help wanted with pictorial english signbooks?
Good Morning!
I am self taught at what I do here, and love my job, I am always on the lookout for more printed material.
I have masses of american books on signmaking from Mike Stevens to pictorial collections like Sign Design/Gallery. etc etc. I have very few British signs books, I have AJ Lewery Signwritten Art, Popular Art, and Canalboat art books, Stanley Chews English Pub Signs, Eric Delderfield Pub Signs, Bill Stewart’s Signwork, plus some really old clothbound typeface books. We have such a strong history of British tradition in signwork, there must be more to be found in print.
Being self taught from 10 years of being in business, and reading mainly american books and magazines means that with a sprinlking of local Swedish flavour most of the stuff I turn out is with that influence. I would like to have more British reference material, of traditional work, not digital or electronic signage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated in pointing me in the right direction, so much stuff is out of print if you happen to find it in the first place.
Maybe its time to put together some pictorial tours through the British sign industry.
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