• Help Please !

    Posted by Robert Berwick on April 3, 2006 at 12:46 pm

    Hello good people !

    Hoping you’re all ok. Just working on a project for a local firm who are looking for something a little different. I’ve come up with this idea to have a sheet of 3mm brushed stainless steel with the company logo laser cut out of it.The intention being to then mount this steel sheet on a sheet of dark clear blue plastic using stand offs and illuminating behind this blue panel with some form of lighting, possibly some sort of fluorescent illumination enclosed behind the ‘Jackstone’ logo so that the blue back panel can be stood off also. I understand that the centres of the lettering would have to be stood off which might be a little fiddly (particularly on the smaller letters). I suppose what I’m really looking for is advice on if this idea would work or not. I’m unsure on the effect the lighting from the back would have as well. I dont really want to blast it out with light – just subtly illuminate it really. If someone has done something similar and can help it would be much appreciated – or if anyone has a better solution then please let me know !

    Vince Francis replied 18 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • John Simpson

    April 3, 2006 at 4:42 pm

    sounds an interesting idea, sorry cannot help but i like the idea. It’s something different. Hope someone can help you out with this & if it all works out for you i hope you will post pictures of it to give the rest of us ideas.

    L J

  • Hugh Potter

    April 3, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    i think i understand what you want to do, and i like the over-all concept, i have absolutely no experience with lit signs, but seeing as the gap would be faitly small, i would have thought that led’s would be the best bet, soft light and pretty safe too !

  • Vince Francis

    April 3, 2006 at 9:09 pm


    Are you looking for these letters to stand off from a light box? How big is the 3mm stainless section going to be, as you may not need to use 3mm. Can you post a picture of a basic design you may have, it may help knowing how you want to create this


  • Robert Berwick

    April 4, 2006 at 8:25 am

    Here is a jpeg of the sign.


  • Robert Berwick

    April 4, 2006 at 9:48 am

    Hi Vince,
    the size of the brushed steel (shown in the grey in the picture) is 76 x 18 inches.Hopefully the pic will give a better impression of the effect we’re looking to create.Like i said previously its the unpredictability of the light coming through from behind that’s the main issue i think. Also the dark blue clear perspex may be a problem as I can only get it in 10mm thickness. Would this be too flimsy ? its going to be a 8 x 3 foot sheet.

  • David Rogers

    April 4, 2006 at 1:54 pm

    I’m not going to be a prophet of doom but I’d say be very, very careful about using cut stainless/silver total block & with a blue light source coming through it. There are a multitude of horrendous ones round Dundee.

    A couple are high class garages (Merc/Audi), and also a community skate park that have used the similar principle. Looks fantastic during the day and close up….but just a giant blue fuzz from any sort of distance at night (40/50 yds +). And no, it’s not my vision!

    Shame it’s getting light at night or I’d take a few pics to show you.

    Done right I’m sure it can work, or for relatively close up displays. Just bear it in mind….a little R & D mightn’t go amiss!!

  • Vince Francis

    April 5, 2006 at 5:42 pm

    Could you show a cross section (side view) for us. Do you want to stand off the satin from the perspex, then stand the perspex off from something else? What part do you want to light up?

    Is this internal?

    If you show as much info as you can, sorry i am trying to get my head around this



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