• Posted by Graham.Scanlan on June 25, 2002 at 6:25 pm

    gerber edge 1, plotter and omega software

    its for sale, the bill from spandex was 19,000 for the setup and equipment

    its on the uk market for a shear 6,000

    with around 10 gerber ribbons

    any takers drop me an email and ill put you all in touch

    the machine is in manchester

    Graham.Scanlan replied 22 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Adrian Howard

    June 26, 2002 at 5:19 pm

    thanx Graham
    Spoke to Paul, and I am picking it up in the next couple of days
    owe you a beer


  • Graham.Scanlan

    June 27, 2002 at 6:18 pm

    glad i could help,
    how old was the machine?
    and are spandex helping you out?

  • Adrian Howard

    June 27, 2002 at 6:29 pm

    Machine approx 18 months old the latest of the Edge 1 (mk3)
    gsx super plus plotter same age , omega and graphics advantage software complete with dongles and 20 rolls of foil
    Spandex will come and do an inspection at my place next week (£250 plus vat for first hour and £70 a hour there after) and i will put it on gerber warranty plan once it passes there inspection…..
    Thanx again as i was about to sign my life away for £19k plus vat for a new setup….. the Spandex rep Laurance is gutted!
    Pick it up Tuesday



  • Robert Lambie

    June 27, 2002 at 7:59 pm

    good to see this section really does work guys… and even better its help & saved you some cash adrian… nice one mate!

    this is a link bob gave me for all edge users… it should come in very handy for you adrian..


  • Graham.Scanlan

    June 28, 2002 at 8:36 pm

    just remember that when the spandex foils are gone

    give europoint a try on their foils

    it think its a fair trade 🙂

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