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  • Get rich quick!!!! maybe…

    Posted by Marekdlux on April 15, 2005 at 1:22 am

    Hey Gals and Guys,
    I saw this website today. Maybe one of you can set one up in the U.K.? I will only ask for a 10% cut of the profits. 😀 Only in America!

    Nigel Fraser replied 19 years ago 9 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Brian Little

    April 15, 2005 at 6:00 am

    mmm yep preaty sick …wonder how much he got

  • Jayne Marsh

    April 15, 2005 at 11:07 am

    Hey Marek, how did you stumble across that website? hmmmm, its well sick, Are you printing the merchandise? 😮

  • Shane Drew

    April 15, 2005 at 11:27 am

    It is emotional blackmail and they should be charged, given a fair trial, then shot! (:)

    On the news tonight they say they have raised over $20,000.

    It is criminal.

  • Bill Dewison

    April 15, 2005 at 11:45 am

    It was probably setup for a laugh, I doubt the guy is really going to eat his family pet :lol1: But blimey, £20k for threatening to eat your pet rabbit, there’s an easy £5k if you’ve got a budgie! 😮 🙄 😉

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Marekdlux

    April 15, 2005 at 1:22 pm

    Jem, a friend sent me the site. I couldn’t believe it. I checked out all the links, sounds like the guy is getting a ton of hate mail. I would never print anything for something like this. It’s just not ethical. Amazing none the less.

  • Bill Dewison

    April 15, 2005 at 10:41 pm

    I must be one sick puppy, I’ve read the site back to front… been on various news channels expressing disgust and read the hate mail… I still find it funny! 🙄

    Come on though, 2 students threaten to eat a rabbit unless they get $50k and the media kick up a storm, the animal activists send death threats and some poor saps donate $20k! Even if its just for their audacity, you’ve got to laugh at it. I fell about the floor laughing when I read the recipe section of the site, replacing rabbit with Toby, its classic!

    These guys are quite intelligent as well, although it may seem to be a daft prank, they have some very valid points. Many of us think nothing of going down to the shops and buying a side of beef. Would we buy it if it was Daffodil the Cow, slaughtered because you didn’t donate £50k to Farmer Giles before February 3rd? These guys picked a cute animal, checked on the legal aspects then manipulated the media to gain themselves £20k and as much publicity as possible to raise that figure to $50k before the end of June! And no doubt they’ll manage it, so effectively they clear their student loans for causing some controversy and making sick puppies like me laugh so hard that my ears turned blue! 😳

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Shane Drew

    April 15, 2005 at 11:01 pm

    I understand what you say Dewi, but it sets a standard does it not. Where does it stop? Perhaps the next ‘intelligent’ people do the same ‘concept’ with a dog or cat. Perhaps they may threaten to kill a child?

    The fact they are eating a rabbit is not, in my opinion the problem. The problem is they are black mailing those in the community that have strong feeling about these things. Pleanty of people would not eat a pet from my experience.

    My parents are from farming stock. They did eat the cow and sheep that they had named. Not a problem. I know some that are horrifed at the prospect tho.

    Anyone prepared to extort money based on manupulating someones emotions is a criminal and frankly, not very intelligent at all. It is noticed they will not show their face on tv. They don’t have that much courage. Like most criminals, they don’t want people to know their true identity.

    That said, I would not give money to this cause either, as it would only spur them on to do it again. That is the other problem here. Others I am sure will now be scheming to do something similar and then we will not only have to deal with junk email, we will have to deal with ‘junk’ extortions!

    I am off my soap box now.


  • Gordon Forbes

    April 15, 2005 at 11:02 pm

    Yeah same old story some stupid TV programe gives em names and the soppies just love em
    Worst one is rolf harriss and his vet show “Oh the cat needs an operation”

    Ok do it that will be £300 quid please for a £20 cat. .22 lr paracetamol 5p

    get a life.

    One of the best ones I heard was what my father in law replied to a question about buying the cat something for christmas. “When the cat wishes me a merry christmas it will get something.

    might upset some but as I said “get a life”

  • Phill Fenton

    April 15, 2005 at 11:24 pm

    Well I thought it was funny too :lol1:

    Just some kids having a laugh, winding a few people up, and earning some money in the process.

    It got me thinking though, so I’m planning a new website which involves my granny and a horse!! 😉

  • Marekdlux

    April 15, 2005 at 11:28 pm

    I’m having second thoughts about posting that link now. It must be my conscience, didn’t know it was still there.
    Personally I find it funny. I totally understand how others find it disturbing and “sick”. Sorry if anyone is really bothered by it. 😕

  • Peter Normington

    April 15, 2005 at 11:38 pm

    Personally, I would send them a dollar to eat the frikkin rabbit,
    Its lovely meat
    dont feel bad about it mark, if its meat—– eat!!!!!!!!!

  • Bill Dewison

    April 16, 2005 at 12:10 am
    quote dsi:

    I understand what you say Dewi, but it sets a standard does it not. Where does it stop? Perhaps the next ‘intelligent’ people do the same ‘concept’ with a dog or cat. Perhaps they may threaten to kill a child?

    But my point was that the concept is being miscontrued. An intelligent person wouldn’t threaten a child for instance, nor a dog or cat, particularly in America as it illegal there to kill them. It is however perfectly legal to butcher a rabbit as it is considered food. So these chaps have picked the cutest of the food chain and exploited it, but have done so with witt and humour rather than displaying some form of extortion, which has been suggested.

    Its a simple premise. The rabbit will be eaten, cooked in a variety of different ways and butchered in the correct fashion, in accordance with the law. However, if the public are willing to purchase merchandise (incidently promoting the slaughter of poor Toby, thus increasing sales of merchandise) and can reach a total of $50k in a matter of months, the rabbit will be spared and live happily ever after.

    Far from being ethical or not, its highlightly the hypocracy within our society that discriminates between one species and another by its appearance. It is also testing the laws of society and the patience of the media, who lets be honest, will do anything for a controversial story.

    Threatening a child, a family pet that isn’t considered part of the socially acceptable food chain or any other living creature that falls into that catergory would not only be illegal, but would cause the media to highlight the imprisonment of said child/animal and in turn bring the authorities down on the individuals like the proverbial tonne of bricks. It just wouldn’t happen. Anyone can be tracked, whether they hide behind proxy servers or use the local internet cafe, they will be found through the internet, so the risk of a copycat site by someone without the presence of mind or intelligence to distinguish is minimal.

    I don’t know for sure how many of you have gone on to further education, but its a gimme that the majority of ppl went to school. How many pranks did you pull without thinking? The Save Toby prank is well thought out, researched and is being conducted in a manner which not only mocks the system/law but also mocks the mocker. As the saying goes, the mocked man mocks the mocker but the mocked man mocks the mocked! And thats alot of mocking!! :lol1:

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Shane Drew

    April 16, 2005 at 5:23 am
    quote Marekdlux:

    I’m having second thoughts about posting that link now. It must be my conscience, didn’t know it was still there.
    Personally I find it funny. I totally understand how others find it disturbing and “sick”. Sorry if anyone is really bothered by it. 😕

    Marek I have no problem with it either, in a sense. The fact that they want to eat the rabbit does not concern me. I don’t like rabbit meat, but that is not to say you shouldn’t it because I don’t like it.

    I fully accept and understand all the comments here. The point I make tho, is that they are playing on emotions for profit.

    My wife and I are trying to bring up our kids to respect other peoples views and feelings. The point I am trying to make here somewhat unsuccessfully, is that if my kids want to eat their pet, be it Toby the rabbit, or Doris the Pig, I don’t have a problem with that. But if my kids decide that they can profit from someones elses emotions, then that hardly shows respect for anyone else. Either their emotions or their veiws. It shows a lack of morality.

    I am not the Toby police here. I don’t care if they eat Toby or not. As has been pointed out already, various parts of the world eat all sorts of things that others find appalling. I just find it criminal that these idiots can fleece emotionally vulnerable people of their money, when if you were to replace Toby with something that the law finds valueable, (ie a child) the law would then see it as extortion. The end result is the same – people are being fleeced for whatever reason, but because it is a rabbit, they get away with it.

    And of course, who is to say that after raising the $50K that they don’t eat Toby anyway?

    Cheers, and thanks for the debate. End of the day it is interesting to see others views.


  • Nigel Fraser

    April 16, 2005 at 9:04 am

    I’d have to say I’m with Shane on this one – Yes it makes no difference if they eat the little fella or not to me but I know people who would be genuinely upset by reading that and then feeling that by not giving money that they were going to be in some part responsible for the rabbits demise !
    The point is that they are basically bullying people who do care about fluffy animals into giving them free money. I do think they are obviously intelligent individuals but it’s just a shame they can’t put their brains to a better use than this imoral scam.
    thats my view anyway 😉

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