• Glad to be aboard

    Posted by Pedro on August 21, 2004 at 7:46 am

    Just thought I’d do the honours and introduce myself.
    I’ve been in and out of the sign trade for the last ten years and have recently joined a company called Linemark UK Ltd who manufacture line marking paint for sports clubs,We make all the paint for the Premier League football clubs and all the Super League clubs. We also do the grass marking logos on the pitches that you see at Rugby and cricket matches. I’d been designing these for them for a while before the director asked me to join up full time.Through the football and rugby contacts we have at each club we’ve been able to strike up deals with some of them to supply signage. At first we farmed out the work but now have started doing the signage ourselves. The equipment they had before wasn’t brilliant and they didn’t really have the set up to do anything at all sign wise but slowly but surely I’m getting better equipment in.
    We’re moving to purpose built premises next year so I should have a decent set up then. (Nice office with a view!)
    The plotter has just gone on the blink which is typical as I’ve got work coming out of my ears, I’ve to go to Greece next week and survey their National Stadium so it isn’t all bad news! :dance1:
    I hope to get more involved in the site when we get some broadband into my office. Had some good tips off you lot already and will post some of my work soon and let you have a look.

    Shane Drew replied 19 years, 11 months ago 11 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Bill Dewison

    August 21, 2004 at 9:02 am

    Hi and welcome Pedro 😀

    Sounds like you have quite the shopping list 😀 What type of plotter have you been using up to now? Is it dead dead or can it be resurrected?

    I know this is a bit off topic, but is Haslingden near Rawtenstall?

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Carrie Brown

    August 21, 2004 at 4:03 pm

    Hi Pedro 😀

    Off to Greece, that can’t be bad at all!!!!

    Look forward to seeing some of your work and more posts.


    Carrie & Stephen 😛

  • Liam Caulfield

    August 21, 2004 at 8:35 pm

    Do you do those logo’s that are all wonky until the camera is at the right angle and it looks perfect. I’d love to see the base for those, always thought it was cool.

    Welcome to the boards, Im not quite as sign orientated as I first thought I would be but I still love coming here to read whats going on. So much good advices!

  • Nicola McIntosh

    August 21, 2004 at 9:01 pm

    welcome pedro!! 😀
    great job you have !! 😛 😛 always wondered who did the rugby markings!! 😀


  • Adrian Neill

    August 21, 2004 at 9:07 pm

    Welcome Pedro.

    I’ve only been on here for about a week, and wished i’d joined sooner. You’ll find everyone really friendly and happy to help.

    Cool job! Wonder if i can convince my directors for a view aswell ?

  • Andy Gorman

    August 21, 2004 at 9:31 pm

    Welcome Pedro.

    That’s an interesting line of work. Those trapezoidal Rugby logos have always fascinated me.

    Going to Greece you say? Well next week I’ve got to go and measure a shop in erm……..Stevenage. No, you win. 🙂

  • John Singh

    August 21, 2004 at 10:18 pm
    quote :

    That’s an interesting line of work.

    Very good Big G – you should get a few stripes for that

    Hi Pedro and Welcome to the mad bunch

    Doing straight lines must be a nightmare but doing the curves must send you round the bend

    Just a couple o’ questions:

    Do you put the cat eyes down as well 😀

    When you eventually get broadband will the lines be thicker?


  • Robert Lambie

    August 22, 2004 at 9:37 am

    hi mate
    welcome aboard 😛
    looks like yet another side to our trade. intresting stuff & those travel perks must be good 😉 i dont work outside the uk, but traveling down south allot breaks things up a bit and you get to see many places. just a pitty we dont get the weather 😕

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    August 22, 2004 at 12:14 pm

    Hi from the USA as well.
    I always wonder who does our stadium stuff.
    Looks like it would be fun but a lot of wear & tear on the knees.
    I have seen folks paint on grass at a letterhead meet once,
    but it was gone the next week after the grass was mown.
    Nice to hear from you.

  • John Singh

    August 22, 2004 at 10:02 pm

    Jill said:

    quote :

    I have seen folks paint on grass at a letterhead meet once,

    I guess loads of people get their inspiration to paint while under the influence.

    I bet its real smoky at those letterhead meets.


  • Jill Marie Welsh

    August 22, 2004 at 10:42 pm

    Not THAT kind of smoke, but some do smoke cigarettes!
    Funny thing is, yes, folks drink A LOT at a meet.
    But I have never seen anyone drunk at one.
    I think that the paint fumes counteract the beer!
    When I hosted the International at Mars in 2002,
    I was warned by the police that since Mars is a “dry town” anyone
    exhibiting drunken behavior in public would be arrested.
    Everyone drank but there were no fisticuffs or citations.
    I provided insulated can coolers (koozies) to hide the beer.

  • John Singh

    August 23, 2004 at 9:01 pm
    quote :

    since Mars is a “dry town”

    but haven’t they just found evidence that there may have been water there?


  • Pedro

    August 28, 2004 at 5:03 pm

    Sorry to all for the late reply! i’ve been working away in London this week and didn’t get back home til late on Friday night and have been sleeping since! (sleep)
    Dewi, You are right in saying Haslingden is near Rawtenstall. :thumbsup:
    Carrie, Thanks for the welcome and I will post some of the work shortly.
    Liam, Yes I am the responsible one for the wonky mats and logos that look right when the camera angle is right, I’ll let you know how it’s done soon. :bigwink:
    Nik,Thanks for the welcome and glad to finally put you out of your misery letting you know who is responsible for the rugby logos. :thumbsup:
    Ady,Thanks for the welcome and I hope you get the answer you are looking for from your Director! :lol1:
    Big G, Thank you as well for the welcome, Nice to see someone using it’s official terminology. :thumbsup:
    John, Soory no cats eyes and yes the lines will be thicker when I get broadband and quiker to put down too! :yikes:
    Jill,Thank you for welcoming me and I hope you get your eyes sorted soon. :rofl:
    Robert, Great site and thanks again for the great welcome. I’ll get round to sharing my ounce of knowledge soon.
    We’ve just got conformation today that we have the contract to do 3D mats at the Turkey games too as well as the Greece games. Trouble is,the game is next Saturday! :yikes:
    This one’s going to be tight. Let you know how I got on when I get back.

  • Shane Drew

    September 4, 2004 at 11:53 am

    Welcome from Oz Pedro.

    It is an amazing job you guys do, that do what you do… if that makes sense….

    Look forward to seing more in the future.


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