Is it me. well probably no, I mean that bloomin HSBC bank logo.
Is it me…well probably…no, I mean that bloomin HSBC bank logo…
Maybe it’s just my time or something, maybe the old eyes are shot and the minds going but nearly every time I see the logo for HSBC bank it looks like the ‘S’ is a little larger than the ‘H’ and the ‘B’ – yeah I know that’s how ’rounded’ letters are supposed to be – no, it’s that damn ‘C’ – it’s being reproduced at the same height as the ‘H’ and ‘B’, I know it is – is anyone else seeing the same or should I get myself one of those nice jackets – the ones with the shiny buckles down the front!
If this is the case – I wonder why, is it designers again? or are they testing us!!
watch the skies!
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