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  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 17, 2006 at 10:03 pm

    i dont know lynn…… 😕 why whats peter congured up for you tonight then :lol1:


  • Lorraine Clinch

    January 17, 2006 at 10:32 pm

    I’m with you Lynn…..

    Why, Oh why, do we cook, every day we (women, wives, mothers, whatever) churn out meals, catering for all the family’s tastes, and never get a thanks.

    Geoff cooks, once in a blue moon, everyone RAVES about it.

    Makes me want to spit! (hot)

  • Phill Fenton

    January 17, 2006 at 10:37 pm

    They’re not better cooks Lynn – they just think they are 🙁

  • Debbie Astle

    January 17, 2006 at 10:39 pm

    Mines a better cook Phill. I’m not allowed in the kitchen often, I think he values his life too much. :lol1:

  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 17, 2006 at 10:41 pm

    well lynn and lorraine……youve not trained your man properly :lol1:

    ed cooks all the time…its like a restaurant in my house, always food on the go, its fab 😉 i do all the baking though… to contribute to something :lol1: apart from the cleaning……..the ironing……..etc etc 😀 (men cant do that good anyway) 😉


  • Lynn Normington

    January 17, 2006 at 10:45 pm

    I think men have no pre-conceptions, like you can’t put this with that or that with this, they just do it and it works !! well nearly always, 😛


  • Lynn Normington

    January 17, 2006 at 10:49 pm

    must confess Peter does most of our cooking anyway, doesn’t iron, wash clothes, or general housework but at least I don’t often have to cook 😎


  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 17, 2006 at 10:51 pm
    quote Lynn:

    but at least I don’t often have to cook 😎

    its okay having ed to cook all the time………………..its the cleaning up :yikes:


  • John Simpson

    January 17, 2006 at 10:53 pm

    My brother in law won’t often let my sister in the kitchen to cook, he cooks she got a dishwasher machine.

    L J

  • Nicola McIntosh

    January 17, 2006 at 10:56 pm
    quote John Simpson:

    he cooks she got a dishwasher machine.
    L J

    me too…………..but i hate filling the bloomin things 😕 its one bit of housework i honestly hate doing……id rather do the dishes in the sink 😮


  • Phill Fenton

    January 17, 2006 at 11:24 pm

    psst. Don’t tel Alison, but I just pretend to be hopeless at cooking cleaning and ironing. This way she does it all herself because she knows how incompetent I am at it (and she wants it done right). Meanwhile, I just sit, watch telly and drink beer 😀

  • Andy Gorman

    January 17, 2006 at 11:38 pm

    I’m a pretty good cook, but I only have a limited repertoire. Now my Mother is a chef. She can rustle up a meal for 40 people with no problems, it would take me 2 years of planning! I do most of our cooking, but Jan is the Sunday roast expert.

  • Lynn Normington

    January 17, 2006 at 11:43 pm

    yes I do the sunday roast as well, including myown yorkshires (not aunt bessies) well truth of the matter is I get it all ready and start Peter finishes cause he’s really good at gravy, so I guess it’s still a partnership including the cooking 😀


  • Martin Forsyth

    January 17, 2006 at 11:45 pm

    Hi All

    I tend to do all the cooking, except when it’s a one off ‘special’ meal, then my wife cooks – she is much better at cooking and baking from scratch – whereas I tend to use packets.

    I am not allowed to use the washing machine/tumble drier/iron (however much I beg to help) – due to the fact that I once had a go and shrunk her best sweater.

    Oh, and I am not allowed to change nappies, as with kiddie no 1 (6 years ago) I somehow put it on inside out, and it came off, and there was a mud slick of epic proportions.

    On Boxing day we had kiddie no 4 – and his nappies stink! I would love to help but am not allowed to – so what can I say???

    So, I do the cooking! 😀

    Unfair I know – but that’s life!

  • Shane Drew

    January 18, 2006 at 1:58 am

    I burn water! 😳 I sacrafice meat on the BBQ 😳 and I burn the toast….

    My contribution is that I eat everything in sight 😮

    Loading and unloading the dishwasher, putting the bin out, killing the spiders, washing the dog, mowing the lawn and washing and cleaning both cars, changing anything on a ladder, painting the house, cleaning up the yard….that is my lot. I’ll swap with the housework any day 😕

  • Marekdlux

    January 18, 2006 at 3:56 am

    I’m the king of the barbeque. I cook at least one meal a week out on the grill. I keep it pretty basic, a good steak, some baked beans and a baked potato or steak fries (chips). I’m pretty good with the packet meals too, but other than that I stay out of the kitchen, except to get my beer. 😀
    My Mom makes a really good Sunday roast. We’re going to have it Saturday this week for my birthday.


    January 18, 2006 at 4:27 am

    happy birthday Marek.
    things sometimes stay the same all round the world.
    i never miss my birthday baked dinner at mums…..i go for lamb…

    The barby grill is the go for week nights…..good work.
    at least 4 days out of 7….i crank the barby for every one….t-bone,
    frozen oven fries (cooked with the steak) and garlic packet gravy over
    the lot……… veges, no salad………..johnny.
    ps: tell us what you get for your birthday mate…..seeya

  • Marekdlux

    January 18, 2006 at 2:00 pm
    quote JOHN BEEDHAM:

    ps: tell us what you get for your birthday mate…..seeya

    I’m going snowboarding today as an early present to me. 😀
    Just waiting for my ride now (6am in California)
    Saturday night we are going to go see a Queen cover band play. They will probably be awful, but they are playing at a casino so we will have fun anyways. My girlfriend is planning something for Sunday, but it’s a secret of course.
    John, do you cook the fries on a piece of aluminum foil? I’ve never tried fries on the grill.

  • Marc Burnett

    January 19, 2006 at 11:12 am

    This thread made me smile because it also happens in our house.

    I cook once in a blue moon, and invariably the wife gets upset because the kids rave about the things I cook. I have a theory…

    Now the wife, assuming she is genetically programmed by birth to be able to cook, has about 20 staple meals that she cooks in rotation. Because of the aforementioned genetic programming, she ‘knows’ what she is doing and never ever refers to cookbooks or recipes, so seasoning is thrown in with wild abandon, after all ‘she is woman’ she ‘knows’ what she is doing.

    This devil may care attitude means meals range between being too spicy to eat or too bland for consumption. Salt and seasoning can vary between one teaspoon to half a yard, dependent on her attention span on any given day. The type of seasoning is also entirely dictated by ‘whats in the cupboard’. No garlic, not a problem, tomato ketchup will do! No basil leaves, throw in some oregano instead. The oven only ever goes on one setting, gas mark 5, the dial never deviates to the left or to the right of the 5, accordingly pies can take on the consistency of soup and at the other end of the spectrum, her gravy is often served in slices.

    Me on the other hand, as a useless male, am absolutely petrified of cooking. So when it’s my turn, I invariably download a recipe for something we havent had before (on the basis that novelty value can offset awful taste). I then surround myself with equipment able to measure salt and seasonings to the nearest milligram, egg-timers, stopwatches, thermometers and any other utensils required to avoid deviating from the recipe in any way. I write a very speciic shopping list and toodle off to the supermarket to buy the exact ingredients on the recipe, usually this entails buying, at great expense, obscure products that I only need a pinch off, and that will never ever be used again.

    The meal is then prepared, following the recipe to the minutest detail, and sticking to all of the cooking times and temperatures stipulated.

    The combination of ‘something new’ and carefully followed instructions usually leads to delighted kids asking for second helpings, and a furious wife who then insists she is giving up the kitchen for life as a lap-dancer where her talent will be better appreciated.

    Can you tell I’m not very busy today 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    January 19, 2006 at 11:19 am

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

    I can relate to that! I rarely use a cookbook and the same dish rarely tastes the same twice!

  • Lorraine Clinch

    January 19, 2006 at 11:32 am

    Excellent reply Marc :lol1: !

  • Robert Lambie

    January 19, 2006 at 11:32 am

    marc I’m similar to you mate….
    i had to make a family meal last week, so i went online and downloaded the long winded step by step and printed it to keep me right as i prepared our banquet.
    into the cupboards, luckily i had everything i needed at hand.
    god knows how long later, 3 glasses of wine downed, beads of sweat running down my nose and with a dishcloth over my shoulder as i served up our meal, fit for a king… i had a smug feeling they would love it! 😎

    turning back into the kitchen to turn off the oven, i heard my wee girl mumble to her mum, “oh no…. cheese and toast again mummy”

  • Shane Drew

    January 19, 2006 at 11:33 am
    quote Marc Burnett:

    This devil may care attitude means meals range between being too spicy to eat or too bland for consumption. Salt and seasoning can vary between one teaspoon to half a yard, dependent on her attention span on any given day. The type of seasoning is also entirely dictated by ‘whats in the cupboard’. No garlic, not a problem, tomato ketchup will do! No basil leaves, throw in some oregano instead. The oven only ever goes on one setting, gas mark 5, the dial never deviates to the left or to the right of the 5, accordingly pies can take on the consistency of soup and at the other end of the spectrum, her gravy is often served in slices.


    You know my wife then? :lol1: :lol1:

    Thanks for this mate, had a huge laugh. The wifes wants to know what I’m laughing at tho, I think I’m in trouble now …. 🙁

  • Carrie Brown

    January 19, 2006 at 11:58 am

    Steve is probably a better cook than me …. but I think thats because he is more patient. I can cook quite a few things as long as Ive been shown how to. I am useless at following reciepes from a book …… it starts off well, everything is great, I begin to feel very smug and then it turns into a disaster 😕

    I attempted to cook noodles a couple of weeks ago ….. how simple should that be …… well it started great and then ended up in a big sludge in the wok, folowed by Steve trying not to grin and telling me “its ok honey we’ll just have beans on toast” followed by me giving a very evil look across the kitchen!!


  • Brian Little

    January 19, 2006 at 11:58 am

    surely lynn thats why women have smaller feet so that they can fit further into the cooker and washing machines 😳

    ill sufer for that one me thinks

  • Shane Drew

    January 19, 2006 at 12:10 pm
    quote Robert Lambie:

    “oh no…. cheese and toast again mummy”

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: oopps the wifes coming again 🙁

  • John Childs

    January 19, 2006 at 12:41 pm

    I’d probably put the Sunday roast into the dishwaher. 🙁

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