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  • is there a right side to applying vinyl to banners?

    Posted by Lance Sherrard on March 18, 2006 at 9:45 am

    Gooday lovely ppl and the others what is somewhere else.

    Got a question on banners, thought you ppl would be the ones to help after the bloke at the fish and chip shop looked stupid at me when I asked him.
    ‘Praps it’s a stupid question, but is there a front and back of banner material.
    Why do you ask lance ?
    Well, I’ll tell ya.
    A guy (not the fish bloke) wants me to letter a used banner to last 3-4 months.
    He has removed the vinyl from the smooth shinny side but left heaps of sticky stuff behind.
    Can I letter the other side, (the textured and no shine side) in a 651/751 Oracal and wiil it last, say 6 months ?
    I figure if I can’t drink it all, a bit of metho should do the job cleaning the banner and we’re away.
    Anyone want to tell me I got this all wrong ?




    Nancy Wannous replied 18 years, 2 months ago 11 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • MartinDenton

    March 18, 2006 at 10:29 am

    we use metamark banner though a roland 545 and we use either side, one side is more a matt finish the other a semi matt

    no problems so far

  • David Rogers

    March 18, 2006 at 10:42 am

    Yes, you can letter both sides but the more textured one obviously will have less surface contact with the vinyl. Use a heat gun & gently warm it & press it into the ‘dimples’.

    So long as the banner is static, or permanent any old vinyl will do for a temporary job. Banner vinyls are best, but unless it’s getting rolled up on flexed a lot normal cast/calendared should last the duration.

    ps. I’m NOT recommending this for proper jobs, but it sounds like it’s just a cheapo refurb!

    pps. Meths will barely touch most vinyl adhesives on banners – proper citrus adhesive remover (or at a push unleaded petrol) makes a better job of getting the gunk off.

  • Shane Drew

    March 18, 2006 at 12:50 pm

    I wouldn’t be using petrol personally, it will advance the plasticizers, deteriating the surface, plus it is against WPH&S laws here in OZ.

    The citrus remover is what I use, then rinse it of with soap and water.

    You can buy it from any mitre10 or bunnings, not expensive. I buy it in bulk from Cyndan Chemicals.

    As David says, metho will be hard work. Wax and grease remover from Supercheap would be a better option.

    I’ve lettered the textured side in the past, and davids advice is spot on, but, I’d take the time to clean up the proper side, and sign it again for a better finish. 651 would be fine for the short term. Remember to roll the banner when storing, and never fold it.


  • Lance Sherrard

    March 18, 2006 at 1:06 pm

    Yeah Shane I had misgivings about petrol for the same reasons, I’ll try a test spot give it a wash down with Prepsol and see what happens.
    If that’s not too brilliant I’ll shoot up to my fav toy shop, Bunnings and grab some orange juice.
    I’m not gonna have time to clean up the good side so he is prepared to take as it comes out to fit with his time frame. He has been told of the mays and may nots
    Fortunatly this banner will not have to be rolled, it will go up and stay up until it is done properly the next time.
    Rolling it with all this sticky stuff against the new vinyl would not be a good idea !

    Tar muchly for you thoughts you lot.

    Ohh yeah, anyone watching the ComGames ?
    Ahhh, how are the Aussies doing ?




  • David Rogers

    March 18, 2006 at 1:08 pm

    Yep, petrol (“at a push”) is probably against HSE regs here too.

    The citrus degreasers & removers normally contain very high proportions of petrochemicals but work very, very well. They smell great too so enjoy that orangey high whilst you can. Ventilate WELL as you’re just vapourising petroleum distilates into the air.

    Balance the cost of your time against just using the back. You could spend HOURS cleaning it up properly….or make more money faster by using the reverse. The clients rarely want to pay for labour time.

  • Shane Drew

    March 18, 2006 at 10:52 pm
    quote Lance:

    Ohh yeah, anyone watching the ComGames ?
    Ahhh, how are the Aussies doing ?




    lotsa medals Lance, the english are third on the tally last I looked, but that may change in the 2nd week, given we are not that strong in the field events.

    Being your state, thought you may be going?

    Nancy from the boards is in melbourne too, have not seen here round for a while, she might have taken holidays and gone too… I might txt her and find out if she is OK….

  • Marekdlux

    March 18, 2006 at 10:58 pm

    Tell her Dave R. says hello, Shane. 😀

  • David Rowland

    March 18, 2006 at 11:03 pm

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    March 18, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    I would tell Mr. Chippie that a new banner would cost him just the same.
    Why mess with someone’s old junk?
    All that work for something that may or may not last.
    Not worth it in my book.
    Ask me how I know….I think we’ve all had to recycle a banner once.
    ONCE was enough for this gal.
    Use Rapid Remover if you have to.
    It’s an orange-based substance made by Rapid Tac.

  • Shane Drew

    March 19, 2006 at 1:14 pm
    quote Marekdlux:

    Tell her Dave R. says hello, Shane. 😀

    Had a txt conversation with Nancy today. Poor girl is doing it a bit tough working long hours. Split with her business partner recently and his going it alone.

    Hopefully she will get over her huge workload and be back on the boards soon.

  • Marekdlux

    March 19, 2006 at 7:27 pm

    Thanks for the update Shane, hopefully she will be back soon.

  • Peter Normington

    March 19, 2006 at 7:28 pm

    Wish the girl luck, and give her our love.


  • Nancy Wannous

    March 19, 2006 at 10:10 pm

    that’s so sweet and nice of u guys i didn’t even think that i will be missed .

    Yes had a very busy month and still not done . i had to let go of my partnership in the business. always been doing the work he was never around only on pay day. had a deadline on a 20 meters long sign had it ready for him to apply the vinyl came in didn’t do nothing for half hour ten left home . that’s not the first time so i snapped cos i couldn’t take it any longer and told him Ur out ill pay you and i don’t want to see u here anymore. I’m sorry for not being around to help on boards.

    But hopefully ill be on top of it soon i have front shop computer shop 5 menu’s ad more its good that I’m finally busy i love challenge. i know what I’m doing and i will get there but cos I’m alone its hard. cos i do night time with my full time job. but it was lovely from you guys to ask about me thank you Shane. Dave Marek Peter everybody xxoo

  • Peter Normington

    March 19, 2006 at 10:17 pm

    Go Nancy Go.

    I know you will get there, you have a certain ammount of enthusiasm, and it shows.
    Any help that the guys n gals on here can give, they will.


  • Nancy Wannous

    March 19, 2006 at 10:19 pm

    thank you Peter i will post photos soon

  • Justin Kirby

    March 19, 2006 at 11:18 pm

    I 2 have done both side of banners but would use banner vinyl for the long term ones, more so on the ruff side. For short term some of the really cheaper calendered vinyls have quite good adhesion to banners.
    Dissol is good for cleaning down banners before applying vinyl and after the dissol a good swig of IPA.

    For the removal of adhesive, by far the best remover I have come across is Sceneys Natural Citrus Solvent. ( I have pretty much got high on all of them :lol1:) and this is the one for me.
    If you can find it at the hardware store give it a go. Last time I got it from the hardware it was $13.00aud for 500ml.
    Bugger that, 20ltrs under $100.00aud from the supplier.

    Sceneys p/l
    17 Third ave
    Sunshine Vic 3020

    Sorry dont have ph no. on hand



  • David Rowland

    March 19, 2006 at 11:35 pm

    nice 2 see ya okay nancy 😉

  • Nancy Wannous

    March 20, 2006 at 12:18 am

    hallo Dave.

    Thank you Dave 😉

  • Nicola McIntosh

    March 20, 2006 at 12:32 am

    stick in there buddie… 😀

    you’ll do it 😉


  • Shane Drew

    March 20, 2006 at 1:58 am

    I buy my orange cleaner from the manufacturer too, They have agents in every state in oz, and deliver directly from the factory.

    Hope that helps mate.

  • Lance Sherrard

    March 20, 2006 at 1:25 pm

    Firstly Nanncy, hang in there, hard work is good for you, and secondly if I can help in any way with that work load you have in front of you PM me and let me know what I can do.
    I am in the Bayswater area and would be happy to pitch in and give you a hand. I bet I could learn something as well.

    But back to this banner I was on about, I got stuck into it tonight and will prolly finish it of tomorrow morning. It cleaned up OK on the back side that I am lettering and seems to be fine.
    When I get it to the gut and he gets it hung I’ll post some pics.

    Thanks for all your help boys and girls, it made a tricky job morer relaxing.

    Shane, is it the “Citrus Oil Formulation” you use from Cyndan, any idea of sizes and cost ?

    Ohh yeah, can someone tell me how I get PM rights ?

    Enough lance, get out.

    OK I’m gone



  • Shane Drew

    March 20, 2006 at 1:32 pm

    Yes Lance it is called ‘Break up’ from memory. $120 for 20L if I remember correctly.

  • Nancy Wannous

    March 20, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    That’s very nice of U Lance. Unfortunately for some reason i can’t PM nobody not allowed 2. But when i need your help you will hear me screaming here :)Nancy

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