cupboard! So you’re already a step ahead of me!
    I tried sorting them once into printable and non-printable, monomeric, polymeric and cast but then you get the complete swatch books which throw a spanner in the works. I also find that they’re all completely different sizes, the pivot point is usually in different places and then you also get some which are supplied on A4 swatch sheets as opposed to books.

    So generally i just try and seperate them into printable and non-printable media, and THEN stuff them in a drawer and get them out when I need them.

    Unless anyone has a fancy idea??

  • Robert Lambie

    July 26, 2016 at 9:29 pm

    I no longer give my customers the options of several brands of colours etc.
    In fact, i no longer give them the full range available in a single brand.
    I stock a select option of about 30 colours, not including reflectives etc
    they choose from this range of colours for cut vinyl work or they pay a 10 metre minimum quantity charge for us to get in for us to get the colour they really want. been doing this for years and yet to have a day to day customer decline the stocked range.

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