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  • help on quotations please?

    Posted by Robert Lambie on March 27, 2002 at 10:06 am

    quick answer gray
    im not sure! 🙂 in the end its you that will have to decide. i guess if the company is large. and you think they will continue to use you in future then ide maybe go along with them on it.
    if not, then they are the ones coming to you.
    they should be adjusting to your terms.
    if they have terms of there own that they expect you to stick to then they should have taken it up with you before you lifted a finger. not once the job is completed.
    if they didnt then they dont really have a case.
    again mate, im unsure.

    Mike Brown replied 22 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Paul Davenport

    March 28, 2002 at 9:06 am

    give their accounts dept a ring and just explain that to be able to keep the prices low, you work on a short payment basis blah blah blah

    if they insist try adding a surcharge , i think its only fair really

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    March 28, 2002 at 9:52 am

    I was stung last year by a larger company than we are, we priced works for three different jobs. They asked for quotes and we sent estimates, we used three different job numbers and three different sheets of notepaper for the prices, as I was not sure about the guy we were dealing with. We were awarded the work, we agreed to carry out the work for them. During the works which they were delighted with the gut was a total pain wanting extras and not wanting to pay for them etc, after we finished the job we asked for payment for the first job and they said no they would pay collectively. There was a heated discussion and we threatened to pull out all together. We were then told we were in breach of contract and they would sue us.
    It is the law that if they use another company and they cost more than our price WE are responsible for any shortcomings in the price difference. We were lucky as we had estimated and not quoted for the work and we had three different jobs and not one.

    Gray, if they are trying to change before you do the work or before they agree to have the work carried out then be careful as it is a contract and legally binding if you then work for them. Its a bit hard and does not make sense that they can all screw us this way but its the law. Scottish Law anyway, may apply to others.

    Rob how about you speak to a recovery firm or collection agency for the group to get discounts?

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    March 28, 2002 at 3:05 pm

    Well done but what did you say…..understood the hic bit??
    You are right about the quote bit, its legally binding on both parties, an estimate is "a proffesional guess" and not legally binding. I tend to give new customers or awkward sods estimates and quotes to good repeat customers.

  • Robert Lambie

    March 29, 2002 at 12:14 am

    nice one gray… you sound like a guy missing home mate.

    as for the credit thing stuart. i think that may be alot further down the line . but is somthing ive spoke about. i also like the overnight delivery services idea for the group.
    anyway. in the members area there is somthing along these lines. being able expose bad paying customers etc.
    passwords and usernames go out next week. check it out then.

  • Mike Brown

    March 30, 2002 at 11:34 pm

    Sorry Gray – coming in on this one a little late in the day – but – as I understand it if you estimate a cost – you can then charge upto 60% more than that without breaking the law! Shows just how ‘loose’ an estimate really is. but that’s what also makes it a good tool. I often give estimates, or, I give a price for the sign or graphics and then estimate the cost of fitting.

    Regarding the ‘whose terms are relevant’ question, well, as far as I’m concerned it is the person selling the goods that has moral high ground here – that’s you!. Chances are it was the customer that started the whole process off by asking you for something and as such they are asking for your price, spec, terms etc. So, as someone else has said I believe, if they throw all this 90 day crap at ya’ then simply get them to confirm that they will abide by your terms.


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