how do i go about setting up screen printing tshirts please?
Hi Guys & Girls … A quick question for you!!
As i may have mentioned before we mainly do work for the nightclub industry ….. banners and the such like!! about 8 months ago we bought a t-shirt heat press as we kept getting asked for small quantitys of tshirts and i was sick of passing on the work!!
over the last 6 months however we are constantly being asked to produce t-shirts 100’s at a time …. (100 tshirts on a heat press …. nnooooo!!) so again we out-source this work to a local screen printer as he can sell them to me cheaper than i can produce them….
So my question is…. now ive got loads of room in my new premises how do i go about setting up screen printing tshirts … what is the basic equipment i need, where do i get it, how much will it cost me… and all the other questions if forgotten to ask!!
take into consideration that im a real, computery vinyley kind of guy and havnt a clue about screen printing…..
thanks !! 🙂 🙂
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