High-tack wall prints, advice on installing them, please?
Guys I’ve been down to a trade job for a firm I do work with which is 2 large wall prints, straightforward enough as I’ve applied loads of walls, the issues I had on the first wall are
A. it hasn’t been given time to properly degas so it’s like chewing gum
B. it drops are 4 metres long
C. I haven’t gone with high tack on interior walls before, when it just touches the wall its stuck and its lifting paint so it’s gone
D. over the 4 metre drop there is about a 4mm stretch, I’m guessing because the degassing hasn’t happened so it’s still soft and even its own weight over that drop is pulling at it
has anyone any tips to help on the next wall, I’ve left the prints out to try to harden up a bit but I also know that the lam will stop the degas so it can only escape through the glue side which makes it double high tack
thanks for any advice
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