• Phill Fenton

    March 30, 2003 at 8:39 pm

    I would’ve been going too – only on Wednesday I’m due to be in Auchtermuchty for a Sheep****ers convention 😳

  • Robert Lambie

    March 30, 2003 at 9:43 pm

    wish i was going brian.. i bet there is tons of stuff us brits won’t see for a year or more..
    the americans always seem to be 2 steps ahead of us on new ways to make money via signage & advertising..

    sign uk seems to get smaller each year & these type of shows in the US seem to double in size each year.. 😡

  • fluidedge

    March 30, 2003 at 11:34 pm

    Went to the one in Toronto in 94 or 95. Massive, all the usual suspects plus tons of small but excellent stands.

    Be warned, all the Yanks will think you are Australian when you speak and you have to put up with salesmen on stands shouting things to the passing crowd like “hey, ya’ all wanna see this sucker work?”.

    Oh, and the armed poker faced customs officials who were not amused at my reply to their question “have you ever been abroad before?”.

    It had been a long flight (7.5 hours of free booze), and I only said, “no, but I once wore a kilt to a fancy dress party…”

    Have a great trip, keep your hands off the lapdancers and make sure you post us all a full report.

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